Jenna Jameson’s Shocking Alt-Right Transformation

Aurora Snow writes:

Jenna Jameson is once again the talk of the porn industry. An icon with close to 200 adult films under her belt, Jameson is still idolized by many women getting their start in the biz. But there will never be another Jenna. The former Queen of Porn has achieved more mainstream recognition than any female porn star, despite remarking at the 2008 AVN Awards, “I’ll never, ever, ever spread my legs again in this industry. Ever.” While shaming the adult industry is apparently forgivable, a series of alt-right social media tirades has forced even Jameson’s most ardent supporters in the XXX world to reexamine the woman who’s come to represent it.
Since the start of her conversion to the Jewish faith, a journey she embarked on in order to marry her shady Israeli jeweler/fiancé Lior Bitton, Jameson has adopted a fierce and public anti-Islam stance, ranting against Muslims online and clapping back at those in disagreement. She regularly shares stories and videos about the alleged havoc wreaked by adherents of Islam from dubious far-right sites like the pro-Trump agitprop outlet Breitbart and conspiracy theory forum Infowars, along with bigoted replies from her army of close to 700,000 Twitter followers.
Her XXX industry defenders, who would mostly like to remain nameless, point out that the terror of ISIS hits a bit close to home for Jameson, who is eight months pregnant with Bitton’s baby. She tweeted: “My husband is a morrocan Jew… his family was forced from morocco by the escalating violent Muslim climate there.”
But then there was the time Jameson made headlines for her apparent defense of the KKK. Jameson tweeted: “Do the klu klux klan follow a religion that orders the death of apostates? When was the last time we saw a klan member blow up infidels?”
Shortly after her alleged defense of the KKK, Jameson followed it up with another tweet clearly not in favor of the Klan, or Democrats: “Yes, and thank god they’ve been all but eradicated and forced into obscurity… no thanks to the democrats who created them.” (The KKK was affiliated with the Southern Democrats, but those people were mostly absorbed into the Republican Party following the implementation of Nixon and Goldwater’s “southern strategy.”)

Jameson claims it was all a misunderstanding in the service of defending her family. She explained to The Daily Beast, “Another Twitter follower compared ISIS to the KKK and I responded with facts. Saying I defend an organization that wants the death of all Jews is wrong. I am Jewish and so is my family.”

…Yet, some may wonder how it’s possible to respect Jameson’s public defense of Milo Yiannopoulos, an alt-right fellow traveler who was forced to resign in disgrace from his perch at Breitbart after video emerged of him defending hebephilia.
Jameson tells The Daily Beast that she does not condone Milo’s comments, but empathizes with him. “I think people were quick to judge and label him without realizing he was a victim of sexual abuse,” says Jameson. “Having been a victim myself, I know people can deal with the pain of victimization with callousness.”

The 42-year-old ex-porn star clearly appears happy to embrace the controversy of her alt-right views. She idolizes Ann Coulter (“I want to be her when I grow up”) and the illuminati-obsessed Paul Joseph Watson, has called Iran “a cancer,” regularly shares anti-Muslim scare stories, and even tweets anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about George Soros funding cabals of liberals (the irony is apparently lost on her). She even trolled Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), who is a Muslim, into blocking her on Twitter—before declaring him “anti semetic” for doing so.

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Why Do American Jews Want Thousands of Jew Haters in America?

Dennis Prager writes:

