Conservative Values

(JTA) — The Jewish Theological Seminary joined other Jewish Conservative groups in a U.S. Supreme Court appeal against a presidential move that allows schools to decide who may enter gender-segregated bathrooms.

On Thursday, JTA wrote in a statement that it has joined an amicus brief designed to uphold the “rights of transgender students to use public school restrooms consistent with their gender identity.”

The March 2 appeal follows the decision last month by the administration of President Donald Trump to roll back guidelines issued by his predecessor, Barack Obama, ordering schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms matching their perceived gender identities.

“JTS is compelled to act in the face of state and federal actions which undermine the Jewish principle of human dignity,” the organization wrote in the statement about its joining the amicus brief.

Other signatory bodies include the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and the movement’s Rabbinical Assembly, the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association and College, and several Christian bodies including the Unitarian Universalist Association and the General Synod of the United Church of Christ.

“In the Jewish tradition, public humiliation is tantamount to bloodshed,” JTA Chancellor Arnold Eisen wrote in the statement. “We will not stand idly by the blood of our fellow human beings. Laws such as the one at issue in the Supreme Court case have the effect, if not the purpose, of publicly humiliating transgender students by refusing them access to facilities consistent with their gender identities.”

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Forward: ‘Meet The 45 Most Popular Women On JSwipe’

None of them are black or fat or asian or latino. They’re all under 38. None of them look like tramps. Judging by their education levels, they probably have an average IQ of 120.

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LAT: There’s only one way to fix L.A.’s traffic, and it isn’t Elon Musk’s tunnels. We need tolls — lots of them

This is the only solution and it is a good one.

UCLA researcher Herbie Huff writes:

The reason that electrical power and air travel don’t fail every time they get crowded is that we raise prices to manage demand. If things cost more, people use less of them. We all accept that airline tickets are more expensive during the holidays. And yet we miss that this very same, simple system of pricing could solve our congestion problem. Roads are the only piece of infrastructure we allow to consistently fail due to overuse.

Since 2003, cities across the country have been experimenting with something called “dynamic tolling” as a traffic solution. This entails adding what are called High-Occupancy/Toll (HOT) lanes on freeways. In a HOT lane, carpools drive for free, while solo drivers have to pay. Tolls are usually collected via a transponder, without ever having to slow down. Two of these experimental HOTs are right here in Los Angeles on the 110 and the 10 freeways.

In these HOT lanes, congestion is basically a thing of the past. On one highway in Miami, for example, average speeds went from 20 mph to 62 mph. On a Minneapolis road, speeds of 50-55 mph are maintained 95% of the time. Here in Los Angeles, average speeds on the 10 and 110 are 45 mph in the general purpose lanes and 65 mph in the HOT lanes. And the free flowing lanes are benefiting transit riders, too. Transit usage jumped 10% following the opening of the 10 and 110 ExpressLanes. Despite a poor, under-publicized rollout by Metro, these facilities have created far more traffic relief than the 405 widening at a fraction of the cost.

Dynamic tolling works by varying the price of the toll lanes by time of day. It costs more when traffic is typically busy, and less when fewer people want to use it. Prices can range from $0.50 to around $8 per trip.

A free-flowing road also carries more cars than a congested road, so by keeping things moving, the price actually increases the capacity on the road. Minneapolis’ HOT lane, for instance, carried 33% more cars than it did when it was free.

The system works because when prices go up, it sends a signal to drivers that there are lots of other cars on the road. Just as with airfare, people respond to these signals.

People have more flexibility in their drive times than you might imagine. Roughly half of peak-hour trips are not commutes to work or school. With HOT lanes, when prices are high, people adjust accordingly. If it’s worth it, they get in the lane and save time. If they don’t want to pay, they have that most American of options — choice: They could use the unpriced lanes, go at a different time, carpool, or take transit to avoid the cost.

Experts have pointed to tolls as a traffic solution for decades, yet building political support for road fees continues to be a challenge — the most common complaint being: “Oh, so only rich people can drive?”

