Alt Right Torah

* Alt Right Torah means treating non-Jews as if they were every bit as human as you, had the same hopes and dreams for their people, and extending to these goyim the same sympathy Jews want for themselves. It means putting yourself in their position. How would it have felt to be the Pharoah of the Exodus and Esav and Cain and Haman and Amalek and Balaam. What about the desires of goyim for cohesion, unity, strength and the development of their people?

* Alt Right Torah means never seeking anything for your group that you wouldn’t wish for other groups. When there are fundamental conflicts of interest, your enemy is your enemy, but not diabolical. There are no objectively good guys and bad guys in the universe. Without faith, life is a fight over scarce resources. With faith, life can be anything. You may not care about evolution, but evolution will remove those who don’t adapt.

* The purpose of the nation state is to develop a particular people.

* Why did Cain kill Abel? Because Abel wanted to be sacrificed and brought it about.

* Why did Esav hate Jacob? Because Jacob hated Esav after cheating him out of his birthright.

* Why did the Pharoah want to enslave the Israelites? Because he didn’t want Egypt to become multicultural.

* Why did Amalek hate Israel? Because it had fundamental conflicts of interest with Israel.

* Why did Haman want to kill the Jews? Because he thought the Jews would kill him and his people if they could.

* The Spanish Inquisition was a reaction to Jews ostensibly converting to Christianity but remaining Jewish in their secret identity and practices.

* Every horrible thing you ascribe to your enemies’ motivation is likely a projection of your own thinking.

* What was the Golden Age? When Muslims took over the Iberian Peninsula from the Christians with perhaps a little help from the Jews to make things super multi culti. Would Jews regard it as a Golden Age if Muslims took over the Jewish state of Israel with help from the Druze or Christians?

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Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel

Comment: Al-Jazeera released a story where an undercover reporter penetrates into the Israeli Lobby in England.

Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel
“In the first of a four-part series, Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain. We expose a campaign to infiltrate and influence youth groups, including the National Union of Students, whose president faces a smear campaign coordinated by her own deputy and supported by the Israel Embassy.”

“Al Jazeera Investigations – The Lobby P2: The Training Session
In part two of The Lobby, our undercover reporter joins a delegation from the Israeli Embassy at last year’s Labour Party Conference. The programme reveals how accusations of anti-Semitism were made against key Labour Party members – and how a former official at the Israeli Embassy was upset when her background was revealed.”

Investigative journalism – a dying art.

* That’s the series I referred to last week, when an Israeli Embassy staffer was filmed telling a Tory MPs aide which government ministers he’d like to see ‘taken down’.

An un-named minister from the Cameron years is quoted in the same piece.

“Last month Theresa May, like David Cameron each year before her, spoke to the annual lunch of the Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI).

She oozed praise for Israel as a democracy, spoke of the constant terrorist threat they face, and condemned the way that Palestinians supposedly incite violence and anti-Semitism.

Her own policy that considers Israeli settlements on Palestinian land illegal received only a passing mention.

The reason is clear: the Conservative Party wants pro-Israel donors’ money, and principle in the Government’s foreign policy has been relegated.

Matters deteriorated further over Christmas after US Secretary of State John Kerry’s forceful condemnation of the extremism and conduct of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israeli government.

Instead of agreeing with his comments – which are identical to her own policy – she criticised Kerry.

Behind this inconsistent and concerning attitude lies a serious and troubling problem. British foreign policy is in hock to Israeli influence at the heart of our politics, and those in authority have ignored what is going on.

For years the CFI and Labour Friends of Israel (LFI), have worked with – even for – the Israeli government and their London embassy to promote Israeli policy and thwart UK Government policy and the actions of Ministers who try to defend Palestinian rights.

Lots of countries try to force their views on others, but what is scandalous in the UK is that instead of resisting it, successive Governments have submitted to it, taken donors’ money, and allowed Israeli influence-peddling to shape policy and even determine the fate of Ministers.

Even now, if I were to reveal who I am, I would be subjected to a relentless barrage of abuse and character assassination.

The CFI is not affiliated to the Conservative Party. It is incorporated in a way that means it is not to transparent about donors. Yet it arranges for the support of MPs and funds regular visits to Israel which distort the truth. Cameron turned a blind eye to Israeli misconduct – if he ever cared about it – because he was persuaded any criticism would reduce Party donations.

It now seems clear people in the Conservative and Labour Parties have been working with the Israeli embassy which has used them to demonise and trash MPs who criticise Israel; an army of Israel’s useful idiots in Parliament.

This is politically corrupt, and diplomatically indefensible. The conduct of certain MPs needs to be exposed as the poisonous and deceitful infiltration of our politics by the unwitting agents of another country, which acts in defiance of international law, and whose government Kerry called its most extreme ever.

We need a full inquiry into the Israeli Embassy, the links, access and funding of the CFI and LFI, and an undertaking from all political parties that they welcome the financial and political support of the UK Jewish community, but won’t accept any engagement linked to Israel until it stops building illegally on Palestinian land.

