ADL Report: KKK Declining in Stature and Significance

ADL: Only 3,000 Klan Members in Small Groups With No Central Leadership
New York, NY, May 11, 2016 … Despite efforts by Ku Klux Klan groups to gain publicity by exploiting the presidential election and distributing hate literature, the Klan today is a collection of mostly small, disjointed groups with no predominant leadership or stability, according to a new report from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), “Tattered Robes: The State of the Ku Klux Klan.”

“What remains of the Klan is a collection of mostly small and disjointed groups that have difficulty in recruiting members and even maintaining any semblance of long-term stability,” said Oren Segal, Director of ADL’s Center on Extremism. “Klan groups form and dissolve just as quickly, and few longstanding groups still exist. Even those aren’t very healthy.”

ADL’s report identifies current trends among Klan groups and provides examples of recent Klan activity. While many are adept at exploiting the media by staging political endorsements, leafleting, and occasional rallies, most organized Klan groups suffer from a lack of cohesion and paucity of members, key factors in its long-term trend of decline. Other factors in its decline include a perception that Klan groups are old or outdated, as well as the presence of other types of white supremacist groups that compete for membership with Klan groups.

Some quick facts about Klan group membership and recent activity:

There are currently about 30 active Klan groups in the U.S, most of them very small. There are approximately 3,000 Klan group members nationwide, as well as an additional but unknown number of supporters and associates.
Distributing racist fliers has evolved into a key Klan tactic, as it requires few members to accomplish. In 2015, ADL counted 86 separate incidents in which Klan fliers were left on doorsteps or driveways in neighborhoods around the country, an increase from 73 similar incidents in 2014.
There were only three public Klan rallies across the United States in 2015. Klan organized rallies were held in Montgomery, Alabama; Columbia, South Carolina; and the University of Mississippi. Some Klan group members did take part in extremist events staged by other groups.
More than half of the currently active Klan groups were formed only in the last five years, showing how short-lived and unstable today’s KKK groups tend to be.
The report says that some regional Klan groups, such as the North Carolina-based Loyal White Knights, which is the most active Klan group in the U.S. today, have a broad, though shallow, geographical reach. In 2015, the Loyal White Knights, which has between 150 and 200 members, were able to draw attention to themselves in 15 different states in the south and east, primarily through leafleting.

Most Klan groups, however, are significantly smaller. The Kentucky-based Elders Blood-N-Blood Out Knights, for example, consists of just a handful of members.


Many Klan groups today promote a traditional Klan ideology infused with varying degrees of neo-Nazi beliefs or affiliations. For some Klan groups, embracing neo-Nazi tenets has resulted in symbiotic relationships with neo-Nazi groups. Some Klan groups have formed alliances with factions of Aryan Nations and the National Socialist Movement.

“Making explicit or de facto alliances allows more joint events, which can help mask the small numbers that individual white supremacist groups are able to generate,” said Dr. Mark Pitcavage, ADL Senior Research Fellow and one of the authors of the report.

Klan groups have rallied recently around issues such as immigration and alleged “white genocide” and have attended anti-Muslim protests. Klan members and supporters in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and West Virginia have distributed anti-Muslim fliers urging readers to join the Klan and “help fight the spread of Islam.” Other groups use attention-getting antics to attract publicity. One group, the International Keystone Knights, made news for appealing an “Adopt-a-Highway” court ruling in Georgia, a common white supremacist publicity stunt, while the Arkansas-based Knights Party drew attention after sponsoring a racist billboard in their home state.


ADL’s report also details how individuals with present or past connections to Klan groups have recently been convicted of a wide range of violent crimes from murder sprees to assault. Some have attempted and conspired to commit murder, while others have been arrested for illegal possession of a variety of weapons, from brass knuckles to firearms and explosives. However, the declining Klan membership has in the long-term meant reductions in criminal activity as well, a trend that will hopefully continue.

ADL’s Center on Extremism fights extremism, terrorism and all forms of hate in the real world and cyberspace with unmatched capabilities in research, analysis, investigation, and online monitoring. Recognized as the foremost authority on extremism, the Center provides resources, expertise and training which enables law enforcement, public officials, community leaders and internet and technology companies to identify and counter emerging threats.

