Blacks vs Jews, Elites vs Grassroots in the Joe Biden Story (7-9-24)

01:00 Jews vs blacks on whether or not Joe Biden should step down
03:20 Media pretend to be shocked by Joe Biden’s cognitive decline
06:00 Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes,
17:20 John Ellis says Joe Biden should step down,
18:00 Megan Kelly interviews John Ellis (former head of the Fox News Decision Desk),
24:45 Hunter Biden is now Joe Biden’s gatekeeper,
28:40 In his 1988 publication A Secure Base, Bowlby wrote that “life is best organized as a series of daring ventures from a secure base.”
36:00 Jill Biden apparently has her own ‘Hail to the Chief’-style entrance theme, courtesy of the Marine Corps band,
46:20 Elliott Blatt joins to discuss Access Hollywood tape vs Joe Biden’s debate disaster,
50:00 Politico: Evangelicals Hate Stormy Daniels But Love Trump. Here’s Why.,
1:02:00 How the Hawk Tuah girl was embraced by the right,
1:06:00 Are Sydney Sweeney’s breasts double-D harbingers of the death of woke?,
1:19:45 Why the media covered for Biden,
1:27:00 Why Kamala Harris should never be president
1:29:50 Dennis Prager: Why the Democrats Need To Get Rid of Biden
1:32:10 What’s Really Behind the Corporate Media Focusing on Biden Instead of Trump?
1:38:00 Failin’ Joe Biden
1:41:30 Every single Democrat I’ve talked to off the record has said Biden should step away: Jake Sherman,

Posted in Joe Biden, Journalism | Comments Off on Blacks vs Jews, Elites vs Grassroots in the Joe Biden Story (7-9-24)

Why do Democrats Lack the Courage Of Their Convictions About Biden’s Decline? (7-8-24)

01:00 Biden WEEK FROM HELL: Dems Plot REVOLT,
04:00 Democrats care more about their jobs than telling the truth,
17:20 Joe Biden’s losing the media
34:20 Is Biden’s team deceiving the American public about his competence,
38:10 A Biden – Trump Update | Mark Halperin,
41:00 Gail Collins talks to Bret Stephens about the 2024 election,
44:00 Ross Douthat: So, You Think the Republican Party No Longer Represents the People,
50:00 NYT: Biden’s Strategy to Make the Race About Trump Is Suddenly in Doubt,
52:20 Biden’s press secretary KJP has to deal with a pissed off press corp
55:20 The candidate that gets the softer press treatment wins
1:04:50 Joe Biden is the first president who’s had a face lift
1:08:00 Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes,
1:11:30 Biden Runs to Morning Joe to Try to Clean Up Democratic Crisis, with Stu Burguiere and Dave Marcus,
1:16:00 Joe Scarborough licked Donald Trump’s shoes at one point
1:21:20 Elliott Blatt calls in to talk Biden, macro-biotics

Posted in Joe Biden, Journalism | Comments Off on Why do Democrats Lack the Courage Of Their Convictions About Biden’s Decline? (7-8-24)

Decoding The Media Conspiracy To Protect Joe Biden The Past Four Years (7-7-24)

01:00 The Joe Biden Decline Story Is Taking On Watergate Dimensions,
03:00 Conservatives saw Joe Biden’s decline before liberals did,
07:00 Few People Can Handle Unlimited Amounts Of Humiliation,
10:00 Joe Biden Must Go Because The Desperate Nature Of The Situation Should Prevail Over Precedent (7-2-24)
25:00 Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes,
1:04:00 Prior To The Recent Supreme Court Ruling On Presidential Immunity, The Presidency Already Had All The Foreign Policy Power Of King George III,
1:21:00 WP’s Dan Balz embodies the conventional wisdom,
1:29:45 Many policy issues may be bypassing the president,
1:44:00 Epistemological populism,
1:58:30 Brit Hume sends warning about Biden’s ‘alarming’ mental capacity
2:03:30 Brit Hume: Biden’s gaffes show he’s having memory lapses
2:52:40 How the media turned on Biden,
3:03:00 The “Weak” Media Refused to Admit the Truth About Biden’s Cognitive Abilities, w/ Steve Krakauer,
3:06:00 Dem Oligarchs Forcing Biden Out of Presidential Race,
3:48:20 Peggy Noonan: Biden Can’t Spin His Way Out of This,

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The Joe Biden Decline Story Is Taking On Watergate Dimensions

It has left the realm of the temporal and been elevated to the sacred.

