Tag Archives: torah in motion

Rabbi Shlomo Goren – The Last Champion Of A Dynamic Halacha

From Marc B. Shapiro‘s lectures on Torah in Motion: From Dr. Shapiro’s third lecture on R. Shlomo Goren: "Rabbi Shlomo Goren was machmir (strict) on many mitzvos. He wouldn’t carry within the eruv in Jerusalem." "When his term ended in … Continue reading

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I Am In Torah-Drunk Ecstasy

Go here for a link and code to download all the Torah you want for free from Torah In Motion. I’ve been downloading Marc Shapiro all morning. Dr. Shapiro tells a story of a secular Sephardic girl in Israel who … Continue reading

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Conversion Controversy Discussion

Rabbi Gil Student writes: "The Torah in Motion discussion between R. Barry Freundel, R. Yitzchok Adlerstein and R. Seth Farber about the recent conversion controversy is now available for purchase (link – "The Conversion Crisis – Panel"). I am almost … Continue reading

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Conversion Controversy Discussion

Rabbi Yitzhock Adlerstein writes: Conversion-controversy junkies will have an opportunity to participate in a live, interactive webcast on the topic this coming Tuesday evening, through some really cool technology. Those whose comments have been edited can get their revenge The … Continue reading

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