‘How many Jews do you know are electricians?’

Comment: There is an obsession with Jews on this blog. Jews are this and Jews are that and how many Jews do this and how many Jew vote like that and what do these Jews eat an wear and say and marry and think. Look, Jews are very important, but this is just too much. I can understand guys like map, who are latent antisemites, but still. I mean, mates, not every discussion needs to be related to Jews. I’m getting tired of hearing about Jews all the time.

Anyway, I, being a tradesman, know tons of Jewish electricians. There is an outlet where we go to eat after work, and there are usually a few tables full of various Jewish tradesmen eating greasy Chinese food and Jewish dishes like kugel, chulent, kishke, gefilte fish, gala, yupchick and chicken soup. And these are just the Orthodox ones. Now obviously there are more Jewish engineered, doctors, lawyers and financiers, but nothing human is foreign to the Jews. I’m low IQ and intelligence not for nothing, I have to admit that those Jewish tradesmen are very smart and I feel fortunate to be in their company and enjoy it in small doses. It’s funny, but I don’t feel they are less intelligent then the folk I’d worked with on Wall Street, I’m talking up to VP level, which is what I was, obviously the management, like AD, MD and up was brighter. There is this persisting misconception that tradesmen are dim wits. WRONG! Low status? I’d never known what it means in my whole life. What’s the hell is that? I determine my status and no one else, ever. My status is normal, not high and not low, just plain normal. I’m fact, I have no clue what anyone else thinks of my status, had never taken any interest in that and I never understood why anyone else would agonize about something like that.

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Ever Tire Of People Lecturing You About Racism?


* Can someone compile a list of white liberals who lecture others about racism, together with the stats on the racial makeup of their own home neighborhoods? Wouldn’t that be useful in an argument?

* How would one know when an institution’s “institutional racism” has been eradicated? How could you ever falsify such a nebulous claim?

* Leaving aside Hussein’s abhorrent policies and rhetoric on any number of non-racial issues, I don’t think any reasonable person can deny that he has been essentially a racial arsonist, sowing division and resentment whenever he opens his oversized mouth to preach his gospel of covert black supremacy.

* So basically the answer is for people of color to control the structures of society and government built by whites, sort of like how Britain handed over its colonies with all their infrastructure in India and Africa. But this time the downtrodden are going to run things just as well as their former oppressors, contrary to all of previous history.

* Might structural racism be nothing more than the effects of differential capabilities getting cashed out in a competitive society?

* I am suffering greatly from the Black plague of dysfunctional communities blaming all their problems on others. I don’t know how you get around the glaring problem of single mothers bearing countless children and then expecting others to raise them for them. And what does it do to a young boy’s psyche when he sees his mother drop three children, by three different men, all between let’s say his 11th and 13th birthday? If there is a “systematic” problem affecting American blacks, I would say that is the biggest one.

* I wonder how many other whites, not to mention Asians and Mestizos, are suffering from one form or another of Negro fatigue: totally dysfunctional families, high propensity to criminal violence and an endless willingness to blame everyone but themselves for all their problems. I think that we might be only one financial crisis/prolonged recession/depression away from American partition: patience is wearing thin!

* Jewish fears shape many areas of American life, yet the topic is almost entirely taboo outside Jewish American oriented publications. I think you once Googled “Jewish fears” and/or “Jewish paranoia” in quotes and came up virtually empty on both counts in terms of finding mainstream discussions of either topic.

The website Mondoweiss probably does the best job reiterating that many of these fears are atavistic–and anachronistic, given Jews’ prominence in opinion making, in politics at all levels, and in policy formulating circles.

Good for the presumably neoconservative & Jewish Brent Scher for poking fun at what ThinkProgress’ editor posted to Facebook.

ThinkProgress Senior Editor Is Scared of His Plumber by Brent Scher

A visit from a plumber left ThinkProgress senior editor Ned Resnikoff “rattled” due to fear that the plumber may have voted for Donald Trump.