This opaque funding and underhand conduct is a national disgrace and humiliation and must be stamped out.”

Back on topic

“School officials immediately denounced the document as a hoax and began an investigation.”

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Steve Sailer: This Week in Fake News Hate Hoaxes


* Is this a Horrible Hate Hoax or an amusing satire by a spirited fourteen year old?

If she hoped for a pompous, panic-stricken, mutton-headed response, she certainly got it.

* A necessary ingredient in these hoaxes getting national attention is a reporter with an agenda, an Erdely type. If a hoax falls in the forest, does it make a sound? No, you need a megaphone to make a hoax – it takes two to tango. Often the people the reporter interviews are actually waving big red flags but the reporter drives right past them – she is wearing her ideological blinders. She interprets the facts in a way that fits the story that she wants to write. She ignores the ones that don’t fit. She doesn’t try to call up the “perp” whose name is right there on the credit card receipt (or “he did not respond to my attempts to contact him”). If the other waitresses or her boss are unenthusiastic about what a great waitress the “victim” is, that’s interpreted as meaning that they are racists too – this poor woman not only has to put up with racist customers but racist bosses and racist co-workers too! Or if they make some ambiguous statement that is really damning her with faint praise, the reports fails to see that and interprets their mild endorsements as meaning she is another Saint Rosa Parks.

* How stupid do people have to be to still be falling for these hoaxes? I saw another story about a waitress who claimed someone wrote we don’t tip black people on her receipt. Shouldn’t the default reaction be it is a hoax until proven otherwise?

* Sometimes I wonder if the people who run schools have ever actually sat down and talked to a child.
Like I am shocked, just shocked, to find out that children do not always act like mature, responsible adults who understand why some topics are considered deeply serious business, but instead make jokes or act irreverent about them. I thought children were considered paragons of thoughtful good judgment, which is why we let them vote, drink, drive, get married, and sign contracts. Also, kids never bully each other or say mean things. Totally.

* They [MSM] had no problem exquisitely parsing Hillary’s rationalizations for why it was ok to keep top secret info on an unsecured server in her basement, or on how it is possible for a person to be a white Hispanic if he kills a black person but otherwise he is just Hispanic (so at the moment when he pulled the trigger, for an instant George Zimmerman was like Schrodinger’s Cat, white and not-white at the same time – only by observing whether the bullet hit or missed could we know which one he was), but when it comes to stuff like understanding jokes made by Republicans their powers of subtlety completely fail them and they cannot understand the simplest joke.

Or as Upton Sinclair said, “It is difficult to get a man [woman/ person of undefined gender] to understand something, when his [her/their] salary depends upon his [her/their] not understanding it!”

or as Orwell said,

“Crimestop means the faculty of stopping short, as though by instinct, at the threshold of any dangerous thought. It includes the power of not grasping analogies, of failing to perceive logical errors, of misunderstanding the simplest arguments if they are inimical to Ingsoc [English Socialism], and of being bored or repelled by any train of thought which is capable of leading in a heretical direction. Crimestop, in short, means protective stupidity.”

* My favorite example of this kind of propaganda was this Jap Jem from WWII. The Japanese wanted to turn the Filipinos against the US, so they dropped leaflets over the Philippines with the following message:

Guard Against Venereal Diseases

Lately there has been a great increase in the number of venereal diseases among our officers and men owing to prolific contacts with Filipino women of dubious character.

Due to hard times and stricken conditions brought about by the Japanese occupation of the islands, Filipino women were willing to offer themselves for a small amount of foodstuffs. It is advisable in such cases to take full protective measures by use of condoms, protective medicines, etc.; better still to hold intercourse only with wives, virgins, or women of respectable character.

Furthermore, in view of the increase in pro-American leanings, many Filipino women are more than willing to offer themselves to American soldiers, and because Filipinos have no knowledge of hygiene, disease carriers are rampant and due care must be taken.

US Army

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Cory Booker’s Future

Comments: * “Booker’s got chops. White weemen panties gonna drop once he gets that voice and condescending tone perfected.”

* Pretty sure he plays for the other team. I think the only reason he hasn’t come out yet, is that he’s saving it for a Cait! style media blitz, when he announces his Presidential campaign. This would serve, both to differentiate him from Obama and to suck all the oxygen out of the room for competing candidates like Warren, Biden etc. Bonus iSteve benefit, is that there is no telling how high the Boteach-Diveroli clan can rise under a Booker presidency. Why, Shmuly and Cory’s reconciliation, might tempt Oprah to come back for a 2 hour live special! Short of elevating Golf Architecture to a Cabinet position ( a distinct possibility, Booker is an avid golfer!), nothing would illustrate the fact that American politics/culture’s ultimate purpose is as Steve’s content provider, better than a Booker presidency.

* Rumor is he already makes white wimmins panties drop…. but he hides those panties’ owners out of state so the black women will vote for him.

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Persians Vs Arabs

Comment: My experience has been that Arabs are easier and more pleasant to deal with than Persians on an individual basis.

But Persian communities are more functional and its more pleasant to live around Persians than Arabs.

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