Women’s Masochism

From Heartiste: In a study of paraphilia (obsession with unusual sexual practices), a curious sex difference poked out of the findings. See if you can spot it.


That’s right, men are over-represented in every sexual perversion except one: masochism. Women are the eager beavers of sexual masojism. It is to LOL.

Any regular Chateau guest would not be surprised by the discovery that women are more sexually masochistic than men. Women are attracted to dominant men, and one way male dominance is exerted is in the bedroom. Women therefore enjoy the masochistic pleasure of submitting to a dominant, takes-what-he-wants man, or will purposely assume a masochistic sex play role to fulfill their need for submission to a dominant, takes-what-he-wants man if such a man isn’t satisfyingly forthcoming with his dominance prowess.

Also, the fact that men excel at all sorts of sexual fetishes is indicative of their inherent “cheap sperm” reproductive status. Men are constantly on the lookout for mating opportunities, and expanding the field of sexual outlets beyond normie sex with an alt-right tradwife widens (heh) men’s scope of intercourse possibility. It is therefore hypothesized by your free-thinking host that very LSMV men will be found at the margins of sexual proclivity, hoping to snag some kind of scrotal relief that they are hard-pressed to achieve the normal way.

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On the Reality of Race

Essay: Most people believe that race exists. They believe that Denzel Washington is an African American, that George Clooney is a Caucasian, and that George Takei is an Asian.* Many intellectuals, however, contend that this belief results from an illusion as dangerous as it is compelling. “Just as the sun appears to orbit the earth”, so too do humans appear to belong to distinct and easily identifiable groups. But, underneath this appearance, the reality of human genetic variation is complicated and inconsistent with standard, socially constructed racial categories. This is often touted as cause for celebration. All humans are really African under the skin; and human diversity, however salient it may appear, is actually remarkably superficial. Therefore racism is based on a misperception of reality and is as untrue as it is deplorable.

With appropriate qualifications, however, we will argue that most people are correct: race exists. And although genetic analyses have shown that human variation is complicated, standard racial categories are not arbitrary social constructions. Rather, they correspond to real genetic differences among human populations. Furthermore, we believe that scientists can and should study this variation without fear of censure or obloquy. Racism isn’t wrong because there aren’t races; it is wrong because it violates basic human decency and modern moral ideals. In fact, pinning a message of tolerance to the claim that all humans are essentially the same underneath the skin is dangerous. It suggests that if there were real differences, racism would be justified. This is bad science and worse morality. Promoting a tolerant, cosmopolitan society doesn’t require denying basic facts about the world. It requires putting in the hard work and effort to support the legal equality and moral dignity of all humans.

Race exists, but variation is complicated

Scholars who have assailed the concept of race have forwarded three general arguments against it. Although the arguments are worth consideration, they do not ultimately show that race is a useless or fictional concept. The first two objections are aimed at a straw man, and the last, we will contend, is entirely wrong.

(Objection 1): Human variation is clinal or gradual, not discrete. Skin pigmentation, for example, does not come in four, five, or seven distinct colors, but varies gradually from very dark near the equator to very light in Northern Eurasia.

This charge against the validity of race is undoubtedly correct: a lot of human variation is gradual, not discrete. However, we are not familiar with any prominent proponent of the usefulness of race who would disagree with this contention (assuming they actually understand the evidence). The famous German intellectual and early theoretician of human variation, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1775), who is often accused of clumsily categorizing humans into discrete racial groups, contended that, “no variety [of human] exists …so singular as not to be connected to others of the same kind by such an imperceptible transition, that it is very clear they are all related, or only differ from each other in degree.”

For a period of time, polygenism, or the belief that the races arose from separate creations, was popular, but it was widely discredited by genetic and archaeological evidence clearly demonstrating that modern humans originated in Africa (a view promoted by Darwin, who also happened to believe that human races existed). Today, most researchers would agree with Blumenbach, including, for example, Nicholas Wade, who recently wrote a book about race that provoked a furious backlash. In that book, Wade asserted that “because there is no clear dividing line, there are no distinct races — that is the nature of variation within a species. Nonetheless, useful distinctions can be made” (p. 92). This is the key point: although the argument that human variation is continuous rather than discrete is correct, it does not vitiate a sophisticated understanding of race. It only refutes a platonic conception that few contemporary scholars take seriously.

(Objection 2): Human genetic variation is much greater within human populations than among human populations; therefore, variation that exists between groups is of little scientific interest.