Last week, the Jerusalem Post and other news agencies reported that in a Paris suburb, two Jewish brothers wearing kippot (Jewish skullcaps) were attacked while driving their car by Middle Easterners driving another car.
According to a case report: “While the vehicle was in motion, the driver and a passenger shouted anti-Semitic slogans at the brothers that included ‘Dirty Jews, You’re going to die!’ … The vehicle forced the brothers to stop their car, and they were surrounded by several men … The men came out of a hookah cafe on to the side street … The alleged attackers surrounded the brothers, then kicked and punched them repeatedly while threatening that they would be murdered if they moved. One of the alleged attackers then sawed off the finger of one of the brothers.”
Attacks on Jews in France and elsewhere in Europe by Muslim immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, or MENA, are so common that for the first time since World War II, Jews in France fear wearing a kippah or a Star of David in public. So many French Jews are leaving France that two years ago, then-Prime Minister Manuel Valls gave an impassioned speech pleading with French Jews to stay in France.
It has gotten so bad for Jews in Europe that The Atlantic, a liberal magazine, recently featured an article titled “Is It Time for the Jews to Leave Europe?”
In Sweden, attacks on Jews in Malmo, the country’s third largest city, are so common that Jews are leaving the city and the country.
Last year, the Jerusalem Post published an article about a Jewish couple that had lived in Sweden since the middle of World War II. Dan and Karla (not their real names) are Danish Jews who were smuggled into Sweden as children. Their gratitude for Sweden has been immense.
But they have now left their homeland, the country that saved their lives, to live in Spain. They lived in Malmo. In Dan’s words, the immense saturation of Jew hatred in the city was caused by “the adverse effects of accepting half-a-million immigrants from the Middle East, who plainly weren’t interesting in adopting Sweden’s values and Swedish culture. … The politicians, the media, the intellectuals … they all played their parts in pandering to this dangerous ideology and, sadly, it’s changing the fabric of Swedish society irreversibly.”
The Post continued, saying, “Karla, who’d sat passively, occasionally nodding in agreement at Dan’s analysis, then interrupted, saying, ‘If you disagree with the establishment, you’re immediately called a racist or fascist.’” (Sound familiar?)
The British newspaper The Telegraph recently reported: “Jewish people in Malmo have long complained of growing harassment in the city, where 43 per cent of the population have a non-Swedish background, with Iraqis, Lebanese and stateless Palestinians some of the largest groups. The Jewish community centre in the city is heavily fortified, with security doors and bollards on the outside pavement to prevent car bombs.”
An article in the left-wing HuffingtonPost reached a now-familiar conclusion, saying: “Migrants streaming into Europe from the Middle East are bringing with them virulent anti-Semitism which is erupting from Scandinavia to France to Germany. … While all of the incoming refugees and migrants, fleeing Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other Muslim lands, may not hold anti-Jewish views, an extremely large number do — simply as a result to being raised in places where anti-Jewish vitriol is poured out in TV, newspapers, schools and mosques. … ‘There is no future for Jews in Europe’ said the chief Rabbi of Brussels.”
Yet, despite all this Muslim-immigrant Jew hatred, more than a thousand rabbis have signed a petition to bring large numbers of MENA Muslims into America, and virtually all Jewish organizations outside of orthodoxy and the Zionist Organization of America have condemned President Trump’s administration for enacting even a temporary travel ban (one due entirely to security concerns) on immigrants and refugees from seven (of the world’s more than 50) Muslim-majority countries.
How is one to explain the widespread American Jewish support for bringing in a massive number of people, many of whom will bring in anti-Jew, anti-Israel and anti-West values?
First, they are staggeringly naive believing, for example, that marching at airports with signs that read “We love Muslims” will change those Muslims who hate Jews into Muslims who love Jews.
Second, never underestimate the power of feeling good about yourself that exists on the left (the self-esteem movement originated on the left). And it feels very good for these Jews to say: “Look, world. You abandoned us in the 1930s, but we’re better than you.”
And third, when American Jews abandoned traditional liberal and traditional Jewish values for leftist values, they became less Jewish, less American and more foolish.

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Torah Talk: Parasha Tetzaveh (Exodus 27:20–30:10)


* This week’s Torah portion according to Wikipedia: “The parashah reports God’s commands to bring olive oil for the lamp, to make sacred garments for the priests, to conduct an ordination ceremony, and to make an incense altar.”

* The Sanctuary appealed to all five senses. Judaism has nothing like it today in creating a visceral and compelling road to God. Judaism is poorer for not having the Third Temple.

* Casey:

* “Splashing blood” as conferring authority & sacredness. Heart as the oldest metaphor. Russians as goy-resistance.

* We should do a re-write of Exodus where Aaron is a “questioning bisexual character.”

* This parasha is about the rituals and the priests who help people to get closer to God. What do you do to get closer to God? As an addict, you are either getting closer to God or getting closer to your disease. Do we still need priests?

* Every detail is prescribed to reduce the chances of Israel lapsing into paganism. You couldn’t bring in your own incense into the Sanctuary. That was a capital offense.

* There was no role for women to work in the Sanctuary because that would wreak havoc by creating sexual tension.

* The olive oil for the menorah must be pure “without any admixture of a foreign substance.” According to Artscroll: “This requirement of absolute purity is a fitting prelude to the selection of Aaron and his sons as Kohanim, for they, too, must remain pure and separate from the rest of the nation.” What about a goy nation’s population? Is it made stronger with substantial admixtures of foreign substances? Is a goy nation 99.4% pure white more of a threat to Jews than American goyim who are about 60% pure white?

* The Jewish priesthood is hereditary. It is genetic. Jewish priests have a distinctive genetic code. You can’t convert to being a priest nor can you be elected.