The story is no longer being covered as battles between self-interested partisans but rather it is now about the pursuit of holy truth.

When a story is increasingly covered in moral terms, it becomes a holy crusade. Liberal columnist Jonathan Chait writes for New York magazine July 7:

The problems are ethical, not just political.

…Biden has not broken any laws, but he has violated two important norms. First, he brought his son Hunter in to serve as an adviser in White House meetings. “Longtime aides to the president,” reports Politico, “are now raising concerns about Hunter Biden’s new presence alongside the president in meetings.” Or, as NBC News puts it less delicately, “Another person familiar with the matter said the reaction from some senior White House staff members has been, ‘What the hell is happening?’”

The second and worse violation is that Biden is reportedly ignoring the need to examine his cognitive health. “Since winning the White House, Biden has continued to dismiss the need for a cognitive exam, and aides have said he has never taken one as president — not in three annual physical exams, and not in the week since a halting debate performance raised more urgent questions about the now-81-year-old’s mental acuity,” reports the Washington Post.

Facts don’t speak for themselves. They need context. The context for this Joe Biden story has changed from the temporal to the eternal. This story is no longer a partisan one. It is an American one. The health of the Republic seems at risk from the infection of lies emanating from the White House. All sides of the American political spectrum are demanding that Joe Biden step down because he has broken his contract with America. He’s exhibited bad faith.

Cornell Law School notes: “Bad faith refers to dishonesty or fraud in a transaction. Depending on the exact setting, bad faith may mean a dishonest belief or purpose, untrustworthy performance of duties, neglect of fair dealing standards, or a fraudulent intent. It is often related to a breach of the obligation inherent in all contracts to deal with the other parties in good faith and with fair dealing.”

Anyone who comes forward now with information showing that Biden is unfit for office will be treated as a patriot rather than as a self-interested political player.

Professor Jeffrey Alexander writes in his 2003 book, The Meanings of Social Life: A Cultural Sociology:

* In June 1972, employees of the Republican party made an illegal entry and burglary into the Democratic party headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in Washington, D.C. Republicans described the break-in as a “third-rate burglary,” neither politically motivated nor morally relevant. Democrats said it was a major act of political espionage, a symbol, moreover, of a demagogic and amoral Republican president, Richard Nixon, and his staff. Americans were not persuaded by the more extreme reaction. The incident received relatively little attention, generating no real sense of outrage at the time. There were no cries of outrage. There was, in the main, deference to the president, respect for his authority, and belief that his explanation of this event was correct, despite what in retrospect seemed like strong evidence to the contrary. With important exceptions, the mass news media decided after a short time to play down the story, not because they were coercively prevented from doing otherwise but because they genuinely felt it to be a relatively unimportant event. Watergate remained, in other words, part of the profane world in Durkheim’s sense. Even after the national election in November of that year, after Democrats had been pushing the issue for four months, 80 percent of the American people found it hard to believe that there was a “Watergate crisis”; 75 percent felt that what had occurred was just plain politics; 84 percent felt that what they had heard about it did not influence their vote. Two years later, the same incident, still called “Watergate,” had initiated the most serious peacetime political crisis in American history. It had become a riveting moral symbol, one that initiated a long passage through sacred time and space and wrenching conflict between pure and impure sacred forms. It was responsible for the first voluntary resignation of a president.

How and why did this perception of Watergate change? To understand this one must see first what this extraordinary contrast in these two public perceptions indicates, namely that the actual event, “Watergate,” was in itself relatively inconsequential. It was a mere collection of facts, and, contrary to the positive persuasion, facts do not speak. Certainly, new “facts” seem to have emerged in the course of the two-year crisis, but it is quite extraordinary how many of these “revelations” actually were already leaked and published in the preelection period. Watergate could not, as the French might say, tell itself. It had to be told by society; it was, to use Durkheim’s famous phrase, a social fact. It was the context of Watergate that had changed, not so much the raw empirical data themselves…

Political life occurs most of the time in the relatively mundane level of goals, power, and interest. Above this, as it were, at a higher level of generality, are norms—the conventions, customs, and laws that regulate this political process and struggle. At still a higher point there are values: those very general and elemental aspects of the culture that inform the codes that regulate political authority and the norms within which specific interests are resolved. If politics operates routinely, the conscious attention of political participants is on goals and interests. It is a relatively specific attention. Routine, “profane” politics means, in fact, that these interests are not seen as violating more general values and norms. Nonroutine politics begins when tension between these levels is felt, either because of a shift in the nature of political activity or a shift in the general, more sacred commitments that are held to regulate them. In this situation, a tension between goals and higher levels develops. Public attention shifts from political goals to more general concerns, to the norms and values that are now perceived as in danger. In this instance we can say there has been the generalization of public consciousness that I referred to earlier as the central point of the ritual process.

