The Forward: “Donald Trump and the Fragility of White Jewish Privilege”

Michael Rock is a writer, researcher, and blogger with a profound interest in domestic and global affairs.


Comments at Steve Sailer:

* One of the weirder aspects of the feminization of America is the lack of moderation. Every middle aged women is “passionate” about something. Everyone “cares deeply” about something or other. This guy is not just interested public affairs, he is profoundly interested.

I looked up his bio. He is an administrative coordinator at a law firm. That’s a fancy name for an office manager. I hope that does not interfere with his research.

* To protect the Jews, we have to support more immigrants from Jew unfriendly Central America and Jew hating Middle East!

* So he is admitting that Jews are the most privileged group in the US?

* I get the same delightful argument from my 72 year old mother.

“To protect women’s rights and abortion we must support more immigrants from abortion unfriendly Central America and the woman-hating Middle East.”

There’s no concept of how we got here as a country nor trust in it’s essential goodness, only an infantile desire for revenge against ancient, mostly imaginary slights and threats.

* If a key aspect of anti-Semitism in the US is the disproportionate number of Jews on the political left, then wouldn’t it make sense for more Jews to join the nationalist right?

Basically what he’s saying is – I’m a left wing liberal and my right to be a left-wing liberal is more important than whether or not members of my tribe end up being persecuted. If I was a member of a racial minority I would have a big problem with that kind of attitude.

* Mexicans and blacks are more impolitic than whites, and opinion polls certainly reflect this, but I don’t know that they’re actually more anti-Semitic, and they have a less anti-Semitic history. The pro-Israel conservative Christians have strange eschatological views in which Israel and Jews are destroyed.

* The sons of Abraham, whose “European physical features have helped them become recognized as white in the American racial caste system,” are white (since that’s what “European physical features” means, plus there are all those paintings of the world’s most famous Jew ever showing Him as white), except Trump threatens to deracinate them, withdrawing their whiteness and thus their “welfare in American society–” after he appoints himself dictator, of course.

So whiteness is good so long as you can hang onto it! I feel relieved; why only a page or two back The Forward was telling me that “whiteness” was an irremediable character flaw, a congenital curse which all right-thinking people thanked the Most High had not fallen upon them or their kin.

* He works for Michelle Siegel, a young lawyer with her own practice representing handicapped kids. Her website says

I am a compassionate and knowledgeable special education attorney who will aggressively represent your family in the struggle to secure the appropriate educational programs and services you are entitled to in New York.

Regarding him, the website says

Michael Rock is an alumnus of Brandeis University where he graduated cum laude. Having grown up with Asperger Syndrome and [with] a brother with nonverbal autism, Michael brings a unique perspective to our team. Michael has a love of foreign languages and has attained proficiency in spoken and written Mandarin. Most importantly, he has a passion for helping students with disabilities and we are thrilled to welcome him to our team.

One strongly gets the impression that this is not a person whose career has been limited by his lack of ambition, but rather, is a man operating at the outer limit of his modest abilities. The wording of the description (and the nature of the firm) suggests a charitable hire.

I think what he has written is entirely a product of the milieu he must have been surrounded all his life. It is an attempt to garner praise from those who know him.

* Micheal Rock: “If American Jews want to keep their whiteness, or at least their welfare in the United States, they must do everything in their capacity to help stop or contain Donald Trump and the bigoted ideology he has incubated.”

Kind of a self-inflicted catch-22 for those who are paranoid/guilty:

1) Do nothing, and possibly witness the election of fascist God Emperor Trump, or

2) Do “everything in their capacity” to “stop or contain” what American patriots recognize as a fellow patriot, and the patriot mob may further notice (((who))) is most blaringly trying to derail the Trump Train.

If Jews want to keep their (((white))) privilege in the US, it would be strategically smart to keep the US actually white. Enough with the importing of wretched refuse.

* “The pro-Israel conservative Christians have strange eschatological views in which Israel and Jews are destroyed.”

Only some of them. Secular and marginally Christian conservatives are also very pro Israel.

I agree that Latin Americans are not antisemitic. I looked into the poll the ADL does, it is complete BS designed to drive donations. It asks a lot of positive questions like “Are Jews good at business” and takes that as an “antisemitic” answer.