* A 2005 news article reported

"Likeness leads to liking," said the study's author, J. Philippe Rushton, professor of psychology at the University of Western Ontario. "People have a need to identify and be with others like themselves ('their own kind'). It is a powerful force in human affairs."

Rushton anchored the human preference for similarity in the evolutionary psychology of altruism, which suggests that favoritism toward kin and similar others evolved to help replicate shared genes. In-group loyalty is almost always seen as a virtue and extension of family loyalty. This explains why ethnic remarks are so easily taken as "fighting words."

The paper described the group-identification processes as innate–part of the evolved machinery of the human mind. Even very young children make in-group/out-group distinctions about race and ethnicity in the absence of social learning.

Sociologist Linda S. Gottfredson wrote: "Humans are not promiscuous altruists, of course, but favor persons genetically similar to themselves."

Brenda Walker wrote: "We all prefer to be around others who speak our language, share our values and understand our jokes. Human community is based upon similarities, not differences. Wouldn’t it be better to develop public policy on the basis of human nature as it really is?"

Psychologist Richard Lynn said in 1989: "Racial and ethnic conflict is occurring throughout the world—between Blacks and Whites in the United States, South Africa, and Britain; Basques and Spaniards in Spain; and Irish and British in Northern Ireland. These conflicts have defied explanations by the disciplines of sociology, psychology, and economics…. genetic similarity theory represents a major advance in the understanding of these conflicts." (pg. 534)

American biologist E. Raymond Hall noted that "two subspecies of the same species do not occur in the same geographic area." This rule applies to people. "To imagine one subspecies of man living together on equal terms for long with another subspecies is but wishful thinking and leads only to disaster and oblivion for one or the other."

Psychologist Raymond Cattell said: "Whenever a nation has been forcibly put together from differing races, we find a social life unnecessarily disjointed, weak, and feverish. There are thousands of misunderstandings, produced by individuals working for different goals in different ways and at different speeds."

Dr. Phil Rushton found:

For Homo sapiens, inclusive fitness theory goes well beyond ‘kin’. As William Hamilton hypothesized, genes can increase the probability of their own survival by bringing about the reproduction of not only family members with whom they share copies, but also of any individuals with whom they share copies. Research with Hamilton’s theory on people is less well known and remains controversial. This review shows: (1) spouses and close friends assort on blood groups and that similarity predicts fertility; (2) twin and adoption studies find genes rather than upbringing cause people to positively assort; (3) phenotype matching is more pronounced on more heritable items within sets of homogeneous traits; (4) bereavement studies find grief is greater following the death of a more similar co-twin or child; (5) studies of face perception find people prefer and trust those who look like them; and (6) DNA variance within and between ethnic groups is equivalent to that within and between families.

Kin-selection theory predicts that animals increase their fitness by allocating more cooperation to kin than to non-kin. Hamilton (1964) showed that altruism (or, conversely, reduced aggression) is favored when rb – c > 0, where r is the genetic relatedness between two individuals, b is the (genetic) fitness benefit to the beneficiary, and c is the fitness cost to the altruist. However, to benefit kin over non-kin, altruists must be able to detect genetic relatedness. Mechanisms proposed for this to occur include familiarity, imprinting on self or others, and innate feature detectors that work in the absence of learning…

A study of 263 child bereavements found that: (1) spouses agreed 74% of the time on which side of the family a child ‘took after’ the most, their own or that of their spouse, and (2) the grief intensity reported by mothers, fathers, and grandparents was greater for children who resembled their side of the family than for children resembling the other side of the family…

Several studies have found that people rate faces as more attractive when they resemble their own. Platek et al. (2002) morphed people’s faces with those of toddlers and asked questions such as ‘Which one of these children would you like to spend time with?’ and ‘Which child would you adopt?’ People responded more positively toward children’s faces that had been morphed with their own. During debriefing, the participants expressed surprise that any morphing had occurred. DeBruine (2002) found people trusted a stranger’s face more when it had been morphed with their own than when it was left unchanged…

The pull of genetic similarity does not stop at family and friends. Malat & Hamilton (2006) found that people prefer same-race health providers and perceive them as more trustworthy. Putnam (2004) found that the more ethnically diverse a community, the less likely its inhabitants are to trust others, from nextdoor neighbours to local governments.

Inclusive fitness theory has been used to explain why members of ethnic groups move into the same neighbourhoods, join together in clubs and societies, and are prone to develop ethnocentric attitudes toward those who differ in dress, dialect, and other appearance…

In retrospect, it is not surprising that people are able to detect and prefer those who resemble themselves. Similarity, whether actual or perceived, is one of the most important factors in human relationships. It is more surprising to find just how fine-tuned the recognition process can be. The studies reviewed above show that the preference for similarity occurs within ethnic groups and within families and on the more heritable items from within sets of related traits.

