Trump’s Comments: The Latest Left-Wing Hysteria

Dennis Prager writes:

Regarding Donald Trump’s private sexual comments: We are living through a national hysteria.
To understand how and why, it is necessary to understand the indispensable role hysteria plays on the left. The left is always in major crisis mode. And, in nearly every case, the crisis is either wildly exaggerated or simply false…

The latest is the tsunami of horror in reaction to Donald Trump’s gross and juvenile comments made in private 11 years ago.
The tsunami of condemnation of his remarks is quintessential left-wing hysteria. That more than a few Republicans and conservatives have joined in is a testament to the power of mass media and hysteria to influence normally sensible people.
This is hysteria first and foremost because the comments were made in private. I would say the same thing if crass comments made by Hillary Clinton in private conversation had been recorded. In fact, I did. In 2000, in a Wall Street Journal column, I defended Hillary Clinton against charges that she was an anti-Semite. That year it was reported that Clinton had called Paul Fray, the manager of her husband’s failed 1974 congressional campaign, a “f—ing Jew bastard.”
Even the left-wing newspaper, the Guardian, reported that three people — two witnesses and Fray — confirmed the report.
Nevertheless, I wrote in the Journal, “I wish to defend Mrs. Clinton. I do so as a practicing Jew and a Republican. … We must cease this moral idiocy of judging people by stray private comments.”
I gave two more examples:
One was Harry Truman, who often used the word “kike” when referring to Jews. Yet, he was the Jews’ greatest friend when he changed Jewish history by resisting powerful State Department opposition and recognized the State of Israel.
The other was Richard Nixon, who made anti-Jewish remarks in private conversations in the Oval Office. These were revealed on tapes he himself made of his conversations, and he was accordingly widely labeled an anti-Semite. Yet, as president, Nixon appointed the first American Jewish secretary of state and, more importantly, literally saved Israel’s life with his quick airlift of military supplies during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
As I concluded:
“It is highly misleading to probe private comments for evidence of anti-Semitism, racism, bigotry and sexism.”
In addition to not taking all private comments seriously, Republicans, conservatives and independents need to ask themselves if what Trump said — not did, but said — in a private conversation is any way comparable to the truly awful things Hillary Clinton and her husband have done both to women and to the country.
They also need to ask themselves if it is worth giving the left the White House over such trivia.
If Hillary Clinton wins, will Republicans and conservatives who gave up on Trump because of this recording really think that it was worth: having a left-wing Supreme Court for the next 30 years; having left-wing judges completely dominate lower federal courts; radically curtailing religious liberty in America; having speech codes go from colleges to the society as a whole; massively increasing the size of the government and of the debt; bringing in tens of thousands of refugees from the Arab Middle East; and having open borders?
How can anyone answer in the affirmative?
The answer is the left-wing hysteria got to them.
On the same day the recording came out, so did leaked emails that revealed that Hillary Clinton told a Brazilian Bank in 2013 that she is for “open borders.”
Open borders mean the end of the United States as we know it.
That, my fellow Americans, is worth getting hysterical about.

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Sexy Australian Actress Kate Fischer Now An Orthodox Jew & American Citizen & Trump Supporter

REPORT: AUSTRALIAN actress and model Kate Fischer has changed her name, her career path and even her religion as she shuns the spotlight for a quiet new life in Melbourne’s leafy suburb of Toorak.

The former star, who shot to fame in 1993 with the saucy hit film Sirens, has converted to Orthodox Judaism and now goes by the name T’Ziporah Malka bat Israel.

She told Woman’s Day in an exclusive interview: “I learned the hard way that it’s better to dress more modestly”. She joked about wearing braces and finally hopping off the damaging weight-loss rollercoaster she’d ridden since she was a teenager.

During the height of her fame, Fischer’s personal life became tabloid fodder thanks to a five-year relationship with Australian billionaire James Packer. The pair broke off their engagement in 1998 — Packer is now engaged to pop diva Mariah Carey.

