Tag Archives: chief rabbi

Israeli Ethiopians Conned By Rabbis

Rabbi Lev Brackman writes for YNETNEWS: The phenomenon, as it turned out, is not unique: Yedioth Ahronoth received testimonies from other Ethiopian couples who encountered a similar experience; shortly before the wedding, and after having made all the arrangements, Rabbi … Continue reading

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The ‘Tolerant’ Rabbi Druckman Vs. The ‘Hard-Hearted’ Haredim

Jonathan Rosenbloom, who is charedi, writes: Rabbi Avraham Sherman, author of the Rabbinical High Court decision, served for many years as an IDF rabbi, and once spent a sabbatical at Yeshiva University, the flagship institution of modern Orthodoxy. Another one … Continue reading

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Beit Shemesh Extremist Rabbi Shabsi Wigder Extremely Ill

This announcement in Hebrew asks for your prayers. Wigder is not from the Karlin Stolin sect. (They are moderates, politically and religiously speaking.) Bleich, his son-in-law, is from that sect. Wigder hung around Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld, who was the Rosh … Continue reading

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Conversion Controversy

Hirhurim reports: Late last week, the Chief Rabbinical High Court in Israel ruled that all conversions over the past 20 years by R. Haim Druckman–the head of the Conversion Administration–are invalid. This led to an uproar and Chief (Sephardic) Rabbi … Continue reading

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You Are Not Jewish

Gadi Pickholz from the Israel Fathers Rights Advocacy Council writes: Luke: While you waste your time writing nonsense because of a lack of knowledge of what is really going on in Judaism, let me inform you of two major historic … Continue reading

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