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ADL: Anti-Semites Spearhead Attack Campaign Against Jewish Journalists

ADL: White suprema­cists and anti-Semites have been bom­bard­ing Jew­ish jour­nal­ists with anti-Semitic tweets, par­tic­u­larly if the jour­nal­ists have been crit­i­cal of pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Don­ald Trump or his fam­ily. Anony­mous tweet­ers whose back­ground is unknown have also joined in the attack. julia ioffe tweet stripes

Jour­nal­ists such as Julia Ioffe, Bethany Man­del, Jonathan Weis­man and Ben Shapiro have all been tar­gets of this cam­paign. Many of the tweets fea­ture Holo­caust imagery. Yel­low Jew­ish stars with the word “Jude” are super­im­posed on the pic­tures of these jour­nal­ists. There are also dis­turb­ing images of con­cen­tra­tion camps and ovens directed at the jour­nal­ists, as well as car­toons depict­ing anti-Semitic stereotypes.

While the actual iden­tity of many of the peo­ple send­ing the offen­sive tweets can’t be deter­mined, at least two well-known neo-Nazis have bla­tantly attacked Jew­ish jour­nal­ists online. In a recent blog post, neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin went after Weis­man, a New York Times reporter, who received an avalanche of anti-Semitic tweets after men­tion­ing the anti-Semitic cam­paign against Ioffe. In an ear­lier blog post, Anglin had also encour­aged his fol­low­ers to troll Ioffe on Twit­ter after she wrote a pro­file of Mela­nia Trump for GQ magazine.jonathan weisman tweet auschwitz

Anglin derided Weis­man for pub­li­ciz­ing the hate­ful tweets directed at him. Anglin alleged that Jew­ish jour­nal­ists like Weis­man and Ioffe had pro­voked the wrath of white suprema­cists. But Anglin went fur­ther, prac­ti­cally declar­ing that there is a war on with Jew­ish jour­nal­ists. He wrote, “You’ve all pro­voked us. You’ve been doing it for decades—and cen­turies even—and we’ve finally had enough. Chal­lenge has been accepted.”

Another neo-Nazi, Andrew Auern­heimer–also known as “Weev”–tweeted at Weis­man, “Get used to it you f—ing kike. You peo­ple will be made to pay for the vio­lence and fraud you’ve com­mit­ted against us.”

Anglin and Auern­heimer are both adept at pro­pa­ganda. Anglin uses his web­site, The Daily Stormer, to attack Jew­ish jour­nal­ists and other Jews and encour­ages his fol­low­ers to troll them online. Anglin him­self was banned from Twit­ter after he ran a pro­pa­ganda cam­paign with fake tweets about the Klan com­ing to the Uni­ver­sity of Mis­souri fol­low­ing some racial inci­dents at the school. Auern­heimer is a well-known hacker who this year sent fly­ers adver­tis­ing The Daily Stormer to dozens of print­ers located at uni­ver­si­ties across the country. ben shapiro tweet jude

Both Anglin and Auern­heimer are known fig­ures who have used social media to attack Jews, but there are legions of anony­mous Twit­ter users who are exploit­ing the Inter­net to carry out these anti-Semitic cam­paigns against Jew­ish jour­nal­ists. While white suprema­cists used to pro­mote their anti-Jewish pro­pa­ganda on extrem­ist forums and ran­dom web­sites, they are now able to main­stream their hate on sites used by mil­lions of peo­ple and eas­ily recruit oth­ers to join in their efforts.

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#IStandWithHateSpeech because Torah does not recognize any such category as racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia.


* In 24 hours the EU bans all hate speech. Does not matter to them if facts and opinions are silenced, therefore ->


* if you can’t rebutt opposing views without calling it hate speech then your argument probably wasn’t strong anyway.


BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union reached an agreement Tuesday with some of the world’s biggest social media firms, including Facebook and Twitter, on ways to combat the spread of hate speech online.

Under the terms of a code of conduct, the firms, which also include YouTube and Microsoft, have committed to “quickly and efficiently” tackle illegal hate speech directed against anyone over issues of race, color, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin. The sites have often been used by terrorist organizations to relay messages and entice hatred against certain individuals or groups.