This critique ignores the fact that working Americans often suffer the most severely from the impacts of poor mobility. Working-class parents who are late to pick up their kids from day care, for example, often pay severe financial penalties. Having the option to reach their destination quickly could actually save them money. In fact, experience with dynamic tolling in the United States has shown that people of all income levels use these lanes. This objection also ignores just how inequitable and dysfunctional our current system is. Tolls may disproportionately burden the poor, but so do sales taxes, gas taxes and every other way we pay for roads.

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Black Trump-Hating Journalist Breaks Up With White Girlfriend, Then Phones In Threats To Jewish Community Centers

But somehow Trump is to blame?

When you go through the day, how often are you hurt and inconvenienced by demographics likely to vote for Trump vs unlikely to vote for Trump. Most of the bad behavior I endure is by people in demographics unlikely to vote for Trump.

Juan Thompson, the suspect in the Jewish Community Center bomb threats, had a very active Twitter page in which he posted a series of incendiary tweets, calling capitalists “blood suckers” and retweeting Hillary Clinton criticizing the president for not speaking out fast enough on hate crimes.

He criticized Donald Trump, calling him a “coward” and accused the president of wanting to ethnically cleanse Chicago. However, the criminal complaint alleges that Thompson called in bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers as part of a campaign of harassment against a woman he had dated. He had harsh words for the Democratic Party too, accusing it of being boring, flaccid and useless.


He also criticized white people (writing that they have “no shame”) and their “vile ilk” and the “white media.”

He wrote: “You show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker | Director of Communications–Gateway Housing Foundation |” on his Twitter profile.

He also posted on the bomb threats themselves.



Thompson, 31, was arrested in the string of threats against the centers, which had led to commentary about a troubling rise of anti-Semitism in America, as well as denunciation of it by Donald Trump in his speech to Congress.

A senior editor for the Atlantic says Thompson was fired by the Intercept.

The arrest was revealed on March 3.

What does Thompson’s Twitter account show? It shows a series of angry tweets about politics, white people, and other topics. Here’s a sampling of some of them:

Thompson Claimed He Was Set Up By a ‘White Woman’ He Dated

Heavy has deleted the woman’s name. Thompson pinned this tweet to the top of his Twitter page. However, the complaint alleges that Thompson was harassing the woman for months and made the bomb threats to try to set her up for falsely accusing him of making them.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* A lot of people have talked about how the rise of Trump/Bannon/etc has emboldened the fringe of bigots inclined to beat up minorities, burn down mosques, vandalize Jewish graveyards, etc. And that seems sort-of plausible–we’re a big country with our share of wackos, after all, and some of them are on the far right. But almost nobody seems to get that the over-the-top rhetoric and 24/7 outrage coverage also drives the other side’s crazy people toward this kind of hoax.

This guy was fired as a journalist for making up sources (I guess he was an early innovator in the use of alternative facts), and his hoaxes were being done as part of his crazy obsessive stalking of his ex. I suspect a lot of hate hoaxes (and almost all done by someone who is out of college) are done by people who are fairly messed up like this.

There’s this creepy pattern that applies to mass shooters and jihadi recruits, too. You’re a loser, a small time crook who can’t regularly pay the rent, can’t seem to get his life together. And somehow some big narrative captures your imagination, and you can see yourself as being something greater than yourself by following it.

Sometimes the narrative is somewhat beneficial–maybe you straighten yourself up and start going to church, or join the army. Often it’s predatory–you spend your meager savings on self-help seminars provided by con-men, or you join a cult. And sometimes, like with going postal and shooting a bunch of strangers, or (much less bad!) doing a hate hoax, it’s destructive.

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Goldman vs Sailer

Steve Sailer writes: [David P.] Goldman [aka Spengler] is real smart but his judgment is iffy: e.g., he collaborated with Lyndon LaRouche on at least one book.

I’m not as smart, but my judgment is a little more trustworthy.

But of course I’m widely considered a dangerous wacko because I worry about whether Invade the World, Invite the World is truly prudent.

Dr. Kill writes: “The only thing worse than the old [David] Brooks is new Brooks. Never underestimate what an older man will do to keep banging a babe 25 years his junior.”

* There is a modest possibility that the phrase “Sailer’s commenters are not happy about this latest trial balloon” occasionally gets passed up the chain.

* Well, they’re probably right this minute huddled together in the oval office, and at some point you’d hear: “How many divisions does Sailer have?”

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