NYT: “Families Don’t Have Borders”

Steve Sailer writes: From the New York Times, an article about an illiterate Syrian shepherd’s family brought to Canada by naive Canadians who assume that nuclear families are the global norm:

Ms. Hajj, however, often stayed up for much of the night to converse with relatives seven hours ahead, growing weepy and exhausted by dawn. Like many of the relatives, she had never learned to read or write, so they used WhatsApp to volley short voice recordings. Those messages felt like a lifeline, and the ones that were not harrowing were comforting: greetings for the Eid al-Adha holiday among her 16 half and full siblings, and a running whose-baby-is-cuter photo contest. Sometimes she woke her 10-year-old son, Majed, in the middle of the night for technical help.

She was trying to embrace life in Canada, cheering during her children’s soccer matches and soaking up advice on tummy time and solid food for her 5-month-old, Julia. But her husband worried that the infusions of survivor’s guilt were preventing her from fully entering her new world. She often seemed more connected to the electronic constellation of relatives back home than to the Toronto streets she did not know and the English signs she could not decipher. When the sponsors tutored her in English, she often yawned through the lessons.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* An illiterate Middle Easterner with 16 siblings, who yawns through her benefactors’ attempts to teach her English – a real asset to Canada.

* Europeans are quite generous and would have easily been parted with funds to house displaced people. But this attitude that these people should be accepted as permanent immigrants who need to be integrated was off everyone’s lips and tone the second it happened. Why were the Germans worried about giving them German lessons? Because everyone knew they were economic migrants, but were still guilt-tripped! Wars don’t last forever and it’d be a drop in the bucket for the ‘international community’ to pay to repair the main cities. (Not that that wouldn’t defeat the purpose of the war to leave Syria in pieces, but maybe Assad will prevail and the neocns will be content with just taking the Syrian army apart and sowing ethnic strife.)

Additionally was the tacit assumption that as intervention against Assad is something partaken in by many Western countries against the interests and will of the general public, particularly the poor, it was the responsibility of those people to deal with the young male spivs. I mean if the MSM says Assad is illegitimate and therefore needs to be ‘regime-changed’ by an angry mob, what does it say about the leadership of the Western world? It seems like the response to a Democratic deficient shouldn’t be an even more unpopular policy that has permanent consequences and represents an existential threat.

It’s this annoying problem of sentiment that makes people never feel like explaining the constellation of emotional motivations. None of this is effective at dealing with people displaced by the fighting, it is only effective at displacing the native populations of Europe. But nobody ever calls them out how inefficient this is or that it goes to serve a bunch of young male spivs, rather than women, children and infirm.

* As a Canadian, I fully admit there is a special, supercilious naivety about us. I think this may have to do with part of the Canadian identity now being predicated on appearing to be morally superior to Americans. One thing is for certain, with the government increasing immigration and refugee levels, our time for being guileless is running out fast. Unlike previous years, the Canadian government is focusing less on economic immigration and more on family reunification and refugee resettlement. The 2011 census showed that Ontario was just under 5 percent Muslim, this was before the Syrian and other refugee influx. On the ground level there is a noticeable shift in the demographics that is palpable in the larger metro areas.

* The one advantage Canada has is that ‘diverse’ people don’t really want to live where it’s that cold.

* Nice highlight of the insanity of the west’s moral vanity when it comes to refugees. I recently had a conversation with a friend from MN on this subject and he insisted that the US has a history of taking in refugees and it would be against our values to end that practice. The conversation then turned to the Somali population and within a few minutes he matter of factly stated that no one in the Twin Cities can stand them and how they add absolutely nothing to society. This inability to say “no” even when perfectly aware of the consequences seems to have taken hold.

* Then why does the US support Israel as a bordered national family?

Also, the concept of family is about borders. There is borderline around who are within the family.

* These problems are going to require stern measures to solve, and I mean really stern measures.

* “Enjoy every sip of cold water, because I have none.”

Isn’t it fair to say that a lot of clannish relationships are based on moral extortion? You are my cousin, you HAVE to help me (get that job/marry your daughter/beat that infidel to pulp etc.). So it is not good will or, God forbid, love, that drives these relations, but a “toxic” culture of mutual exploitation. I against my brother, my brother and I against our cousins etc. The other counts only as a means to an end, not at the same time as an end in itself.

A commonly decent European just would not say that sentence above, neither to a brother nor to a stranger. Compare also those many cases where fathers are trying to extort goodies from our authorities by threatening harm to their own children (often daughters). That just doesn’t compute to our outbreeded brains, so we think, “how desperate and how traumatized must he be”. Well, he is not that desperate, he just found a cheap way to get faster WIFI.