Among the measures agreed with the EU’s executive arm, the firms have said they will establish internal procedures and staff training to guarantee that a majority of illegal content is assessed and, where necessary, removed within 24 hours. They have also agreed to strengthen their partnerships with civil society organizations who often flag content that promotes incitement to violence and hateful conduct. The European Commission and the firms have also agreed to support civil society organizations to deliver “anti-hate campaigns.”

“The internet is a place for free speech, not hate speech,” said Vera Jourova, the EU commissioner responsible for justice, consumers and gender equality. She added that the code of conduct, which will be regularly reviewed in terms of its scope and its impact, will ensure that public incitement to violence to hatred has “no place online.”

The firms themselves say there’s no conflict between their mission statements to promote the freedom of expression and clamping down on hate speech.

Twitter, which has been at the center of much of the hate speech that’s spread online over the past few years, says it will continue to tackle the issue “head-on” along with partners in industry and civil society.

“We remain committed to letting the Tweets flow,” said Twitter’s European head of public policy Karen White. “However, there is a clear distinction between freedom of expression and conduct that incites violence and hate.”

And Facebook’s head of global policy management Monika Bickert urged the company’s 1.6 million users to use the site’s in-built reporting tools in the event they find content they consider unacceptable.

“Our teams around the world review these reports around the clock and take swift action,” she said.

Great to see that the tech giants are following the directives of the ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Wiesenthal Center Applauds Social Media Giants’ Commitment to Combat Online Hate in Europe

Hate is hate: much more still needs to be done to combat online hate in US, not only Europe

The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Digital Terrorism and Hate Project commends today’s announcement that social media giants, including Facebook, Twitter, Google/YouTube, and Microsoft have committed to the European Union to remove “illegal” hate postings from their services within the next 24 hours.

“We applaud today’s important announcement as a significant step in the long struggle to degrade the leveraging of social media platforms by terrorists, their supporters, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, and other extremists in Europe,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate dean of the Wiesenthal Center who has founded and heads the Human Rights NGO’s Digital Terrorism and Hate Project for the last two decades.

“However, much more needs to be done by these companies to deal with the unfettered access of extremists to their powerful platforms in the US,” he added. “This includes Twitter shutting down vicious hate hashtags. Twitter allows hate hash-tags that use the “n-word” and threaten Jews, Muslims and other minorities,” Cooper also said, adding, “It is vital that these companies take all necessary steps to strengthen their own Terms Of Use, make them transparent and create the mechanism to deal with the burgeoning problem of online hate in our country.”

Rabbi Cooper also expressed concern that the companies were, in effect deploying on double on dealing with hate, “It appears from today’s announcement that hate postings, for example about the “Big Lie” of the blood libel (that Jews use the blood of Christian children for ritual purposes) would be removed in Germany, but remain untouched if posted through a US server.” He added, “Hate is hate and if a Social media company would remove such postings from its online pages in Germany, it should do the same globally.”

For the last two decades, the Wiesenthal Center’s Digital Terrorism and Hate Project has been a trailblazer in exposing, monitoring and combating the abuse of online technologies by extremists of all kinds, in the US and overseas. The Center’s annual interactive report has been reviewed by the US Congress and helps train law enforcement, intelligence, and community activists globally. In 2012 the Center introduced a password-sensitive app for law enforcement that enables instant access to our expert researchers. While cyber hate is on the rise, only close to half of this country’s law enforcement agencies have a social media policy, according to a recent police survey. The Simon Wiesenthal Center regularly meets with the leading social media companies and releases an annual report card reflecting the commitment (or lack thereof) of companies to curb online terror and hate.


Hispanics in black face:













John Rivers: Why do billionaires like Carlos Slim, Mark Zuckerberg & Jeff Bezos use their Media Platforms to destroy their enemies? Because they can.

From my Twitter home page:

* Trump holds 2 pressers in 2 business days.
Sanders takes no Qs at event billed as presser.
Clinton hasn’t held a formal presser in 6 months.

* Clinton keeps asking us to imagine her losing. Ask yourself if Trump would make that mistake.