* I think it’s closely related to the fact, observed by those interested in “Game”, that, contrary to stereotype, women tend to be the calculating sex that makes sexual decisions based in self-interest, while men tend to be the romantic ones driven by consuming feelings. It is men who pioneered the language of being “passionate” and “caring deeply” and of “profound” interest. Whether you are talking about religion, romance, or hobbies, it is men who understand this language. Women use it, but not really in earnest, so not really accurately.

* The above is just one of many articles designed to frighten Jews to oppose Trump and support the New World Order and their brethren on Wall Street … because if Trump wins the election a “new Holocaust” or some other demonstrable evil is just around the corner.

The PEW Foundation once posted a study relating that only 17% of American Jews are religious. The rest like the social and business connections and the religious ceremonies. Given the loss of religiosity, others have confessed that Jews in past years had to replace God with the memory of the Holocaust as the community’s unifying principle. However, the memory of the Holocaust is going stale with age. The new message: “Stay united because … because if we don’t, they’re coming for us (AGAIN)!”

Questioning their “whiteness” and more recently claiming a newly found alternative racial/ethnic heritage (“Were from MENA, didn’t you know!”) is an essential part of this evolving ethnicity of fear. If someone does “come for them again”, who do you think it would be? The vile White Man of course, since there is a Nazi lurking inside every White Man just waiting to break out.

Therefore, it follows that Jews need to nurture a new racial/ethnic identity divorced from “whiteness”. This also challenges American Jews to support globalization and open borders as a way to destroy “White Power” in the Americas before it is too late.

This ideology of fear also works with People of Color … although in their case the narrative is about “hooded KKK terrorists” lurking inside every White Man. As for feminists, I guess the narrative is about “rapists …”, etc., although I think they would find it hard to question their “whiteness”.

Everything now falls into place. Keep fanning the flames: Black Lives Matter; salacious sex stories about powerful White Men; implicit anti-semitism … the list goes on.

The bottom line is that fear of the White Man is the common narrative for all of the identities in the Coalition of the Fringes. It’s what keeps them together.

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WP: In one corner of the law, minorities and women are often valued less

Washington Post: The 4-year old boy was mentally disabled, unable to speak in complete sentences and unable to play with other children because of his violent fits of hitting and biting.

The decision facing one Brooklyn jury last year was how much a landlord should pay in damages to the boy — named “G.M.M.” in court documents — after an investigation showed he had been living in an apartment illegally coated with lead paint. To determine that, the jury would have to decide how much more the boy would have earned over his lifetime without the injury.

Attorneys representing G.M.M. said $3.4 million was the right number, arguing that the boy would have had a bright career ahead of him; both of his parents had graduated from college and his mother received a master’s degree, according to the court documents. But the landlord’s defense put the figure at less than half that – $1.5 million. Attorney Roger Archibald noted that because the boy was Hispanic, G.M.M. was unlikely to attain the advanced education that would garner such a large income.

“The [proportion] of Hispanics attaining master’s degrees was in the neighborhood of 7.37 percent,” Archibald told the court.

The 4-year-old’s case is a rare public look at one corner of the American legal system that explicitly uses race and gender to determine how much victims or their families should receive in compensation when they are seriously injured or killed.

As a result, white and male victims often receive larger awards than people of color and women in similar cases, according to more than two dozen lawyers and forensic economists, the experts who make the calculations. These differences largely derive from projections of how much more money individuals would have earned over their lifetimes had they not been injured – projections that take into account average earnings and employment levels by race and gender.

In one case, when a 6-year-old girl and a male fetus were killed in the same car crash, the settlement for the fetus was calculated to be up to 84 percent higher than the girl’s, according to court records….

Defenders say it is the most accurate way to make calculations about the losses people incur when they are injured. “If there’s a difference in society, it is what it is. It’s a difference, and the economist’s job is to figure out what would have happened,” said James Woods, a forensic economist in Houston…

George Barrett, a forensic economist in Charleston, W.Va., said “the overwhelming majority” of economists account for gender, and though it’s far less universal, it’s “absolutely” common for race-based tables to be used. He called employing demographics averages “the industry standard.”

In a 2009 survey by the National Association of Forensic Economics, 44 percent said they considered race and 92 percent said they considered gender when projecting the annual wage for an injured child. Race and gender also come into play in many other calculations as well…

The practice of using race and gender to determine personal injury damages, which dates back at least a century, has produced some striking results.

