‘I Was RFK’s Speechwriter. Now I’m Voting for Trump. Here’s Why.’

Adam Walinsky writes for Politico:

John and Robert Kennedy devoted their greatest commitments and energies to the prevention of war and the preservation of peace. To them that was not an abstract formula but the necessary foundation of human life. But today’s Democrats have become the Party of War: a home for arms merchants, mercenaries, academic war planners, lobbyists for every foreign intervention, promoters of color revolutions, failed generals, exploiters of the natural resources of corrupt governments. We have American military bases in 80 countries, and there are now American military personnel on the ground in about 130 countries, a remarkable achievement since there are only 192 recognized countries. Generals and admirals announce our national policies. Theater commanders are our principal ambassadors. Our first answer to trouble or opposition of any kind seems always to be a military movement or action.
Nor has the Democratic Party candidate for president this year, Hillary Clinton, sought peace. Instead she has pushed America into successive invasions, successive efforts at “regime change.” She has sought to prevent Americans from seeking friendship or cooperation with President Vladimir Putin of Russia by characterizing him as “another Hitler.” She proclaims herself ready to invade Syria immediately after taking the oath of office. Her shadow War Cabinet brims with the architects of war and disaster for the past decades, the neocons who led us to our present pass, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, in Ukraine, unrepentant of all past errors, ready to resume it all with fresh trillions and fresh blood. And the Democrats she leads seem intent on worsening relations with Russia, for example by sending American warships into the Black Sea, or by introducing nuclear weapons ever closer to Russia itself.
In fact, in all the years of the so-called War on Terror, only one potential American president has had the intelligence, the vision, the sheer sanity to see that America cannot fight the entire world at once; who sees that America’s natural and necessary allies in this fight must include the advanced and civilized nations that are most exposed and experienced in their own terror wars, and have the requisite military power and willingness to use it. Only one American candidate has pointed out how senseless it is to seek confrontation with Russia and China, at the same time that we are trying to suppress the very jihadist movements that they also are attacking.
That candidate is Donald Trump. Throughout this campaign, he has said that as president, he would quickly sit down with President Putin and seek relaxation of tensions between our nations, and possible collaboration in the fight against terrorists. On this ground alone, he marks himself as greatly superior to all his competitors, earlier in the primaries and now in the general election.

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Limitless Compassion

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Let In One Paki, You Bring In Another 200 Through Family Reunification

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Once I ran across an Internet short that argued that if you let in one Pakistani, you let in over 200 after family unification. There is sense to that claim.

I worked in the Middle East for a decade. It was common practice for Third Country Nationals (TCN) from especially Pakistan and Bangladesh to bring forged documents with them documenting their having Health Certificates as well as having graduated from a university. Birth certificates were also readily forged.

Hence, letting in one immigrant from Pakistan sets the conditions for “brothers”, “sisters”, “cousins”, “grandparents”, and even “spouses” to be part of family unification. You would not believe how large these “families” can be. Then, after a while, it is time for family unification for the “brothers”, “sisters”, “cousins” and the” spouses” they left behind … with their “brothers”, “sisters”, “cousins”, and “grandparents” queuing up for their turn at family unification.

It is entirely feasible that, over time, one Pakistani could import an entire village. Indeed, I live in a highly international community in a Washington DC suburb. As I watch people walking the streets in their native garb (especially the women and old folks), I believe that is already happening.

* If you talk to local law enforcement officers, they’re extremely frustrated by the ongoing lack of direction and cooperation from the federal government regarding illegal aliens in their communities. The Bush/Obama administrations had/have no interest in deporting illegals, so once they’ve gone through the local justice system, they go back to doing whatever it is they do. When illegal aliens are charged with something where they can post bail, they’ll just disappear (to some other part of the state). This is why catch and release is so prevalent. Most cops working in sanctuary cities don’t even bother arresting illegals for non-violent offenses.

In terms of real-world impact, Trump merely unshackling local law enforcement would be yuuuuge. Deputizing and cooperating with them, is truly next-level stuff.

* I usually get silence in response when I ask what the children of low skill immigrants and refugees will do for careers.

* Immigration isn’t the only demographic problem we face. Feminism and the higher ed bubble, while not an immediate threat, are still existential threats to the demographic continuity of the traditional America and of Western civilization in general.

* One issue is that the U.S. doesn’t form new metropolises any more. There are a lot of blank spots on the map where more people could theoretically live, but they won’t, they’ll live in the exurbs of existing metropolitan areas.

For example, there’s a lot of underutilized land between Santa Barbara and Hearst Castle, but nobody will be allowed to build a new metropolis there. Similarly, there is a lot of empty land in less desirable parts of the country, but nobody will want to build a city there.

* One of the funny things about Hillary’s ad blitz is that a lot of her ads work equally well as ads for Trump. For example, there’s one where she has one Republican cuck after another talking about how they could never support Trump. To a lot of Democrat and Independent voters, this gives them permission to vote for The Donald. If those SOBs hate Trump, he must be okay! There’s nothing like seeing Lindsey Graham condemn Trump to motivate you to get out and vote for the guy.

Hillary’s ads also talk about how racist Trump is. I think a lot of people are beginning to realize that, coming from Hillary, “racist” means “doesn’t hate white people.”

I had to chuckle when Obama said he would consider it a “personal insult” to his legacy if voters (specifically blacks) didn’t go for Hillary. Hey, an opportunity to personally insult the Anointed One? That’s too good to pass up.

* Story in 3 tweets:

But, but…Trump called a bomb a bomb! Prematurely

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Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson Hit in Face with Pie at Event, Assaults Protester in ‘Bloody’ Scene

Comment: The mayor of Sacramento assaulting a pie-thrower……reminds me of this scene from Larry David’s “Curb your Enthusiasm” where Leon, Larry’s black friend, has trouble understanding why, to a personal slight, Larry would consider any response that wasn’t violent:

* Fox News still presents the story as if BLM’s claim that Scott was holding a book deserves equal consideration with the police assertion that he had a gun. Fox calls the riots “protests,” and the thugs burning, looting, and attacking the police “protestors.” Fox gives way too much air time to people talking about “legitimate grievances” of the black community without any hatefact pushback.

It’s better than NPR or CNN, but still a lot of liberal virtue signaling.

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Every Immigrant Without High School Degree Will Cost Taxpayers $640,000

Heritage Foundation: On Thursday, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will release its report on “The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration.” According to the report, first generation immigrants as a group increase the nation’s fiscal deficit. In other words, the government benefits they receive exceed the taxes paid.

The National Academies’ report provides 75-year fiscal projections for new immigrants and their descendants. The fiscal impact varies greatly according to the education level of the immigrant. Low-skill immigrants are shown to impose substantial fiscal costs that extend far into the future. The future government benefits they will receive greatly exceed the taxes they will pay.

On average, a nonelderly adult immigrant without a high school diploma entering the U.S. will create a net fiscal cost (benefits received will exceed taxes paid) in both the current generation and second generation. The average net present value of the fiscal cost of such an immigrant is estimated at $231,000, a cost that must be paid by U.S. taxpayers.

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