* Dishonest press viciously targets voters for fueling Trump’s rise, calls for recriminations.

Posted in Censorship, Donald Trump, Europe | Comments Off on #IStandWithHateSpeech

Which Jewish sub-ethnicity is considered the most insufferable? Asking for a friend.

Comments on my FB page:

* Australian converts.

* British Jews probably the nicest.

* Galician – Polish Jews. And after them, Satmar hasids. Then upper west side lesbian feminists. It is a long long list.

Posted in Jews | Comments Off on Which Jewish sub-ethnicity is considered the most insufferable? Asking for a friend.

R. H. S. Stolfi’s Hitler: Beyond Evil & Tyranny

Nobody thinks of Donald Trump as a good man. He might be a hard man capable of doing hard things.

Was Napoleon a “dictatorial blood-thirsty monster desiring French hegemony over Europe or was he the standard bearer for the more enlightened values to come out of the French Revolution (including deghettoizing the Jews)”?

The publisher of this controversial biography of Hitler, Prometheus, also published my first book.

Jewish Book Council:

R. H. S. Stolfi’s premise, that Adolf Hitler did not think of himself as an evil man doing evil deeds, is diametrically opposed to other biographers’ theories of Hitler, the man. Stolfi professes that Hitler was underestimated by his enemies as well as historians and his biographers. Stolfi quotes Ian Kershaw, a recent biographer of Hitler, as saying that “someone with so few intellectual gifts and social attributes ….was no more than an empty vessel outside of his political life….” In Stolfi’s opinion, Hitler was a talented architect, a good artist (not a mediocre one as is often described), and a music aficionado as well as a heroic front-line soldier of World War I. The common bias of Hitler’s previous biographers, according to Stolfi, is that a fear of interpretation leading to comprehension of the man, might also be considered an apology for his actions. All of Hitler’s previous biographers began their studies from a viewpoint of contempt for the man, rather than an openness to learn about him. Stolfi sees Adolf Hitler as a self-proclaimed messiah; a savior of the German people from the degradation resulting from the Treaty of Versailles and the Marxist Jews who were intent on destroying Germany.

I personally found it difficult to read Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny, because I, like the other biographers, have a hard time overlooking the evil deeds of Hitler and concentrating instead upon his supposed genius. Stolfi characterizes Hitler as a rare world historical figure, compared with the likes of Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and Julius Caesar. He clearly presents an alternate view from all the other major biographers of Adolf Hitler, but not a view that I can share.

Kirkus Review:

In the guise of a scholarly screed, former Marine Corps Reserve Stolfi (German Panzers on the Offensive Russian Front, 2003, etc.) makes an incredible—and entirely failed—attempt to rehabilitate the most reviled figure of modern history.

The author strongly objects to the universal “denigration” of Adolf Hitler. Across nearly 500 pages, he decries the “antipathy” against his hero, mistaking amoral charisma for integrity. Hitler, writes the author, was a man of towering achievement, a messiah for the German people, an intense, idealistic mastermind. To Stolfi, the young Wagnerian hero of World War I who boasted a firm handshake and direct eye contact was a sensitive Bohemian artist and opera lover. Against all evidence, the author also proclaims him a wonderful painter and superb architect. Hitler pronounced himself the savior of Europe from the threat of Marxism, and the murder of millions of Jews was simply political necessity. Readers should understand that Stolfi’s book is not a biography but a preposterous hagiography employing selective fact supported by quotes from a few Nazis and a lot from the Führer’s own Mein Kampf. It is also a jealous, sarcastic discourse against the “conventional wisdom” of the “great-biographers” (unlike Stolfi, these include reliable authors such as Toland, Fest, Kershaw, etc.). The book ends before the end of the Third Reich. Ultimately, despite the author’s effort to spin the malign corruption—especially offensive while it is still in living memory—there remains nothing beyond the evil and tyranny that his subtitle promises.

A repellent text, as deranged as its subject.

Wall Street Journal 2012:

Because Adolf Hitler has come to epitomize evil, it takes an “act of stupendous historical imagination” to perceive him as a man, as A.N. Wilson asserts in his provocative biography. From today’s perspective, Hitler’s words and deeds, as far back as “Mein Kampf” (1925-26), seem to lead inevitably to the concentration camps and the murder of millions. We see him, to use Mr. Wilson’s phrase, as a kind of “Demon King” of history.