* Michigan is cold too, and it’s been filling up with Arabs for a long time. They find those Small Business Administration 8a loans to be very warming.

* That article is hilarious. The foster mother had him share a room with her 13 year old son and turned her entire family halal. She wasn’t too concerned about the facial and body hair and upper body strength, but she became a bit suspicious by his ability to strip a rifle at a shooting range.

The real tip-off, though, came when he “put the 13-year-old in expert holds, demanded cash and got calls from unknown numbers.”

* Has anyone here paused to consider that the West needs a massive flood of insufferable immigrants stat?

Recall Ryan Enos’ study relating exposure to diversity and a tendency to dislike it. In places like southern CA, we’ve observed a trickle become a flow become a flood. There was nowhere an inflection point great enough to cause sufficient popular upset to manifest sufficient political resistance to the invasion. The 1994 surge nearly did the job, but not quite.

From the ruler’s perspective, overhauling demographics is like making custard. Pour the boiling cream into the eggs slowly. Pour too fast and you’ve got scrambled eggs.

So too could it be with the West at large vis a vis Sailer’s most important graph in the world. The only chance at an asymptotically European Europe is to make Europeans all aware at once and to a great degree the downsides of all that vibrancy. Viewed this way, Merkel’s boner may have been the vaccination which will ultimately save Europe.

* Mr Sailer, you just cannot win — you cannot reason with these people — so forget this incomprehensible ‘Citizenism’ stuff and come out as a White Nationalist — at least then you’ll be called a ‘racist’ for supporting the worthwhile cause of preserving America as a majority white nation.

* If nations shouldn’t have bonds, why should families have bonds?

And since when do globalists care about family values?

I thought that was heteronormative BS.

If the individual is all that counts, who cares if families are separated among various nations? If national unity is meaningless, so is family unity.

Also, why must families be united in the US? Why not back in their home nations? Tell the people to go back and reunite with family.

Immigration patterns are clearly white supremacist. Ask any non-white person where he/she wants to emigrate to, and you never get an egalitarian answer. They never want to move to black Africa, Muslim Middle East, diverse Latin America, or Asia.

They all want to move to white Europe, Canada, Australia/New Zealand, or the US. They want to live with or under whites on the basis that whites are superior at running societies.
They run from their own kind(seen as inferior) and avoid non-white nations(seen as inferior) and come to white nations(seen as superior or preferable), but they accuse whites of ‘racism’.

Even within the US, non-whites want to move to whiter pastures, not to blacker or browner ones.

When non-whites ask whites, “why aren’t you welcoming of us?”, whites should ask, “why are you so eager to flee from your own kind? Racist against your own people? See them as inferior?”

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The Alt-Right Is Racist, Xenophobic & Anti-Semitic

Greg Johnson, founder of Counter-Currents.com, says in this recent Swedish podcast: “The Alternative Right was started by certain white nationalist donors and organizers as an entryist vehicle into the mainstream conservative world for the purpose of interacting with it, deconstructing it, and subverting it to convert people to a racial outlook.”

“In the past couple of years, the term has been bubbling up all over. It is a useful term. Why? Because it is vague and generic. You can say you are Alt-Right because you don’t believe what mainstream conservatives believe. You can talk to white nationalists but you don’t have to take on that name. It’s like an intellectual salon where people can circulate around without taking on stigmatized names. They’re playing footsie with it [white nationalism and anti-Semitism]. It’s like a revival meeting. You set up a big tent and your bring people in and preach the gospel to them.”

“This only works if the term is vague and if people who aren’t us show up. The only way a movement grows is by encountering people who don’t already belong to it and getting our message to people who don’t already believe our message. We’re going to be associating with normies. They aren’t awakened yet.”

“There is a tendency in the Alternative Right to not be welcoming of that. Let’s face it — we are a racist and xenophobic movement. There are a lot of [WNs] who are xenophobic about all these outsiders identifying with the Alt-Right… We have to cool it with the xenophobic remarks if we are to make this thing work.”

“Some [WNs] think the Alt-Right is not our vehicle into the mainstream, it is the mainstream’s entry into us. It is a danger. We’ve set up a porous boundary.”

“We’re never going to have an Alternative Right unless we have lots of people showing up to it who are clueless about it. ‘I’m Alt-Right and that means I’m an anti-racist and cultural libertarian and I am sick of Social Justice Warriors.”

