Sociopath alert: Hillary Clinton

From the blog Just Not Said: For a long time, I thought Hillary Clinton a normal person who had been corrupted by her proximity to her sociopathic husband and by having been given so much power. (Power does have a corrupting influence.)

She didn’t seem to have a full complement of sociopathic traits. She lacks the glib salesman’s charm that characterizes so many sociopaths. When Barack Obama characterized her in 2008 as being “likable enough,” that was in fact being generous. Her strident, grating personality does not cast a spell.

It also seemed less likely that Hillary was a sociopath simply because she was married to one. Sociopaths are rarely drawn to each other as spouses: they usually prefer someone they can dominate and manipulate, not an “equal.” But, that marriage appears more and more to be a rare case of two partners in crime.

And ever since Hillary ran for Senator in 2000, she has more or less escaped Bill’s shadow. This has put her own personal qualities in high relief. And it’s hard to escape the conclusion that she, too, is a sociopath.

Dishonesty is one of the main hallmarks of sociopathy.

Hillary has lied, in some way, about practically every aspect of her life that has come to public notice. The bribe she got via the cattle futures trading (which, in all fairness was for her husband, and merely funneled through her) was something she claimed she achieved through having studied the Wall Street Journal. (If she was so good at it, why would this famously money hungry woman suddenly quit trading?) She lied about Travelgate when she claimed that the longtime White House employees had committed embezzlement, which was not true. (Hillary wanted to install her friends in the job.)

Hillary has lied about Benghazi (claiming it was a spontaneous reaction to an internet video), her email setup (which she initially claimed was in accordance with all regulations), and countless other episodes. But these are the types of lies which non sociopaths might utter, if their backs were against the wall and their political survival were dependent on it.

What’s far more telling, personality-wise, is that Hillary lies even when she doesn’t have to. All of the small lies she’s told about her own life have had no impact on policy. But while they seem to matter little, they do speak volumes about Hillary.

Hillary has claimed that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to climb Mt. Everest. But she was born in 1947, six years before that event, when Edmund was only an obscure beekeeper in New Zealand.

Hillary has claimed that all four of her grandparents were immigrants. Only one of them was.

Hillary has said that she tried to join the Marines in 1975, but was turned down. While this claim hasn’t been definitively debunked, it seems highly, highly unlikely.

Hillary has famously claimed that as Secretary of State, she once landed in Bosnia under sniper fire, and had to run for cover on the tarmac. No such thing occurred. Here is a CBS clip debunking Hillary’s account, with footage of her actual arrival.

(These last two lies are a little reminiscent of a male sociopath who claims to have been a Navy SEAL, or to have worked for the CIA, when he hasn’t. These types of lies are generally referred to as “stolen valor.”)

Hillary has also famously claimed to have been “dead broke” when she left the White House in 2001.

These are all “sport lies,” a specialty of sociopaths, who will use any occasion to falsely burnish their resume.

Hillary’s lying predates her political career. There are conflicting reports about whether she was technically fired from her job as a young 27-year-old lawyer on the Watergate Committee for her unethical behavior. But her boss at the time, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman, has been quite public about his opinion of her dishonesty.

Another characteristic of sociopaths is that when they lie, they do so straightforwardly, with no hint of shame or embarrassment. Can you think of just one occasion when Hillary came across sheepish, rather than brassy?

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WP: ‘Better-than-ever ‘Transparent’ transitions into a study of American Jewish-ness’

Washington Post: In ways that are both blunt and subtle, attentive viewers of the show now understand “Transparent” as a broader, epic story about the American Jewish experience — particularly as it is lived by a family with an on-again, off-again dependence on faith. Thanks to Ali’s barely formed thesis proposal, “Transparent” has provided profound but easily connected dots along the notion of Jewish escape, flashing back to scenes of the previous generation’s tumultuous yet fortuitous flight from Berlin in the 1930s and the capture of Maura’s uncle, Tante Gittel (born Gershon), a young trans woman.

These scenes were not presented in the name of narrative tidiness or obligations to Holocaust references; they all but announced that “Transparent” is now working less like a dramedy (that word becomes increasingly useless here) and more like an 800-page novel about something bigger than all of us. Season 3 continues to reveal key moments from the past, particularly from Maura’s childhood, but also that of Maura’s ex-wife, Shelly (Judith Light)…

It’s no secret that a lot of these premium-cable and streaming shows are in some way about characters who are Jewish, or at least Jewish-ish, often because these shows are produced and written by people who are simply following the best advice, producing and writing what they know. To have watched some the best half-hour shows of the past 15 or 20 years — anything since “Seinfeld” — is to have become at least conversant in Jewish upbringing, culture and kvetching. We don’t discuss it much in TV criticism, mainly because it sends the worst of our anonymous commenters into the rush-hour lane of anti-Semitism, where the only off-ramp is marked “Hollywood — Controlled by Jews.”

First of all, so what if it is? And secondly, from this goyish, Catholic-schooled viewer’s estimation, “Transparent” is well on its way to becoming a definitive and classic work on the subject of Jewishness as “otherness.” When Maura, from memory, offers the kaddish for a recently departed character, “Transparent” once more reaches a state of sublimity, a feat it somehow accomplishes in just about every episode. There’s more to talk about here than the mystery of gender and relationships. “Transparent” is the best show we have right now about personal identity — of any and all human kinds.

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WP: The untold stories of Japanese war brides

Washington Post: “They are sisters and daughters of the enemies who attacked Pearl Harbor. They married the soldiers who occupied their defeated country and came to the United States. And then? They disappeared into America.”

Women have fewer tribal and national loyalties than men.