Resnikoff stated his fears in a November Facebook post, a screenshot of which is now making the rounds on the Internet.

The plumbing visit, which came four days after the 2016 election, became a harrowing experience for Resnikoff even though the plumber was “a perfectly nice guy and a consummate professional.”

“He was a perfectly nice guy and a consummate professional,” Resnikoff shared. “But he was also a middle-aged white man with a southern accent who seemed unperturbed by this week’s news.”

Resnikoff said his fear was rooted in the chance that the plumber knew he was Jewish.

“While I had him in the apartment, I couldn’t stop thinking about whether he had voted for Trump, whether he knew my last name is Jewish, and how that knowledge might change the interaction we were having inside my own home,” he said.

The “uncertainty” of the situation left Resnikoff “rattled for some time.”

“I have no real reason to believe he was a Trump supporter or an anti-Semite, but in my uncertainty I couldn’t shake the sense of potential danger,” he wrote. “I was rattled for some time after he left.”

Resnikoff says that he is does not often have a “sense of danger” because he is “still a straight, white guy who can phenotypically pass for gentile” and his “first name is pretty WASP-y.”

Resnikoff used his experience to explain how “ambiguous social interactions now feel unsafe and unpredictable in a way that they never did before.”

“Even if Trump is gone in four years, I don’t expect to ever reclaim that feeling of security,” Resnikoff concluded. “That’s just one more thing you voted for, if you voted for him.”

* It must be a difficult time for Jonah Goldberg, as it dawns on him how out-of-touch and irrelevant he has become. He must be looking for a new angle.

* Racism and sexism have been overplayed by the Coalition of the Fringes, both Left and Right. A person lives in a neighborhood for a number of factors–proximity to work; reputation of school district; affordability and/or amenities; ethnic or racial composition; and, what I believe to be most important, representation of social class status.

What is the likelihood a wealthy white nationalist would purchase a home in a crime infested white enclave like a trailer park?

What is the likelihood a middle class white race realist who farms for a living would move to an all-white suburban neighborhood that experiences overt drug and alcohol problems? Just because that particular area is “clean looking” does not mean that heroin and meth are lacking in abundance.

* Yeah, the whole National Review/Weekly Standard crowd is now obsolete. Trump won without them, the base doesn’t need them and doesn’t like them, Republican Congressmen never paid them much mind. It’ll take them a while to die off, though.

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Chaim Amalek writes: “This is an insightful article, but one thing it misses is the very rapid demographic transformation now underway in Jewish America. Simply put, the old Jewish America of Jews as liberals in a hurry, more attached to the New York Times than to the Torah is fast giving way to a deeply religious, generally conservative and often Trump-embracing population that loathes Hollywood, the New York Times, and, often, the Democratic Party itself. For example, the birthrate among the hasids is extraordinary. Men and women marry as White Americans used to a hundred years ago, and begin procreating immediately. Mothers with 8 kids are not rare. Liberal Jews on the other hand breed like other well educated whites, which is to say, at a much much lower rate. The result is that while the orthodox were a tiny minority of New York Jews at the middle of the 20th Century, they now are an absolute majority among Jewish children in the city, and this preponderance will of course propagate thorugh various age cohorts as time goes by. The old lefty sort of Jew is fated to disappear.”

Daniel Greenfield writes:

Seen from above, the 2016 electoral map of New York City is blue with dots of red. Trump’s home district is blue, but across the water a red wedge slices into Brooklyn. Around that red wedge are districts where Hillary won 90 percent of the vote and Trump was lucky to get 5 percent. Inside it, he beat her in district after district.

The voters who handed him that victory are the Chassidic Jews of Williamsburg who dress in fur hats and black caftans. Their districts, crammed in by hipsters and minorities, are a world away from the progressive activist temples whose clergy went into mourning at Hillary’s loss.

East of Prospect Park, in a vast sea of blue, is what looks like a red sofa. Trump won here with the Chabad Chassidim of Crown Heights. He won in the more mainstream Orthodox Jewish communities of Flatbush. He won by huge margins among the Russian Jewish immigrants of Brighton Beach who listen to a man dubbed the “Russian Rush Limbaugh.”