The case of the male fetus and 6-year-old girl came in 1996, after a collision between a postal truck and a car left the car’s passengers – the girl and her godmother, a pregnant 33-year-old ­– dead.

In the case, which took place in a federal court in the Southern District of Georgia, both sides agreed the male fetus’s award to be higher than the girl’s, largely because of the difference in how much they were expected to earn over their lifetime, commonly known as “future lost income.”

…In a 1991 case, the son of a USAID employee stationed in Liberia fell ill and sustained serious, permanent brain damage, allegedly because of the negligence of State Department doctors and other officials. The court ruled in the boy’s favor, but when it came to assessing damages, there was an uncomfortable conflict: The boy’s mother was white. His father was black. So what race was he?

The government argued that he qualified as black, which would have significantly decreased their liability. The plaintiff, with whom the judge eventually sided, pushed for considering both black and white statistics, according to court records.

Calculating future lost income takes into account the number of years a victim would have worked and his or her expected wages. Women and minorities are lower on both fronts. Economists’ calculations use these averages to varying extents based on the details of the case, also accounting for things such as the person’s age and wage history. Demographic averages tend to play the biggest role in cases where lengthy work history, education and other variables aren’t readily available – such as with children and people who (by choice or not) don’t work…

When Archibald, the landlord’s lawyer in the lead poisoning case, brought up Hispanic averages in discussing the boy’s eventual education level, the judge interjected.

“I won’t allow you to continue along those lines. Hispanics is too general a category,” said Judge Jack Weinstein of the Eastern District of New York. “We have professors as well as gardeners who are Hispanics.”

From then on, none of the discussion in court directly addressed G.M.M.’s demographics, according to court records. Yet that wasn’t the end of the story. Although the judge banned discussion of the boy’s ethnicity in the court, the jury still had access only to calculations of damages that included ethnicity as a component.

In a sign of how common the practice is, even the boy’s legal team accounted for his ethnicity, but gave more weight to his family characteristics. The defense focused on outcomes of Hispanics nationwide.

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Orthodox Jews, The Simon Wiesenthal Center & The Platinum Hedge Fund Fiasco

Comment: “You should read up on the Platinum hedge fund fiasco in NY. A tight knit group of Orthodox got together to do a poor man’s Madoff and AIG, got caught paying off the black head of the Riker’s jail guard union with 30k in a designer bag to keep the Ponzi scheme going.”

Wall Street Journal Sept. 17, 2016:

Platinum’s fund investors have been largely concentrated in a tight-knit group of observant Jewish businesspeople. Exposure to Platinum reached a far wider realm as a result of Beechwood’s having directed insurance-client money into Platinum funds and related investments.

Wall Street Journal July 25, 2016:

Fraud Probe Ricochets Through Platinum Partners, a Hedge Fund With Ties to Jewish Community

For his son’s bar mitzvah in 2008, hedge-fund manager Murray Huberfeld chartered a JetBlue plane and invited hundreds to an oceanfront party in Palm Beach, Fla. An Orthodox pop star known as the “Jewish Elvis” entertained the guests, who Mr. Huberfeld says included investors in his fund.

Intimate ties and fundraising inside a close-knit world of observant Jewish businesspeople in New York, Florida and Israel are central to the $1.25 billion hedge-fund firm Mr. Huberfeld has helped lead, Platinum Partners. Now those ties are being tested as two sets of federal prosecutors as well as securities regulators delve into Platinum’s operations.

In early June, Mr. Huberfeld was arrested in connection with an alleged scheme to bribe a union leader to funnel $20 million to Platinum. Later in June, federal agents raided Platinum’s New York offices…

Among investors in Platinum is Sol Werdiger, a clothing magnate who is prominent in the New York Orthodox Jewish community to which the hedge-fund firm has looked for investors. “I know very, very little about the inner workings” of the firm, said Mr. Werdiger. He said he was concerned about the safety of his investment…

Mr. Huberfeld, the 55-year-old son of a kosher restaurateur in the working-class Brooklyn neighborhood of Canarsie, traded penny stocks privately for years. In 1992 he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor after sending an imposter to take a brokerage-license exam on his behalf, drawing a $5,000 fine.