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Aspiring Rapper

I did a Google search on “aspiring rapper” and found:

First result. Urban Dictionary:

North American euphemism for a member of the urban criminal class. This unusual occupation is usually mentioned in conjunction with the subject either being slain or being taken into custody for a violent or property-related crime. A relative of the subject usually points out that the subjects demise or incarceration comes at an extremely inopportune moment, ocurring just as they subject was “turning they(sic) life around.”
Special K Icey Eight had a checkered past, but his mother insisted he was a “good boy” who was just turning his life around, when the aspiring rapper was gunned down by a homeowner after breaking into the house via the kitchen window.

Second result.

Aspiring rapper killed after music video about guns turns into bloodbath, with five shot and one killed in Chicago park
Attack happened as rapper ‘Foreign Lyfe’ was filming video in Foster Park
Aspiring rapper Damond Dawson, aka ‘Thugga,’ was killed
A girl, 19, was hit twice in the groin and three other men also wounded
Foreign Lyfe’s song is titled ‘Two Techs and a 50 Shot,’ a reference to guns
Dawson’s aunt said he was a ‘a good guy’ and not involved in gang life

Third result.

New trial begins for 2 charged in aspiring rapper’s death

SOMERVILLE – Opening arguments were heard Wednesday morning in Somerset County Superior Court before Judge Robert B. Reed in the retrial of two brothers charged in the 2013 fatal shooting of an aspiring rapper at a Franklin Township barber shop.

On May 16, after six days of deliberations, the jury reached an impasse on murder charges against Zaire Cromedy, 23, of New Brunswick, and Antwan Cromedy, 31, of Bound Brook, in the Dec. 29, 2013, killing of New Brunswick resident Eric Andrews, Jr., 28, a hip-hop artist who performed under the moniker “E-9.”

Fourth result.

Aspiring Rapper Dead After Double Shooting in Harbor City

Dickerson’s family said she was an aspiring rapper who worked three jobs to support her music career.

Other results:

* Aspiring rapper Kasper Knight shoots a hole through his cheek to try and generate interest in his music

* Aspiring rapper, mother found dead inside Gwinnett apartment

* Record company president guilty in aspiring rapper’s death – KCTV5

* Man charged in slaying of aspiring Cleveland rapper

* Paul Kersey writes:

Shouldn’t “Aspiring Rapper” Just be “Expiring Rapper?”

Michael Brown was an aspiring rapper

DeAndre Joshua, whose body was found in Ferguson on November 24, 2014, was also an aspiring rapper.

If you Google “Aspiring Rapper Killed,” you get more than 337,000 results

Including this one. [Man arrested in murder of aspiring D.C. rapper during music video filming,, 4-3-15]:

Prince George’s County Police have arrested a 21-year-old Northeast Washington man on a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an aspiring D.C. rapper. 

Sources told ABC 7 News that Lafonzo Iracks was taken into custody in D.C. early Friday. 

Twenty-one-year-old Keaway Lafonz Ivy, who went by the rap name Kealo, was shot and killed while filming a music video Wednesday night. Sources said Iracks was part of a group of people involved with the video. 

Police officers found Ivy suffering from an a gunshot wound in the 400 block of Eastern Avenue in Seat Pleasant around 10:30 p.m. Wednesday. He was pronounced dead on the scene. 

Police had offered a $25,000 reward for information in the case. It was not immediately known if a reward tip led to the arrest.

And you wonder why the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul are funding an initiative to highlight positive stories of young men of color

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Twitter Blocks Vox Day


Vox Day notes: SJWs never stop harassing.

From Blogger’s content policy: “Hate Speech: Our products are platforms for free expression. But we don’t support content that promotes or condones violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, nationality, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity, or whose primary purpose is inciting hatred on the basis of these core characteristics. This can be a delicate balancing act, but if the primary purpose is to attack a protected group, the content crosses the line.”

What is a protected group?

* Roger Kimball writes: An hour or two ago, I posted through Twitter a link to “The Mulish Stupidity of Clinton-Obama Counterterrorism,” Andrew McCarthy’s incisive essay on the subject named in his title. A reader sent me a notice that when she clicked on the link, up popped a notice that the essay, by one of America’s most distinguished journalists in one of America’s most distinguished (indeed venerable) journals of opinion, was blocked as being “potentially harmful or associated with a violation of Twitter’s Terms of Service.” The possible torts listed mention sites that could steal your passwords or other personal information, install malicious software on your computer, or — bland generality — violate those “terms of service.” I had a look at those terms but could find nothing that covered what I suspect is the relevant interdiction, namely expressing a heterodox political opinion in forthright and robust terms. Perhaps there is something else which I do not immediately understand that’s at play here, but prima facie it looks to me like blatant political suppression of free expression. Am I wrong?


* If a party knowingly creates in writing a false claim of material fact which could be damaging to its target’s reputation, that’s libel.

* National Review really does have some evil advertising crap that tries to lock up your browser and tells the victim to call some (specified) phone number to have their Internet service or computer unlocked.

* I got the same message when my still ongoing shadowban started. It might be Twitter and not an attempted hack.

One theory about how the new class of shadowban works is that Twitter falsely applies one or more filters that limit the reach of a user’s tweets. The result is that other accounts treat the shadowbanned account as if they’d blocked it.

One such filter is used on potentially hacked accounts to prevent spamming. I don’t discount the possibility of Twitter admins faking hacks to apply the spam filter and censor problem accounts while maintaining plausible deniability.

* Vox, No, it’s Twitter. And they require your mail/phone/rectal exam to unlock your account again
They did it to me several times until I deleted the account.

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