…What must happen for an entire society to experience fundamental crisis and ritual renewal? First, there has to be sufficient social consensus so that an event will be considered polluting (Douglas, 1966), or deviant, by more than a mere fragment of the population. Only with sufficient consensus, in other words, can “society” itself be aroused and indignant. Second, there has to be the perception by significant groups who participate in this consensus that the event is not only deviant but threatens to pollute the “center” (Shils, 1975: 3–16) of society.

…there has to be effective processes of symbolic interpretation, that is, ritual and purification processes that continue the labeling process and enforce the strength of the symbolic, sacred center of society at the expense of a center that is increasingly seen as merely structural, profane, and impure. In so doing, such processes demonstrate conclusively that deviant or “transgressive” qualities are the sources of this threat…

…* The televised hearings, in the end, constituted a liminal experience (Turner, 1969), one radically separated from the profane issues and mundane grounds of everyday life. A ritual communitas was created for Americans to share, and within this reconstructed community none of the polarizing issues that had generated the Watergate crisis, or the historical justifications that had motivated it, could be raised. Instead, the hearings revivified the civic culture on which democratic conceptions of “office” have depended throughout American history. To understand how a liminal world could be created it is necessary to see it as a phenomenological world in the sense that Schutz has described. The hearings succeeded in becoming a world “unto itself.” It was sui generis, a world without history. Its characters did not have rememberable pasts. It was in a very real sense “out of time.” The framing devices of the television medium contributed to the deracination that produced this phenomenological status. The in-camera editing and the repetition, juxtaposition, simplification, and other techniques that allowed the story to appear mythical were invisible. Add to this “bracketed experience” the hushed voices of the announcers, the pomp and ceremony of the “event,” and we have the recipe for constructing, within the medium of television, a sacred time and sacred space.

* Through television, tens of millions of Americans participated symbolically and emotionally in the deliberations of the committee. Viewing became morally obligatory for wide segments of the population. Old routines were broken, new ones formed. What these viewers saw was a highly simplified drama—heroes and villains formed in due course. But this drama created a deeply serious symbolic occasion.

* …ringing and unabashed affirmation of the universalistic myths that are the backbone of the American civic culture. Through their questions, statements, references, gestures, and metaphors, the senators maintained that every American, high or low, rich or poor, acts virtuously in terms of the pure universalism of civil society. Nobody is selfish or inhumane. No American is concerned with money or power at the expense of fair play. No team loyalty is so strong that it violates common good or makes criticism toward authority unnecessary.

Truth and justice are the basis of American political society. Every citizen is rational and will act in accordance with justice if he is allowed to know the truth. Law is the perfect embodiment of justice, and office consists of the application of just law to power and force. Because power corrupts, office must enforce impersonal obligations in the name of the people’s justice and reason.

* Narrative myths that embodied these themes were often invoked. Sometimes these were timeless fables, sometimes they were stories about the origins of English common law, often they were the narratives about the exemplary behavior of America’s most sacred presidents. John Dean, for example, the most compelling anti-Nixon witness, strikingly embodied the American detective myth (Smith, 1970). This figure of authority is derived from the Puritan tradition and in countless different stories is portrayed as ruthlessly pursuing truth and injustice without emotion or vanity. Other narratives developed in a more contingent way. For Administration witnesses who confessed, the committee’s “priests” granted forgiveness in accord with well-established ritual forms, and their conversions to the cause of righteousness constituted fables for the remainder of the proceedings.

* In terms of more direct and explicit conflict, the senators’ questions centered on three principle themes, each fundamental to the moral anchoring of a civic democratic society. First, they emphasized the absolute priority of office obligations over personal ones: “This is a nation of laws not men” was a constant refrain. Second, they emphasized the embeddedness of such office obligations in a higher, transcendent authority: “The laws of men” must give way to the “laws of God.” Or as Sam Ervin, the committee chairman, put it to Maurice Stans, the ill-fated treasurer of Nixon’s Committee to Re-Elect the President (CRETP), “Which is more important, not violating laws or not violating ethics?” Finally, the senators insisted that this transcendental anchoring of interest conflict allowed America to be truly solidaristic—in Hegel’s terms, a true “concrete universal.” As Senator Wiecker famously put it: “Republicans do not cover up, Republicans do not go ahead and threaten… and God knows Republicans don’t view their fellow Americans as enemies to be harassed [but as] human being[s] to be loved and won.”

