The Meaning Of Nation

Comment: A nation isn’t just about ideas and values, but ethnos and history. It’s about roots and identity. After all, if a 100 million Hindus, Chinese, or Nigerians believe in ‘British values’, should UK allow them in? Well, UK may still remain ‘democratic’ and have night clubs, but it won’t be UK anymore. It’s like Israel is more than about ‘liberal democracy’. (Besides, it is a nationalist-democracy than a liberal one.)

This is truer of Europe than of the New World nations.

New World civilizations were created from above, that is to say they didn’t grow from below, from the soil(even though one could argue that successive generations of white pioneers and settlers did produce a narrative of roots and history). When the Europeans arrived in the New World, they had already developed highly advanced civilizations in the Old World, and they had a ready-made formula for what to do in the new land. Spanish imposed from above their Spanish system of rule and culture.
And Anglos in the North imposed from above their formula already developed in Britain.
It’s like, if we were to settle Mars, we would be doing it from above. We would land on Mars with a formula for civilization and it would be an extension of what we have on Earth. It would not be a civilization that organically and independently grew from Mars soil.

In contrast, every European nation is organic. It developed from the European soil by peoples who’d settled in certain parts for eons. Even though there were migrations and flow of ideas and sciences, certain peoples came to be identified with certain lands as the burial grounds of their ancestors. Thus, the land became the motherland. So, those civilizations grew from the ground. They rose from below than was imposed from above. So, each European has a deep and rich history. So, what globalism is doing to Europe is far more terrible and tragic than what is happening in the New World of North and South America whose roots are shallower and where the civilizations were imposed from above over whatever — savages or native civilizations — had existed earlier.

Globalism cut off white Europeans from their ancestral ties. They no longer drill into the past for the rich oil of history that fuels pride, inspiration, and will to survive. They’ve lost their vertical connection to the soil below them. They just have a veri-horizontal relation to globalism that connects all nations with the same offering of glossy pop culture, PC, and pseudo-cults like homomania. They are offered the synthetic plastic of globalism that says all cultures and peoples are ‘fluid’ like 50 genders.

It’s funny. Progs tell us that it was a terrible thing that happened to the American Indians and Blacks. American Indians were expelled from their ancestral lands, and they were cut off from their roots. They were forced to pledge to the US flag and worship a different God. And same with blacks who were cut off from Africa and cultural roots.
So, there’s been much noise about how it’s important for blacks to look back to Africa, reconnect, and enrich their identity with this reclamation of organic history and ties.

But when Europeans seek the same by rejecting inane & trashy globalism and dig into the soil of memory and history for identity, roots, and heritage, it is condemned as ‘far right’ and evil. Or, it is associated with Nazism. But in fact, the blood-and-soil aspect of Nazism was not the evil. I mean what harm could have come of Germans feeling a deep connection with their own land? The evil resulted from Germans violating the blood-and-soil sacredness of other peoples such as Poles, Czechs, and Russians. And in the end, it was the love of motherland that inspired the nationalists to resist and roll back the invasive Nazi tide. Nazi evil was imperialism, not blood and soil. Blood-and-soil ideology is about sticking to your own sacred land and respecting the sacredness of other nations to other peoples.

Merkel is the evil bitch because she has despoiled her own motherland by inviting mass invasion and then put pressure on other nations(some of them victimized in WWII) to also surrender to mass invasion. (She is like one of those low-life single-mothers who invite ‘boyfriends’ into her home and look the other way while her daughters are raped.) Merkel is just a ‘liberal Hitler’, and both came undone by violating the rule of blood-and-soil, the idea of a civilization that, instead of being imposed instantly from above, developed gradually, richly, beautifully, and tragically over a long long period on a particular patch of land.

A civilization form above is like taking a full-grown tree and sticking it in a new ground.

A civilization from below is like a big tall tree that grew from a seed over a long time on the ground it stands. It has a truly organic tie to the land.
Europe is like that, but globalism turned everyone so shallow and amnesiac.

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Blacks Displaced In Google’s Martin Luther King Day Doodle


* The MLK Day Google Doodle shows a ‘multicultural’ firing squad lineup, each target already having been surgically deprived of an eye. Brutal.

* Blacks have been demoted from center stage on their own day in Google’s version of the Coalition of the Ascendant, replaced by immigrants.

This makes sense because even Mexicans and hijab-wearing Muslims are more frequently found working at Google than blacks.

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Steve Sailer: Why is there so little money for think tanks devoted to patriotic policies?


* I wouldn’t mind seeing certain kinds of Think Tanks flourishing,….You know, ones with the right set of beliefs……Let’s see, a good litmus test would involve seeing how they respond to the fabled Fourteen Words:

“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

If they are on board with that, give ‘em some dough. If they balk, starve ‘em out via monetary malnutrition.

* Somehow I don’t think that the Haim Saban Center for Middle East Policy is going to fold up shop anytime soon.

* I always thought VDare was struggling because its fundraising efforts seemed so frequent and desperate sounding, but Brimelow seems to do pretty well for himself running his website.

* As a financial contributor, I’ve been to events at Peter Brimelow’s home. He lives comfortably but not lavishly. He does pay people who write for him, which sounds like those “leased employees.” He himself works nearly non-stop. I don’t think there’s much waste or pocket-lining at VDare.

* Four white classic pocket passer quarterbacks lead their teams to the final round of the NFL playoffs (like so many other years) and all around the country the football industry at every level is DESPERATELY SEEKING RUNNING QUARTERBACKS.