Following their engagement, Fischer moved to the US, and is an American citizen. The 42-year-old daughter of Liberal MP Pru Goward is also a registered member of the Republican Party, and in photos publicly posted to her Facebook page she can be seen wearing T-shirts depicting Donald Trump and Jeb Bush. Her current Facebook cover photo is a pro-Trump meme depicting the Presidential nominee and various other far-right figures as ‘The Deplorables.’

…“Almost 20 years later she is back in Australia and leading a life which couldn’t be more different. She’s living in an apartment in Melbourne, working in an aged care home and studying Yiddish. She’s isn’t even Kate Fischer anymore, having changed her name to T’Ziporah Malka bat Israel after converting to Judaism. From all reports, she’s happier now than when she was a fixture on the A-list all those years ago.”

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WP: A professor is under fire after saying Black Lives Matter is as racist as the KKK

The KKK and Black Lives Matter are both racial identity movements and if there is such a moral sin as racism, then they are both racist. This seems like an ordinary observation to me, but making ordinary observations about reality get you in trouble in America today.

The University of Virginia is the enemy.

Washington Post:

A college professor found himself in hot water after likening the Black Lives Matter movement to the racism of the Klu Klux Klan.

Douglas Muir, an adjunct professor for the University of Virginia, wrote in a Facebook comment that Black Lives Matter is the “biggest” racist organization since the KKK. The comment was written last week in response to a Facebook post about a Black Lives Matter event in Charlottesville.

University officials later issued statements denouncing the comments and distancing themselves from Muir. The professor has since taken leave, according to the university…

Tom Katsouleas, University of Virginia’s executive vice president and provost, said in a statement on Friday that he’s “disturbed and saddened” by Muir’s comments.

“The University of Virginia stands firmly against racism and social injustice of any kind,” Katsouleas said. “Statements such as Mr. Muir’s do not foster intellectual exploration, nor do they encourage the voices of others.”

In a statement issued on the same day, officials from the university’s School of Engineering and Applied Science said Muir’s “entirely inappropriate” comments raised concerns about the school’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.

The university’s Darden School of Business also released a statement saying Muir’s comments don’t represent the school’s viewpoint or values.

Muir is an adjunct lecturer at both the engineering and business schools.

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NYT: ‘An Open Letter to the Woman Who Told My Family to Go Back to China’

Michael Luo writes for the New York Times:

Maybe you don’t know this, but the insults you hurled at my family get to the heart of the Asian-American experience. It’s this persistent sense of otherness that a lot of us struggle with every day. That no matter what we do, how successful we are, what friends we make, we don’t belong. We’re foreign. We’re not American. It’s one of the reasons that Fox News segment the other day on Chinatown by Jesse Watters, with the karate and nunchucks and broken English, generated so much outrage.

My parents fled mainland China for Taiwan ahead of the Communist takeover. They came to the United States for graduate school. They raised two children, both of whom went to Harvard. I work at The New York Times. Model minority, indeed.

Yet somehow I still often feel like an outsider.

And I wonder if that feeling will ever go away. Perhaps, more important, I wonder whether my two daughters who were with me today will always feel that way too.

Asian-Americans are not likely to feel more at home than white people do in China, non-Japanese do in Japan, non-blacks in Africa, non-Mexicans in Mexico. It’s not complicated.

Michael Luo never bothers to make a case that America needs Asian citizens. What is good for America does not concern him. America is just something to be used. It has no specific people, unlike China or Japan or Taiwan. America is just a trough for him to feed from, the purpose of America is to serve him, his concern is about making America more user-friendly for his kind, and so his article is all about his hurt feelings.

As Maj. Kong says: “Anti-Semitism is as natural to Western civilization as anti-Christianity is to Jewish civilization, Islamic civilization and Japanese civilization.”

As one professor put it: “American Jews want to maintain a distinct identity and on the other hand want to be fully integrated into broader society and don’t want the distinctiveness to come at a price.”

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Dennis Prager Defends Donald Trump

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