Instead, Mr. Wilson would like to suggest, Hitler’s racism and fanaticism were of a piece with the culture of his time. Hitler was “an embodiment, albeit an exaggerated embodiment, of the beliefs of the average modern person.” Mr. Wilson in fact goes further than that, suggesting that the rise to power of someone like Hitler was a predictable consequence of a secularizing world. “Hitler was the Enlightenment’s cloven hoof,” Mr. Wilson writes; he exemplified “more than anything else the futility of the ‘modern’ or ‘scientific’ outlook on life.”

Hitler was an early champion of many ideas typical of our own degraded modern age—vegetarianism, the opposition to hunting, the endorsement of abortion and euthanasia, and the rejection of the past, including old-time religion. Are the Nuremberg rallies really so different, Mr. Wilson asks, from “our love of spectacularly large football stadia, pop festivals, and open-air religious celebrations”? The Olympic torch, he reminds us, is a Nazi invention.

But the larger point is that Mr. Wilson’s effort to write a “Hitler, Our Contemporary” polemic puts him at odds with a legion of Hitler biographers and historians whose work he has both absorbed and depreciated….

…Works like Daniel Jonah Goldhagen’s “Hitler’s Willing Executioners” (1996) have argued that Hitler’s ascent resulted from a strain of racism in German culture that shaped him and made him the culmination of a nationalistic and ethnocentric malignancy. Mr. Wilson, by contrast, seems to recognize little unique about the German situation. Hitler, “in his racial discrimination, was simply being normal,” the author suggests. “The United States and the British Empire were both racist through and through.” This is a stupendously undergraduate generalization—even if it contains some measure of truth.

The Bullock-Fest-Kershaw triumvirate seems to favor a Hitler who wanted something less than the whole world. Yet in order for the rest of the world to retain something of its own identity, it would have to concede the superiority of all things German. So it is not surprising that Mr. Wilson, for one, finds it difficult to see how Hitler could have stopped at the Volga.

In the end, the most convincing parts of Mr. Wilson’s unorthodox account may be his provocative insights into an artistic sensibility. Noting how much Hitler depended on his speeches (even “Mein Kampf” was dictated), Mr. Wilson calls him the “most hypnotic artist of post-literacy.” Like today’s radio talk-show “entertainers,” Hitler knew there was something about the spoken word that could galvanize millions. Rather than focus on Hitler’s ideology, the biographer brilliantly singles out his subject’s style of attack: “Henceforth, the German people were seen as an orchestra whom he could conduct, as a great chorus who could sing his compositions.”

Frederic Spotts, in “Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics” (2003), accomplished something similar, placing Hitler’s plans for world conquest in the context of his private ambitions to rename Berlin “Germania” and to re-create a Greco-Roman empire with colossal buildings that would outclass the classical age. This emphasis of Hitler as artist signals, perhaps, yet another shift in the five-decade effort to come to terms with who Hitler was.

Steve Donoghue lists Prof. Stolfi’s biography as one of the worst books of the year. “7. Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny by R. H. S. Stolfi – The author of this nauseating book is quick to point out that his efforts to get at the man behind the long-standing characterization of Hitler as a monster of pure evil are not to be construed in any way as some kind of neo-Nazi support of Hitler … merely a contention that such characterizations do little to help us understand the man. Which is like saying you’re against guns but a big fan of bullets. Tout comprendre rend très-indulgent, as Stolfi knows perfectly well – and as shouldn’t be attempted in those rare cases where the man is a monster. Years ago I said we were only a decade away from a biography of Hitler by a respected writer who made him out to be a somewhat wayward and badly misunderstood European statesman, and while this book isn’t that biography, it lays the groundwork as thoroughly as that groundwork can be laid (right down to the studio-photograph on the cover, perhaps the most nauseating thing about the whole production). Take it from somebody who’s read everything ever written about the man: in Hitler’s case, much to the world’s misfortune, there was nothing beyond evil and tyranny.”