In normal times many of these statements would have been greeted with derision, with hoots and cynicism. In fact, many of them were lies in terms of the specific empirical reality of everyday political life and especially in terms of the political reality of the 1960s. Yet they were not laughed at or hooted down.

* The reason was because this was not everyday life. This had become a ritualized and liminal event, a period of intense generalization that had powerful claims to truth. It was a sacred time, and the hearing chambers had become a sacred place.

The committee was evoking luminescent values, not trying to describe empirical fact. On this mythical level, the statements could be seen and understood as true—as, indeed, embodying the normative aspirations of the American people. They were so seen and understood by significant portions of the population.

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Few People Can Handle Unlimited Amounts Of Humiliation

Every day that Joe Biden stays in office, he seems to increase his humiliation.

We all depend upon others to support our narratives.

I’m a convert to Orthodox Judaism. If no Orthodox Jew supported my transition, I couldn’t sustain my story that I am a Jew.

If I only received humiliation for my online posting, I would quit. I think I am doing something important, but I depend on getting some support for my narrative. The stronger the person, the less support he needs. I have the strength to do livestreams where everybody in the chat disagrees with me (for example, I don’t believe voter fraud determined the 2020 presidential election and I believe the elites did better than expected with regard to containing covid), but this strength is not unlimited.

As I have gotten older, I’ve become less needy. I’ve shifted from external motivation to internal motivation. If I write something, then switch to a browser and read it back to myself, and I like it, I feel good, but I know there’s a level of public humiliation for the post that would likely change my mind.

Over the course of my blogging, positive feedback has exceeded the negative. That is my perception anyway. I reframe things in ways that make me happy.

Hillary Clinton was right that it takes a village. We are social creatures. We usually get our hero system from our community.

At a certain level of opposition, Joe Biden will quit. We’re not wired to accept unlimited amounts of humiliation. None of us can sustain narratives that receive no external support.

Republicans are more reluctant to speak out about politics in social settings than Democrats because Republicans fear being labeled racist, for which there is no easy cure.

In a July 6, 2024 video, America’s best political reporter, Mark Halperin, says: “Republicans investigating Joe Biden during his presidency have been a clown show. They haven’t done it well and in part they haven’t done it well because like with the Hunter Biden investigations the press was against them. The press didn’t want to help them. Now the press is interested in these two stories too so the incompetent Republican party on Capitol Hill in terms of investigations is now going to have the wind at their back because they’ll be working with reporters. One is what did the president’s people know and when did they know it (his condition)… It’s been a conspiracy. The press has been in on it.”

Ross Douthat writes July 6, 2024 for the New York Times:

…having the media and the intelligentsia turn fully against you is more devastating for a Democratic president, because the Democrats generally see themselves as the party that trusts the mainstream press and academic expertise and respectable opinion, whereas Republicans generally assume that those forces are biased or blinkered or somehow out to get them.

To be sure, there are plenty of Democrats who regard the wave of negative coverage for Biden since the debate as a put-up job or a media conspiracy; social media is full of those voices at the moment. But in its natural posture the Democratic Party really cares about its reputation among figures of cultural authority in a way that the Republican Party in its natural posture does not. So Biden’s incapacity, and the wave of elite anger at its concealment, has already created a greater sense of tension for Democratic politicians and staff members and apparatchiks than could ever exist on the Republican side.

Finally, even after Trump’s most disgraceful moments in 2016, Republicans found ways to reconcile themselves to his candidacy, to take the path of least resistance, by telling themselves that things might get better — that he could hire better advisers, lay off social media, learn to discipline himself, grow into the role of presidential candidate or ultimately president.

This was mostly self-deception, but it was a story that people could cling to or talk themselves into as a means to avoiding difficult choices. (And there were, in the end, more and less stable periods of Trump’s presidency, depending on which subordinates he hired.)

With Biden’s condition, though, even the most ardent partisans have to know in their hearts that things will not get any better, that they can only deteriorate from here. Hoping for a moral breakthrough or a sudden discovery of personal discipline from a public figure is generally naïve. But hoping for a reversal of the aging process is a different level of delusion, a higher bar to clear.

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