In 2003, he and others helped stake Mr. Nordlicht with $25 million to start Platinum. Two years later Mr. Huberfeld started his own hedge fund, initially called Centurion and owned mostly by Mr. Nordlicht, which specialized in making loans to companies that found it hard to borrow…

Seeking investors, the firm tapped a network of Jewish day schools and wealthy Jewish philanthropists with shared charitable interests. “We were raising a fund,” Mr. Huberfeld said. “These were the people we knew.”

Mr. Huberfeld sometimes took investors on a Gulfstream III jet and hobnobbed with them during a celebration of Talmudic study at MetLife Stadium and New York Knicks games. Most years at Sukkot, an annual fall holiday, he set up shop in the presidential suite at Jerusalem’s five-star David Citadel hotel and hosted a party.

The Sukkot parties weren’t strictly fund-raising events, Mr. Huberfeld said. “Were some of the people investors? Possibly one, two or three. But a handful at best,” he said.

“Murray was known in the Jewish community as someone to have means,” said a friend of his. “If you have a wallet, people perceive you to be a genius.”

The outreach dates to as early as 2005, when Mr. Huberfeld made his credit fund known to fellow philanthropists during a trip to the Vatican to meet the pope. The trip was organized by the Simon Weisenthal Center, a nonprofit focused on anti-Semitism, where Mr. Huberfeld was a board member and donor. At least one person on the trip invested.

“Several people met him through the center, but we had no idea” of the details of the investments, said Rabbi Marvin Hier, the Weisenthal Center’s founder, who led the trip. Mr. Huberfeld resigned from the center’s board last month.

Another investment source was Touro College, a Jewish-oriented New York college whose board of overseers Mr. Huberfeld joined in 2003. It invested endowment funds with Mr. Huberfeld’s fund in 2008 and received its investment back in 2011. Touro’s chief financial officer, Melvin Ness, said there was no correlation between Mr. Huberfeld’s listing on the Board of Overseers and Touro’s investment in the fund…

Platinum developed a reputation for investing where peers might not. It owned a company that, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission, deceived terminally ill patients and sold them contracts that would be lucrative for the company if the purchaser died quickly.

The Platinum-owned company was run by a friend of Mr. Nordlicht’s and made more than $1.5 million from the moves, according to an in-house SEC judge’s ruling in January 2015. The SEC determined that the company had obtained confidential health data to make its bets.

Forward Sept. 14, 2016:

Why Did a Jewish Schools Charity Loan $2.3M to Failing Hedge Fund?

A Jewish education charity made a $2.3 million loan to a failing hedge fund this May, two months before the hedge fund’s collapse.

Torah Umesorah, also known as the National Society for Hebrew Day Schools, handed the money to a fund controlled by Platinum Partners at a time when the fund had access to just $63,000 cash…

Torah Umesorah is a Brooklyn-based not-for-profit that provides programing, training, and other services to hundreds of Orthodox yeshivas. Founded in 1944, it had an annual budget of $39 million in 2008, the last year for which it made its tax documents public.

Its relationship to Platinum is unclear. Platinum has managed money for some charities, though there’s no indication that Torah Umesorah itself was one of those investors.

Torah Umesorah’s May 27 loan to Platinum came more than a month after an April 14 Wall Street Journal report tying the hedge fund to a federal investigation involving Jona Rechnitz, an Orthodox businessman embroiled in a police corruption scandal, and Norman Seabrook, boss of the corrections officers union.

The Wall Street Journal story turned out to be prescient. Just weeks after Platinum accepted the charity’s loan, a close associate of the firm, Murray Huberfeld, was arrested and charged with bribing Seabrook to invest union pension funds with Platinum. Rechnitz reportedly cooperated with prosecutors in the case. Huberfeld has pleaded not guilty.

Huberfeld is a leading Orthodox philanthropist, a major donor to Chabad-Lubavitch synagogues and to yeshivas in Brooklyn’s Boro Park, and, until his arrest, a member of the board of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a California-based group that opposes anti-Semitism. His foundation has sponsored a named program at the rabbinical school at Yeshiva University.

Huberfeld was convicted of fraud in 1993 for having someone else take a broker license exam in his name. An earlier company he founded, Broad Capital, specialized in selling penny stocks to Jewish charities.