As the left-wing Forward put it, “Nearly every election district that Trump won in Brooklyn was in a Jewish neighborhood.” But it was a certain type of Jewish neighborhood. The wrong type.

“You can compare them to Rust Belt voters,” a Forward source states. “They are hardworking people, not college educated.”

And then in Far Rockaway where the housing projects by the beach give way to the red Orthodox Jewish communities that extend into Long Island.

There’s a line that recurs again and again in the attacks on David Friedman; the man picked by President-elect Trump to serve as the ambassador to Israel. It’s not stated openly. It’s implied.

“David Friedman, a bankruptcy lawyer from Long Island,” is the sneering summary.

Remnick, the New Yorker’s left-wing editor, took the sneering to a new level, titling his smear as “Trump’s Daily Bankruptcy.” Jewish identity, he declares, has never been a matter of “bankruptcy law.”

To a certain class of elites, it is self-evidently absurd that a bankruptcy lawyer from Long Island be appointed to anything or be listened to about anything. David Remnick is a Washington Post man married to a New York Times woman who went on to inherit the editorship of the New Yorker and turn it into a left-wing echo chamber. He lives in a $3.25 million four-bedroom Manhattan apartment with a wood-burning fireplace.

And David Friedman is the Orthodox son of a Rabbi from Woodmere who still lives there. His father was a Republican who hosted President Reagan. He might occasionally be allowed to read the New Yorker.

And that’s about it.

Yet it’s hard to think of anything that might recommend Friedman more to Trump.

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A gynecologist secretly photographed patients. What’s their pain worth?

I’m sure white racism is to blame.

Washington Post:

Jyllene Wilson is still wary of doctor’s offices and public restrooms, and whenever she’s away from home, she uses a smartphone app that can help detect hidden cameras to ensure she is safe from prying eyes.

Joshulyn L. Brown harbors a deep-seated distrust for many white-collar professionals, especially doctors and lawyers. Stazi Simmons-Gomez gets panic attacks when a male doctor enters a room to examine her, and one of Simmons-Gomez’s daughters fell into a spell of depression and began cutting herself.

The four have one thing in common: They were each patients of Nikita Levy, a Johns Hopkins gynecologist whose warm demeanor won over the trust of thousands of women, many of them poor and black. In February 2013, police discovered that Levy had been taking sexually explicit photos and videos of his patients during appointments using cameras hidden in pens and elsewhere in his exam room, and found a trove of videos and images. Levy, who began practicing with Johns Hopkins in 1988 and had served thousands of women, committed suicide days later, penning an apology note to his wife and slipping a bag of helium over his head.

Levy’s patients — 8,344 of them — filed a class-action lawsuit against Johns Hopkins, which settled in July 2014 for $190 million. The women say the impact of the trauma is nearly immeasurable, the nightmares and lost sleep, the distrust that has driven them away from regular checkups, the panic attacks that strike out of nowhere. It is only within the past month that they learned what the settlement may entitle them to.

Who was Nikita Levy?

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Why Doesn’t Aaron Rodgers Speak To His Family?

From Bleacher Report:

One source, who was close to Rodgers for years but is among the many who have since been cut off by Rodgers entirely, said the quarterback has not spoken to his family since December 2014. Don’t feel too bad, J-Mike. Immediate family members don’t even have his cellphone number. When Mom and Dad sent Christmas presents to the quarterback and his girlfriend that year, the source said, those gifts were mailed back in February. He was set to be the groomsman in the wedding of one of his closest friends, the source said, and texted the day before he couldn’t attend.

He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.

He fired a business manager he’s known since high school.

The family was told they were no longer welcome in Green Bay. If Dad wants to attend a game now, he buys tickets on StubHub or goes through another player’s family.

I wonder if this kind of thing is more common among white people than other groups? That’s my impression.

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