Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

I’m Live On My Cam Celebrating Republican Victory! Let’s Make America Great Again

Click here. Mary: I am fascinated that you make your women sleep at your feet. Fascinated and not a little turned on. You need to find a woman who’ll be happy to do what she’s told. If you call the … Continue reading

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Forward Reporter Moves To Los Angeles Times

Chaim Weiss writes: One of the key news writers and editors at the Forward has moved on and has joined the staff at the New York bureau of the Los Angeles Times to cover Wall Street and the business sector. … Continue reading

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I Just Want To Be Close To You!

I have a hard time sleeping with someone. I feel like it is against the Torah. I feel like I am not living up to my highest ideals. I feel like my dad might walk in any minute and say, … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: Private Remarks Should Not Be Made Public

On his radio show Jan. 11, 2010, Dennis Prager said about U.S. Senate majority leader Harry Reid’s remarks about Barack Obama being more electable because he was a light-skinned black man who only spoke with a “negro dialect when he … Continue reading

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Climate Change Vs. Global Warming

On hour one of his radio show today, Dennis Prager read a snide letter reproving Dennis for talking about “global warming” instead of “climate change.” Dennis: The mental gymnastic that those of you who continue to believe that carbon dioxide … Continue reading

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