“As long as we can make the Alternative Right work for us, great. When not, burn it down.”

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Toxic Whiteness

ESSAY: I first came across the term ”White Privilege” about five years ago in an article in the Telegraph which was a response to Laurie Penny’s (surprise surprise) attempt to bring the idea into popular discourse in Britain. It was one of those occasions when you knew instantly an idea or policy is bad news, understanding the term itself and the theory of White Privilege was to be made aware that the enemy had been working on a new weapon which was in the process of being tweaked and polished before being rolled out onto the meta-political battlefield.

…And now it has.

White Privilege Theory emanates from the ”Social Science” wing of modern leftist thought, this is the field of study which has given us the tragic and insane ”Social Justice Warrior”. The standard response to White Privilege theory of the Ethno-Nationalist is to reject the entire premise out of hand, non-whites cannot be oppressed by whites if they are no longer living in our countries. Furthermore, the existence of White Privilege Theory as a valid subject within academia undermines the premise of the theory because if the society was directed toward ”privileging” whites above everyone else then why haven’t whites shutdown such studies?.

Like all other forms of Neo Marxist/Critical Theory, White Privilege was born on the American university campus and spread throughout the former white world, there’s even articles being written in Irish newspapers lambasting the Irish for their failure to recognize their privilege and how it disadvantages ‘people of colour’. Whether we like it or not, tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of white teens are now studying Social Science and White Privilege Theory and Critical Whiteness Studies(CWS). But what is it? what are they telling these kids and what will the effects of this field of study actually be on these fragile young white minds?

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WP: ‘He wants to become a cop. ‘Are you sure?’ his friends and family ask.’

All minorities are going to feel ambivalent or negative about the majority and enforcing the majority’s laws. This is nothing peculiar to blacks. It’s just basic social identity theory. There is no solution.

Most non-blacks don’t want to be around blacks, most non-Muslims don’t want to be around Muslims, and perhaps most non-Jews don’t want to be around Jews.

Washington Post:

He had grown up in Baltimore, been arrested, been slammed to the ground by a police officer. And now, all he wanted was to be one.

So Kyle Johnson flipped through his mail. It was a Wednesday in July, and he had just come home from his 5 a.m. shift at the airport, where he spent eight hours moving baggage around planes. A safe job. The kind no one has an opinion about.

He found the envelope he was hoping wouldn’t be there. It was from Morgan State University’s police department, the first agency Kyle applied to after graduating from a community college police academy. If they had wanted to hire him, they would have called.

“Okay,” he told himself. “On to the next.”

The next, if he were being practical, would be his home town Baltimore Police Department. They were hiring, and seeking minority candidates — actively recruiting locals, who would be familiar with the city and its problems.

But just that day, BPD had been on the 12 o’clock news again. Kyle saw it on the little TV in the airport break room. The charges against the officers accused in the case of Freddie Gray had just been dropped, meaning no one would be found responsible for the death of the Baltimore man who was 25 — Kyle’s age — when he fell into a coma in the back of a police van. Two weeks later, the Justice Department would determine that the Baltimore police had been disproportionately targeting and using excessive force against black people.

Already, Kyle’s Facebook feed was full of opinions on this new development in what seemed a never-ending story of never-ending conflict. More black men dead in Minnesota, in Baton Rouge; police officers slain in Baton Rouge, in Dallas. Each time, his friends and relatives fumed about injustice and fear. Kyle kept his opinions to himself. Rarely did anyone seem to have a solution. Except, he thought, the Dallas police chief, who gave a news conference to say: “We’re hiring.”

“We’ll help you resolve some of the problems you’re protesting about,” the chief, David Brown had said.

That’s what Kyle wants: If the battle is between cops and black people, maybe the solution is to be both.

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Josh Marshall: Twitter Has Too Much Free Speech Because It Is So Gentile


* it’s almost like those rights of Englishman were somehow more genetic than we thought

* Used to think free speech was an incidental casualty of diversity; now I see it’s deliberate.

* The CEO is a homosexual. Homosexuals only make up about 2% of the population. But leadership is to straight?

* I’m old enough to remember Jews being at the forefront of free speech rights. But maybe that was only for obscenity.

* Oy vey. Where to begin…

* the COO and “next CEO” is not jewish enough? Need to have at least 2 jews on the board.

* These people are really drawing a clear line in the sand lately. They’ll regret it when we cross it.

* there must be jewish supremacy in all news and social media organizations. Goy need their guidance.

* if Israel was less Jewish it would stop it’s atrocities against Palestinians. Israel is too Jewish.

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