This claim is true in a circumscribed sense, but is largely irrelevant to the question of whether population group differences are biologically meaningful. As pointed out by Jeffry B. Mitton and A.W.F. Edwards, the original finding that genetic diversity among human races is insubstantial compared to genetic diversity within races was based on a peculiar way of measuring genetic variation. Roughly speaking, the original claim about genetic diversity was based on analyses at single genetic loci (spots on the chromosome where genes are located) and not on analyses that considered the correlated structure of multiple genetic loci (many locations). Failure to consider multiple loci assures that broad, distinct patterns of allele (gene) frequencies get lost in the noise of diversity at single loci. This sounds painfully abstruse, but the basic point is this: patterns that are nearly invisible for individual genes become visible if one examines multiple genes at the same time (i.e., looks at gene 1 + gene 2 + gene 3 + gene 4…et cetera).

Consider a simple but illustrative example.a Imagine that a friend is describing an animal one adjective at a time (e.g., “big,” “furry” et cetera). You are trying to guess the animal. At first, it is difficult to guess because there are many “big” animals, and there are many “big” and “furry” animals. But as her description continues, it gets much easier to guess correctly because each adjective adds to the prior adjectives. The information that allows you to guess correctly does not reside in any one adjective but in the list of adjectives strung together (“big,” “furry,” “antlers,” “white tail,” “ hooves,” “spritely,” “brown,” et cetera). The same holds for population groups. Each genetic locus, like each adjective, is relatively uninformative; but a string of 200 or 300 loci is very informative.

Empirical studies bear this logic out. Read on.

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The Jewish crook who was HITLER’S top smuggler for stolen loot: Criminal made millions by serving the monster who slaughtered millions of his countrymen… before his mysterious death

Daily Mail: A Jewish man who was ‘essential for the Nazi war effort’ has been revealed as the most prolific smuggler in wartime Europe.
Michel Szkolnikoff smuggled looted art and jewellery from France, making a fortune for himself and the Nazis.
Szkolnikoff escaped the genocide and amassed a fortune worth six billion French francs in 1945 – 491million euros (£377million) in today’s money – and died mysteriously at the end of the war, with some conspiracy theorists believing he fled to South America.
French journalist and historian Pierre Abramovici has written a book about Szolnikoff, which explains how he managed to avoid the fate suffered by millions of other Jews and set himself up in a life of luxury.

Abramovici said: ‘The Nazis needed specialists, Jews or not. Szkolnikoff’s situation was complex. He was considered a Jew by the French and Aryan by the Nazis.
‘He was arrested twice by the (Vichy) French and released each time by the Nazis.’
The US Embassy in Madrid pointed to Szkolnikoff as a major smuggler of works of art.
A confidential report from August 1944 said Szkolnikoff also smuggled jewellery, gold and gems from France ‘on behalf of the Gestapo’.
Szolnikoff was born in 1895 in Tsarist Russia but fled after the revolution and became a German citizen, before moving on to France in the 1930s.
He changed his first name to Michel, to disguise his Jewish origins, and began trading in textiles, which he sold to Paris department stores.

But he was still struggling to make a living when war broke out but was soon to make his fortune producing military uniforms for the German Army, the Navy and even the SS.
Abramovici said: ‘He was a poor man before the war but then he met his mistress, a German woman named Hélène Samson. She introduced him to the members of the KriegsMarine (German Navy) and then the SS.
‘This man was a textile merchant without any religious, political or moral ideals. He just wanted to make money and in three years he became the richest man in France.’

Abramovici said: ‘Eventually he owned the main part of the luxury hotels of France and Monaco and dozens of expensive buildings in the centre of Paris around the Champs Elysées, a castle and other properties.’
He said Szolnikoff became ‘essential for the Nazi war effort’.
Abramovici’s book, Szkolnikoff: Hitler’s Jewish Smuggler, tells how Szolnikoff’s origins as a Karaite Jew enabled him to avoid being defined as Jewish and therefore avoid the concentration camps.
The author said: ‘Members of a little Baltic Jewish community named Karaites were considered as non-Jewish and pure Aryan, first by the Italians then by the Nazis in 1938.’
Abramovici said: ‘Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels declared ‘I decide who is Jewish or not’.’
France was looted economically by the Nazis, especially Hermann Göring, who used Szolnikoff as an intermediary.
Szkolnikoff based his business empire in Monaco and invested most of his profits into property, especially hotels.
After Hitler’s death and the German surrender in May 1945, prominent Nazis fled for their lives and those who had collaborated in France were hunted down.

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Living in Prosperity

* Prosperous people tend to be prosperous in many parts of their lives while poor people tend to be poor in almost everything.

* I had an ex-GF who said just before my 40th birthday: “What do you get for the man who has nothing?”

* God don’t row.

* It’s easy for me to get addicted to feeling miserable and helpless.