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Forward: How Do I Explain My Trump Nazi Nightmare to My Mexican American Daughter?

“Anna Miriam Keller is a Brooklyn based writer, poet and activist. She lives with her partner, Adrian and their interfaith baby Helen Rose.”

Jews such as Anna Miriam Keller suffer terribly because they are more morally sensitive than the rest of us.

She writes:

I have a terrible recurring dream. I’m hiding in the attic with Anne Frank and she’s calling me “Kitty.” I tell her that I have to go, I don’t know where my daughter is, and she turns to me and tells me that we can’t go anywhere. We are in hiding and we must stay this way until the war is over. All of a sudden, I hear boots on the stairs and the door swings open and it’s Donald J. Trump — only he’s naked, wearing a swastika sweatband on his head, and he says, “I think Islam hates us.”

I wake up sweating. I had this same dream for three consecutive nights in a row — only every night when Trump shows up in the nude wearing his Third Reich workout headband, he says something different. The second night of the dream he says, “I’m deporting your daughter even though she was born in New York.” The third night he looks at Anne Frank and says, “you’re fired.”

There is a saying in Spanish: “el león no es como lo pinta.” The exact translation is “the lion is not the way they paint him.” Of course, everything sounds better in Spanish. If you say the word “sacapunta” out loud it sounds like you’re cursing someone out in a romantic way. What you’re really saying is: “pencil sharpener.” Words hold weight. In elementary schools across the country teachers say, “choose your words” to their students. During the recent media frenzy it seems that many adults have forgotten this basic rule.

I watch the news. Here is what I see: On a recent interview with CNN Trump says that he is for a ban on Muslims coming into the United States. I check the date to see if it’s still 2016 and I’m living in New York City or if it’s 1936 and I’m living in Nazi Germany, because for one to say, “Muslims shouldn’t be allowed into the United States,” to me is the same thing as saying “Jews should wear a yellow star when they walk down the street.”

My daughter is half Mexican Catholic and Half Ashkenazi Jewish. In my home we speak mainly Spanish but at Grandma’s house we speak English. There is a statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe in my daughter’s room and a Hebrew prayer book on her bookshelf. Just recently we celebrated her first birthday with a kosher Aztec Princess cake. In my home we choose our words wisely and with care.

“I love you,” we say, “Te amo” in Spanish.
“Are you hungry?” “Tienes hambre?”
“You are Jewish.” “Eres Judia.”
“You are Catholic.” “Eres Católica.”
“You are Mexican.” “Eres Mexicana.”
“You are a light.” “Eres una luz.”

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Is The Election Already Over?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I think the current “thing” by the media and all TV commentators/hosts is to beat the drum (every moment until Nov. 8) that Trump is soooo woefully behind, that you might as well not vote, is a tactic that is employed by so many people right now, whether on FB, TV, NPR, etc. Get Trump supporters distressed and pessimistic.

Sometimes, I feel like Trump has spoken in code to his base…meaning, don’t tell “the enemy” your plans. With no signs out on lawns (see more for Trump, if anything) I for one, will thoroughly enjoy the exploding heads of the media who have been so in the tank for Clinton. Everyone (ex. Hannity) in the world of media, has ignored Hillary’s corruption/CF corruption/Wikileaks. I feel that this will be a major wound for this country, and the trust in the media will disappear either way. Not one day, can I find a talking head who speaks about Wikileaks (except spouting about Russian nonsense), and all the corruption exposed of Clinton. It is sickening. Well, at least I can dump a lot of subscriptions after this election since I have only gotten continuous propaganda for one year!

Trump needs to jet to as many rallies as possible, everyday, and keep beating his drums. People usually don’t lose confidence this late in the game – my prediction.

And, GOP needs to be told that this is about the SCOTUS choices coming up in the next 4 years, which, if they don’t support Trump now, will assure them of never getting any of their policies through, nor ever finding a palatable candidate to face Chelsea or Huma in 15 years.

I know an overwhelming amount of people who are voting for Trump but will not tell their neighbors/co-workers/spouses/polsters. And, this tactic to “legitimize” Trump falling ever so far behind, in polls, is the latest soup d’jour since sex-women-sex-women didn’t do it. And, pleez, the DNC went ballistic when GWB won! So the whole, “He must accept results,” is so pathetic.