* If you have no coherent nation, you can have no coherent national interest. As for “think tanks as we know them,” good riddance!

* A pretty good way to run American foreign and domestic policy in the US is to read the editorial page of the Wash Po and the NY Times and do the exact opposite of whatever they recommend. This is really a rare talent – any fool could be wrong about various policy choices some of the time just by making random guesses (even the Magic 8 Ball gives you the right answer sometimes), but to be as CONSISTENTLY wrong as they have takes a special talent.

* Think tanks seem to do about three different things:

a. Provide jobs for a few smart people to think deeply and write about some topic of interest.

b. Provide intellectual hired guns to advocate for your positions.

c. Provide sinecures for important people moving between government, media, and academia.

Only (c) is threatened by Trump.

* Yeah, have also thrown $ vdare’s way, but am philosophical about their budget. There are probably a few heavyweights who give them >$100,000 per year, but given the importance (existential) of the issues they cover, I feel they should have not just a higher budget, but a much better website & reach. Their addition of RadioDerb & their Twitter log have been big pluses. Something one must factor in is that many/most of their columnists are top notch (esp Fitzpatrick) and would easily be drawing big bucks @ legacy media organs in a pre-Neocon world before the advent of Doxxing & Crimethink patrols.

The other thing to remember is that they are a mini David to the SPLC’s Borg Goliath (sitting on a cash heap of >$240M or so?)

* The Necons have been so successful because they either took over “conservative” think tanks or created their own foreign policy think tanks.

* VDARE, to those who even are aware of its existence, is regarded as a “hate group”. Lobbying Congress would be a waste of time, effort and money. VDARE should just keep doing what it has been doing. The periodic gains made are small, but they are solid, no-turning-back gains.

* Realism, per John Mersheimer, involves a realistic and much narrower view of American interests, which would lead to a much less interventionist foreign policy. To wit: No need to invade the world.

However, *not* doing a lot of stuff has little or no value for one’s career. Everything is predicated on work that involves ‘improving things’ through doing stuff. Lengthy studies and analyses on problems that the author has ideas regarding how to solve by doing something.

I find this theory oddly compelling, because it doesn’t assume horrible decisions are caused by more than simple careerism. You don’t need a deep state or a malevolent elite or the Trilateral Commission.

The defining example of this view is the lead up to the Iraq War.

Senior (tenured) University based Foreign Relations academics were against it. By a wide margin.

Meanwhile, their counterparts in Think Tanks were strongly in favor of it. Even Leslie Gelb, the Senior Editor of the Pentagon Papers was in favor of it.

Since we have already done these idiot things, a hypothetical resume that had bullet points stating that the individual didn’t invade Iraq, didn’t support intervention in Lybia, didn’t intervene in Somalia, didn’t expand NATO, etc — the individual with that resume would appear to be a superstar.

But had that person or persons succeeded, and we hadn’t ‘invaded the world’ … would have nothing on the resume. ‘I didn’t implement regime change in Syria’ would sound — sort of idiotic. “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

But that doesn’t do much for one’s career.

The point being that there is a good reason to get rid of these holding pens for careerists who want to make a mark on the world.

It is like people that can’t take yes for an answer. We won WW 2 by crushing the enemy and destroying their industrial base and allowing them to severely damage the industrial base of our allies.

We won the Cold War.

But mere winning — even enormous victories — wasn’t sufficient. Since the next step after winning is to sit quietly in a room and let our industrial economy cash in on it.

* It’s why nobody respects Eisenhower as a great president, though all of the things he didn’t do that his successors did (send lots of troops to Vietnam, launch ill-conceived antipoverty programs) show he had great judgment. Sometimes the smartest thing to do is nothing, even if it doesn’t do much for your legacy. The last president who I really thought put country ahead of party was Bush Sr.–last of the old WASPs, probably not coincidentally.

* When the British had a world empire they founded the field of anthropology to try to understand the nature of the societies they ruled. But here we are into the fifteenth year of our wars in the Middle East and still American leaders remain clueless about the true nature of these clan-based, tribal societies which, thanks to people like Steve and hbdchick, ordinary citizens have come to appreciate. They knock off Quaddafi and Libya disintegrates into anarchy. Who knew? Next up, Assad.

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The Young Pope

In episode four, Cardinal Voiello says to The Young Pope: “Do you want to look into the [particular pedophilia ] case?”

Pope: “Yes, but from a broader point of view. The individual case is always an indicator a broader issue.”

Cardinal: “I agree. Let’s pursue all the cases of pedophilia that are infesting our church.”

Pope: “Let’s widen the circle. Let’s prosecute all the cases of homosexuality that are infesting our church. Let’s root out all the homosexuals and expel them and prevent any new gay priests from entering our church. Let’s do it for real without exceptions and without hypocrisy.”

Cardinal: “Holy Father, pedophilia and homosexuality are two very different things.”

Pope: “Two very different things that are both equally unacceptable to the Catholic church…. Two-thirds of the clergy.”

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Reparations For Blacks

Comment: If the U.S. were still roughly 90% white and 10% black, I do think whites would be ready to implement “reparations” policies as a final effort at black/white assimilation.

However, now that blacks are just another identity group, it’s never going to happen. When over half the country has jumped on the identity politics bandwagon, any targeted social justice policies become impractical or outright impossible. And, honestly, people like the good professor here have no one to blame but themselves, with their continual willingness to tack “Muslims, Latinos, women, etc.” onto “black.”

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