In another paper, Rushton found:

Genetic Similarity Theory extends Anthony D. Smith’s theory of ethno-symbolism by anchoring ethnic nepotism in the evolutionary psychology of altruism. Altruism toward kin and similar others evolved in order to help replicate shared genes. Since ethnic groups are repositories of shared genes, xenophobia is the ‘dark side’ of human altruism. A review of the literature demonstrates the pull of genetic similarity in dyads such as marriage partners and friendships, and even large groups, both national and international. The evidence that genes incline people to prefer others who are genetically similar to themselves comes from studies of social assortment, differential heritabilities, the comparison of identical and fraternal twins, blood tests, and family bereavements. DNA sequencing studies confirm some origin myths and disconfirm others; they also show that in comparison to the total genetic variance around the world, random co-ethnics are related to each other on the order of first cousins.

Most theories of ethno-political conflict and nationalism focus on cultural, cognitive and economic factors, often with the assumption that modernisation will gradually reduce the effect of local antagonisms and promote the growth of more universalistic societies (Smith 1998). However, purely socio-economic explanations seem inadequate to account for the rapid rise of nationalism in the former Soviet Bloc and too weak to explain the lethality of the conflicts between Tutsis and Hutus in Rwanda, Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs in the Indian subcontinent, and Croats, Serbs, Bosnians and Albanians in the former Yugoslavia, or even the level of animosity between Blacks, Whites and Hispanics in the US…

Patriotism is almost always seen as a virtue and extension of family loyalty and is typically preached using kinship terms. Countries are called the ‘motherland’ or the ‘fatherland’. Ethnic identity builds on real as well as putative similarity. At the core of human nature, people are genetically motivated to prefer others genetically similar to themselves…

In 1964, evolutionary biologist William Hamilton finally provided a generally accepted solution to the problem of altruism based on the concept of inclusive fitness, not just individual fitness. It is the genes that survive and are passed on. Some of the individual’s most distinctive genes will be found in siblings, nephews, cousins and grandchildren as well as in offspring. Siblings share fifty per cent, nephews and nieces twenty-five per cent, and cousins about twelve and a half per cent of their distinctive genes. So when an altruist sacrifices its life for its kin, it ensures the survival of these common genes. The vehicle has been sacrificed to preserve copies of its precious cargo. From an evolutionary point of view, an individual organism is only a vehicle, part of an elaborate device, which ensures the survival and reproduction of genes with the least possible biochemical alteration.

‘Hamilton’s Rule’ states that across all species, altruism (or, conversely, reduced aggression) is favoured when rbc40, where r is the genetic relatedness between two individuals, b is the (genetic) fitness benefit to the beneficiary, and c is the fitness cost to the altruist. Evolutionary biologists have used Hamilton’s ‘gene’s eye’ point of view to carry out research on a wide range of social interactions including altruism, aggression, selfishness and spite. The formulation was dubbed ‘kin selection theory’ by John Maynard Smith (1964) and became widely known through influential books such as The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins (1976) and Sociobiology: the New Synthesis by Edward O. Wilson (1975).

* Reading Mark Twain’s 1899 essay “Concerning the Jews,” I wax nostalgic for the free speech of that time. People felt free to engage in stereotypes, even negative ones.

Mark Twain: “By his make and ways he is substantially a foreigner wherever he may be, and even the angels dislike a foreigner.”

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Jenna Jameson Converts To Orthodox Judaism?

From Wikipedia:

In November 2004, Jameson was diagnosed with skin cancer. Though surgery removed it, she miscarried shortly after the diagnosis. She was unable to conceive again with Grdina, even with in vitro fertilization. Jameson said the in vitro process “wasn’t a good thing for me”; she gained weight and did not get pregnant. According to Jameson, the stresses of the cancer plus infertility led to her marriage’s collapse.[142] In August 2006, Star magazine and confirmed with Jameson’s publicist that she and Grdina had separated.[143][144]

In October 2006, it was reported that Jameson began dating mixed martial artist and former UFC champion Tito Ortiz,[145] whom she met on Myspace.[146] Ortiz canceled a November 12, 2006 appearance as the guest of honor at the United States Marine Corps birthday ball at the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego, when the Corps refused to let him bring Jameson as his guest.[147][148] On November 30, 2006, in an interview on The Howard Stern Show, Ortiz stated that he was in love with Jameson, that she was no longer acting in pornography, and that they were in a monogamous relationship.[149] On December 12, 2006, Jameson filed for divorce from Grdina.[150] She introduced Ortiz and talked about their relationship at the 2008 AVN Adult Movie Awards while she was presenting an award. She also made brief appearances on two episodes of The Celebrity Apprentice to help Ortiz on the tasks assigned in those episodes.

