Category Archives: Alexander Technique

There’s No Good Chair

No matter the brand, no matter the style, there is no chair that is good for you. Sitting is bad for you. Period. The more you do of it, the worse it is for you, even if you go run … Continue reading

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The Complete World Of Tai Chi

Robert Rickover tells tai chi teacher Thomas Cook: “I have a colleague who teaches tai chi at a high level. He’s been to China many times and studied with the master there. Many years ago, he wrote an article about … Continue reading

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When Bad Habits Get Misdiagnosed As Syndromes

In an interview with Robert Rickover, Alexander Technique teacher Michael Ostrow says: “I started working with people with bad breathing problems. I’ve been amazed at how people with asthma can have their breathing quiet down quickly and they can get … Continue reading

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But That’s Not The Alexander Technique!

The most infuriating phrase I hear these days is, “But that’s not the Alexander Technique!” I remember hearing it first about 18-months ago from a fellow trainee who told me, “But good use is not the Alexander Technique.” So why … Continue reading

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I Interview Berkeley Alexander Teacher Amira Alvarez

I love Amira’s website – It’s quick and clean and fun. I particularly like the Before and After photos. I talk to Amira for an hour Monday afternoon. Luke: “When you were a child, what did you want to … Continue reading

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