I think it is very interesting that all the chatter about the polls is coming from the Northeast Coast & California. The disrespect (I should say hatred) all liberals on the West Coast and Northeast Coast have towards the American people in between, is truly frightening. I predict it is going to backfire one way or the other.

Lastly, this latest canard, that rich people will not vote for Trump is silly. In the long-run, they know the CF is a corrupt enterprise, and their fortunes may be on the line for her to please the middle class by expecting the top .1% to pay more taxes to fund the education initiatives, infrastructure, messy, no-end-in-sight jihadi wars in the ME, stuff like that – where else is she going to get that money? And, the merely rich, the $500K-low millions, well, their taxes will go to Scandinavian levels, so 45-60% (’cause that’s what Bernie so admired about Denmark). So, I’m not buying the, people earning 250K+ being so eager to vote for Hillary; since she is going to raise taxes from that level on up. The deficit/National Debt is embarrassing, so she will expect everyone to “chip in.” And, the people earning less than $400K, well, they all know that if you live in the coastal metro areas, that will not pay for elite U’s/private/schools/a decent place to live/decent retirement. People always forget about net income. I predict jittery voters pushing the lever for Trump in the last moment (especially 8 years of low growth and despair), ’cause, like who’s gonna know?

* I just flipped through the Sunday Times and every article is viciously anti-Trump, fawning over Clinton, or pushing the gay agenda. I’ve decided to cancel it after subscribing since 1990. I’ll miss parts of it, but I can’t in good conscience give these people my money any more.

* Look, there are three tracking polls that show Trump either tied or up a point or two at this time: IBD, Rasmussen, and LA Times.

The ABC poll shows him down by 12 pts. Either the three polls are all totally corrupted by systematic bias, or the ABC poll is (or possibly all 4 of them are so corrupted).

Seeing discrepancies this extreme, and especially at this stage of the election, where if anything one would expect more convergence, I have to believe that there’s serious manipulation involved. And I frankly believe that the pollsters for the media no longer have any compunction about engaging in clear manipulation. The media paying for these polls have already committed themselves to unprecedented distortion of the news on behalf of their candidate, and also see their own reputation and future at stake because of Trump’s attack on them.

The media and its minions have never been as dishonest as in this election — it’s not even close — they’ve lapped themslves.

* I think a lot of anger with Trump has to do with the fact that his championing of the American Worker and those left behind really exposed and embarrassed the so-called ‘left’ and ‘progressives’ who are now behind a candidate lavished by Wall Street, military-industrial complex, and globalist super-rich.

How dare Trump, the hero of the American New Right, energize American Workers all across the country while so-called ‘progressives’ in institutions and NGO’s are hobnobbing with the super-elites in corridors of power.

I think the progs would hate Trump less if he ran only on rightist issues. They feel threatened because he ran on some leftist issues addressing the American worker and even blacks who are swamped by immigration. He has stolen their thunder, and they cannot forgive him. Not because he is too ‘rightist’ but because he stole fire from the left by exposing the current left as being bedfellows of globalist oligarchs.
It is Trump’s leftist aspect that is most damaging to the current left that fixates mostly on gender-pronoun politics of pampered college kids. Conservative leftism is demeaned as ‘populism’, and even Michael Moore is upset because someone from the GOP is running on Roger and Me politics. That was supposed to be his shtick, not Trump’s.

Another way in which Trump is threatening is he has “un-moralized” American politics. All the ‘family values’ and ‘good manners’ aspect of GOP politics made conservatives seem uptight, uncool, and trapped in the 1950s. And they were mocked mercilessly by hip media into swinging Bill Clinton and slick hipster Obama.

Trump’s shameless style has finally exposed America as a culturally and morally decrepit country. Trump is trashy and so is everyone else. No more pretensions otherwise. The notion of ‘presidential’ is out the window, especially after Clinton, W. Bush, and Obama(and Michelle). Hillary is surrounded by the likes of Lena Dunham and Miley Cyrus. Obama’s daughter twerks like a whore and smokes pot. Brian Williams’ daughter get rimjob on TV. Family Guy is on primetime slot.

Trump seems to say, Okay, this is America. It is trash. So now, it’s all about raw power and naked interests. He had denuded politics of bogus morality that has been lost long ago and has lingered only as pretense. It’s whore vs pimp.

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