* What are earning actions I can take today? Post on twitter?

* What would it feel like if I were as willing to step up and to be a leader as I am willing to step back, without any ego?

* What would it feel like if I were open to all the blessings God sends me every minute?

* What would it feel like I were enough in all parts of my life?

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Sonia Sotomayor Cites Ta-Nehisi Coates in a Supreme Court Dissent

John Reid writes:

Race is everything for the “wise Latina.”

The media have widely praised Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent in Utah v. Strieff. Even though she is derided as one of the worst writers on the bench, even by her ideological comrades, headlines describe the dissent as “stinging” (New York Daily News), “ringing” (Atlantic), “fierce” (Washington Post), “fiery” (CNN), “epic” (Nation), “blistering” (NPR), “biting” (Christian Science Monitor), and “scathing” (NBC).

In particular, they praise the dissent for bravely taking on racial injustice in America. Slate called it an “atomic bomb of a dissent slamming racial profiling and mass imprisonment.” Mother Jones lauded the “court’s only Latina justice” for putting “her life experience to practice” and “excoriating her colleagues for misunderstanding the police harassment to which people of color are regularly subjected.” The Atlantic wrote that “few institutions in American life have grappled with race and racism like the U.S. Supreme Court, for better or worse, but rarely does it speak about it with this level of detail.” It went on to suggest that the dissent may be a “veiled nod to the Black Lives Matter movement.”

The nod is barely veiled. Justice Sotomayor repeatedly cited the Justice Department’s Ferguson report, which had nothing to do with the case, and made a strained, but obvious, allusion to the Eric Garner case by calling the “countless people who are routinely targeted by police. . . . canaries in the coal mine whose deaths, civil and literal, warn us that no one can breathe in this atmosphere.” [emphasis added]

There’s just one problem. Utah v. Strieff has nothing to do with police brutality, racial profiling, mass incarceration, or any of the pet causes of Black Lives Matter or the even broader “criminal justice reform” movement.

The case is rather mundane. Salt Lake City narcotics officer Douglas Fackrell saw Edward Strieff leave a suspected meth den. He briefly detained Mr. Strieff and learned that there was an outstanding warrant for his arrest. He searched him and found meth and drug paraphernalia on him. The prosecutors conceded that merely leaving a suspected drug dealer’s house was not sufficient cause to detain Mr. Strieff, and evidence of a crime found after a stop without sufficient cause is usually inadmissible at trial. In this case, the Supreme Court ruled the evidence admissible because the officer did not commit flagrant misconduct and there was already a warrant out for Mr. Strieff. The Court’s GOP-appointed justices, along with typically liberal Justice Breyer, concurred with Justice Thomas’s majority opinion.

Reasonable minds can disagree about whether the Court struck the right balance in this case, but it is one of dozens of decisions that clarify and limit the “exclusionary rule,” which makes some evidence obtained in violation of the 4th Amendment’s “search and seizure” provision inadmissible. Both Officer Fackrell and Mr. Strieff are white, so there was no question of “racism” or racial profiling.

This did not stop Justice Sotomayor from using her dissent to complain about alleged racial disparities in police work, while citing the most fashionable polemics about racism.

This case involves a suspicionless stop, one in which the officer initiated this chain of events without justification. As the Justice Department notes, [Ferguson Report], many innocent people are subjected to the humiliations of these unconstitutional searches. The white defendant in this case shows that anyone’s dignity can be violated in this manner. See M. Gottschalk, Caught 119–138 (2015). But it is no secret that people of color are disproportionate victims of this type of scrutiny. See M. Alexander, The New Jim Crow 95–136 (2010). For generations, black and brown parents have given their children “the talk”– instructing them never to run down the street; always keep your hands where they can be seen; do not even think of talking back to a stranger–all out of fear of how an officer with a gun will react to them. See, e.g., W. E. B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk (1903); J. Baldwin, The Fire Next Time (1963); T. Coates, Between the World and Me (2015).

By legitimizing the conduct that produces this double consciousness, this case tells everyone, white and black, guilty and innocent, that an officer can verify your legal status at any time.

Justice Sotomayor’s tangent is remarkable for its imprecise language (what does “double consciousness” mean?), lack of relevance to the case, false claims, radical sources, and citations that do not support her assertions.

After acknowledging that the defendant is white, Justice Sotomayor nonetheless finds it necessary to lecture us on the supposedly discriminatory nature of police searches. However, in Whren v. United States, the Supreme Court unanimously held that “intentionally discriminatory application of laws” including “selective enforcement of the law based on considerations such as race” has no role in a Fourth Amendment analysis. (The Court noted that the question of race could be raised as an equal protection violation, but Utah v. Strieff is not about equal protection.) Furthermore, the fact that blacks are reportedly afraid that police will shoot them has nothing to do with the peaceable detention and arrest of a white man.