* Prof. Stolfi has written a much needed corrective interpretive
history of Adolf Hitler – a history free of the socially mandated operating
assumption and pre-conceived conclusion of Hitler as fundamentally evil;
that ‘evil’ is the appropriate and only filter with which to interpret all of Hitler’s
actions, values and aspirations. This typical approach inevitable leads to
authorial moralizing complete with an endless string of
condemning adjectives re: Hitler, i.e. psycho, barbaric, evil, crazy, insane,
egomaniacal. This is not only tiresome, but un-enlightening,
un-academic, and useless in reaching meaningful conclusions about Hitler
and his motivations. Hitler winds up as a buffoonish cartoon rather than a complex human
being with sincere motives.

Prof. Stolfi courageously uses a more realistic approach to his subject,
applying a new filter to interpret Hitler and reaching conclusions that immediately
strike the reader as realistic and more accurate than the pre-packaged
condemnations of previous authors. The end result is a broader portrait of a
three-dimensional human, rather than a cartoonish figure.

Prof. Stolfi and Prometheus publishers are owed a great debt of gratitude
for this book: serious social sanctions are typically applied to Hitler biographers
who use any interpretive filter other than ‘Hitler as evil’: sanctions including
boycott, ad hominum attack, accusations of prejudice, pressure to terminate employment,
etc. In taking the risk, they’ve provided the public with the rarist commodity – real
history rather than dogmatic ideology masquerading as history.

* In the normal course of things, it usually doesn’t take that long after the death of a person of significance for passions to cool and objectivity rein when historians begin to sit in judgement. Even in the case of wartime enemies, ordinary Americans have been remarkably quick to jettison the baggage of official propaganda once we’ve achieved victory, and in some cases even embrace the leading figures of our erstwhile enemies. Did Americans ever really_hate_George III? Did we feel_anything_about the Kaiser after WWI? We came to idolize Robert E. Lee after the Civil War and romanticized Emperor Hirohito once we showed him who was boss.

In the case of Hitler however, historians are still- almost 70 years after his death, hobbled by a set of rules, unofficial but as iron-clad as divine writ, about how he should be presented to the masses: to wit- as an ignorant, cowardly, sexually deviant, one-testicled, no-talent artist who gained power by mesmerizing the German people solely on the force of his oratory which, contradictorily enough, was of comical crudity and amounted to nothing more than screaming anti-Jewish slogans. He achieved economic success for Germany by military spending, he took over countries unjustly, he “started” World War II and initiated “The Holocaust.” When the historical facts won’t stand even twisting, then historians must resort to outright fabrication.

Such strictures of thought control are unprecedented in our history. It is, of course, because Hitler chose to confront two international, overlapping groups- Judaism and Communism- who neither forgive nor forget. When those 2 groups emerged from WWII victorious over both Hitler and Western civilization, they were determined that their captive populations should hate their masters’ greatest enemy and his principles as much as they did, and thus instituted a regimen of 24/7/365 propaganda that replaced the Cross with the gas chamber, that replaced original sin with our White skin, that replaced Christianity with the Holocaust and that replaced the devil with Hitler. Dissidents from the official line are personally and professionally destroyed, by the powerful forces that regulate thought in this country.

The author of this incredible book, who is either brave or reckless or, perhaps, judging himself immune from retribution because of his advanced age and retired status, has written the first objective evaluation of Hitler and first professional critique of the historiography of Hitler’s biographers. The biographers he exposes as court historians, who tell demonstrable lies as they dismiss Hitler as insignificant in 900 page tomes. Stolfi correctly regarded such simultaneous diminution and obsession as contradictory and so undertook this objective examination of Hitler. What he reveals is that, regardless of how one “feels” about Hitler, he was a personally exceptional man whose political accomplishments would objectively rank him as a World-Historical figure as great as, if not greater, than men such as Caesar or Napoleon.

Stolfi is no Nazi apologist. He acknowledges Hitler’s actions against the Jews and offers some perspicacious criticism of Hitler’s war conduct. But he honestly weighs him in the historical scales and quite correctly judges him as the very opposite of the insignificant figure his biographers claim him to be. If you want propaganda, look elsewhere. Read this book if you want to know the truth about Hitler.

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