Tag Archives: shul

I Despise Rabbis Who Demand To Be Flattered

I know rabbis who are all over-joyed by the sincerity of the goyim they are converting to the one true faith. What gets me is that these rabbis actually believe what these potential converts tell them about their motives for … Continue reading

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Shane Warne The Musical II

I sat next to an Aussie in shul on Shabbos. He’s seen "Shane Warne The Musical." He said it was shmutzy. "What do you expect?" I said. He said he was at a breakfast a few years ago where Shane … Continue reading

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Fast Called For Sunday

Over the past few months, three men (in their fifties or younger) in Rav Gershon Bess‘s shul at 7211 Beverly Blvd have died suddenly and unexpectedly. A month ago, Dr. Joel Schwartz died at his daughter’s wedding. A few months … Continue reading

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Sue and Lawrence Mischel Try To Evict Young Israel Of South Beverly Hills

There are three lawsuits back and forth between the Mischels (caterers) and Young Israel of S. Beverly Hills (on Pico and Shenandoah). The latest was the Mischels trying to evict the shul from what they claim is their property.

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Congregation Mogen David Still Kicking

The shul has a building and a fat bank account but few members. Gabe Elias, who says he is an ordained Orthodox rabbi, has been running the place since getting rid of Rabbi Jonathan Muskat in 2003. Around 2006, about … Continue reading

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