Justice Sotomayor’s claim that that “it is no secret” that “people of color” are disproportionately “humiliated” and have their dignity “violated” by unconstitutional searches is based on a very dubious source. She cites a chapter in Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow on “The Color of Justice.” Most of the chapter attacks the media and the general public’s supposed stereotyping and biases, and the allegedly discriminatory sentencing in the War on Drugs, but it says virtually nothing about actual racial profiling or police conduct. Professor Alexander briefly argues that there is racial profiling in the drug war, and cites studies that claim blacks and whites use drugs at similar rates but blacks are much more likely to be arrested for drugs.

Claims about drug-use rates are based on self-reporting. As Ed Rubenstein notes in “Color of Crime,” studies show that blacks lie on self-reporting surveys at much greater rates than whites, and racial disparities in hospital drug admissions match disparities in drug arrests. Richard Banks of Stanford notes further that drug-use surveys exclude prisoners and bums, who are more likely than other people to use drugs. If blacks in these populations are more likely than whites not to be included in surveys it would undercount drug use by blacks.

Even if the police were targeting blacks, as left-wing black Yale Law professor James Foreman Jr. notes, there is more public drug dealing and violence in black areas, which attracts the attention of the police. Furthermore, open-air crack markets create far more social problems than Professor Alexander’s proverbial “white frat boy who regularly smokes pot in his dorm room,” who she believes escapes arrest only because of his “race and relative privilege.”

Justice Sotomayor may be right to say that blacks and Hispanics give their children “the talk” out of fear of shootings, but there is no evidence that the police are more likely to shoot them than whites. Adjusted for violent crime rates, police are 1.7 times more likely to shoot whites than blacks. Anecdotally, police have been hesitant to shoot black criminals for fear of becoming the next Darren Wilson. A police detective who was beaten with his own gun by a black felon told reporters from his hospital bed that “a lot of officers are being too cautious because of what’s going on in the media” and that he “hesitated because I didn’t want to be in the media like I am right now.”

Justice Sotomayor cites James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time, W.E.B. Du Bois’ The Souls of Black Folks, and Ta Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me to support her claims about “the talk.” However unlike most Court-decision references to books, Justice Sotomayor’s citations do not include page numbers. I searched all three for “the talk” and none mentioned it. Baldwin claims that a police officer once told him, “why don’t you niggers stay uptown where you belong” and adds that “police would whip you and take you in as long as they could get away with it,” but never writes about police shootings or white officers pulling guns on blacks. The Souls of Black Folk includes one aside about a black boy “whom it was said a policeman had shot and killed.” However, the context was not of parents agonizing over what could happen to their children, but to introduce a “big red-eyed black” who told Du Bois, “Let a white man touch me, and he dies.”

Mr. Coates’ book does not use the phrase “the talk” either, but it is written as a message to his son (though in reality, to guilty whites) about the perils of growing up in a country in which police officers, like everyone else, are “racists.”

Sloppy sourcing would not typically pass muster at a secondary law journal at a third-tier law school. I am tempted to blame Sotomayor’s clerks (three out of four are non-white, none is a white man), but I suspect the reason for these citations was not to footnote her assertions, but to give a “shout out” to the Black Lives Matters canon, while trying to elevate Mr. Coates’ unreadable memoir to the level of black racial grievance classics like The Souls of Black Folks and The Fire Next Time.

The press loved these citations. Vox ran a headline: “You need to read Sonia Sotomayor’s devastating, Ta-Nehisi Coates-citing Supreme Court dissent.” The Atlantic said the citations “double as a canon for modern critiques of mass incarceration.” Time lauded her for citing “seminal works on systemic racism by W. E. B. Du Bois, James Baldwin and Coates.”

Supreme Court opinions are not meant to be reading guides for a class in critical race studies. Indeed, while typical white liberal judges may stretch the law to reach their preferred racial result, they at least maintain the pretense of trying to apply the law to the facts in the case. The wise Latina’s irrelevant, unsourced, and factually deficient tirade is a new low for the politically active judiciary. A Supreme Court justice who could be on the bench for another 20 years has shown that she has fully absorbed the current anti-white worldview and is determined to work it into cases that do not even have anything to do with race.

Much like her “countless people who are routinely targeted by police,” Justice Sotomayor’s dissent is a canary in the coalmine that foreshadows the non-white-dominated left-wing justice system that is inevitable if our country continues to become increasingly non-white.

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