Jameson announced in August 2008 that she and Ortiz were expecting twins in April 2009.[151] On March 16, 2009, Jameson gave birth to twin boys, Jesse Jameson and Journey Jette.[152][153] Jameson and Ortiz split up in March 2013. Ortiz was granted full custody of the twins.[154]

Jameson’s father, Laurence Henry Massoli, died on October 2, 2010, after suffering complications from triple bypass surgery.[155][156]

As of 2014, Jameson has undergone extensive tattooing, almost completely covering both of her arms in sleeve tattoos.[157] In 2013, self-proclaimed socialite and writer Britney Markham became Jameson’s personal assistant after having met on Twitter. In a 2014 interview with LA Weekly, Markham claimed that Jameson would make requests for drugs. Markham posited that the pills of choice were Xanax, Ambien and Suboxone along with alcohol. At the same time, Markham denied that Jameson had been taking Oxycodone, in spite of previous rumors. Markham stated that she was assaulted and battered by Jameson following an incident in a hair salon in Los Angeles in 2013 when Jameson punched Markham in the stomach with a brass knuckles iPhone case. The blow was so severe, Markham claims she vomited blood and was hospitalized.[157]

On August 5, 2016, Jameson announced that she and her Israeli boyfriend, Lior Bitton, were expecting their first child together.[158]

On November 11, 2016, Jameson announced on her Twitter feed that she completed her conversion to Orthodox Judaism with a Haredi rabbinical court in Upstate New York. Having been raised Catholic,[18] in June 2015, Jameson announced that she was converting to Judaism, in order to marry Bitton.[159][160] In October, an Israel Channel 2 reality television series was announced, which would document Jameson’s conversion.[161]

Political views
After viewing undercover videos of chicken production, Jameson agreed to do a short video for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals as part of the group’s campaign against KFC’s treatment of chickens.[162]

Jameson supported Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2008 United States presidential election,[163][164] but Republican Mitt Romney in the 2012 United States presidential election, stating: “I’m very looking forward to a Republican being back in office. When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office.”[165] In late November 2015, Jenna made multiple tweets showing support for Donald Trump as the next president of the United States.[166]

Legal issues
On April 26, 2010, Ortiz was arrested for felony domestic abuse at the couple’s Huntington Beach, California home.[167] Jameson was photographed afterward that day with a bandaged arm,[167] amid accusations by both parties against each other, with Ortiz accusing Jameson of being erratic and addicted to OxyContin, while she alleged that he was abusive. Since the incident occurred, both parties have recanted these allegations that were made toward one another, though as of April 29, 2010, the investigation by the police department remained open.[168]

On May 25, 2012, Jameson was arrested in Westminster, California and charged with three misdemeanor counts for driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, driving with a blood-alcohol level over the state legal limit, and driving on a suspended license after her Range Rover struck a light pole. She initially pleaded not guilty to the charges, but later changed her plea to guilty. She was sentenced to three years of informal probation, ordered to pay $340 in fines, and participate in a Mothers Against Drunk Driving victims’ impact panel. The charge for driving without a valid license was dismissed.

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“Riz Ahmed Warns Lack of Diversity on TV Will Drive Young to ISIS”

Comment at Steve Sailer:

* I believe you’re underselling Mr. Ahmed. In his “Girls” role, he had to play a popular surfing teacher/DJ in the Hamptons. That was the easy part. The harder part was he also had to feign sexual attraction to the star/writer/director of the show. He also had to utter the words (not joking) “Man, that’s a lot of p***y hair down there.” (Like Lion of the Blogosphere, I watch so you don’t have to.) I say give him his Emmy now

* How sad – he clearly is just frustrated that the UK movie industry is too small to make use of only average talent with non-British features, so he doesn’t have the career he feels entitled to. So he has to go full “ISIS” in his explanation – the trouble being, you never go full ISIS if you want people to believe you.

* Yes, rent-seeking — and extortion. As in, “if you don’t put us in your shows, we’ll blow your legs off and leave your people bloody and screaming in your streets at random intervals.”

Translated even further, every group of people essentially threatens every other with destruction if they don’t get living space and the chance to impose their will.

People suck, and we all need our own cell walls and sovereign organs in Earth’s body in which to perform our functions. That’s called nationalism, and its the best.
i.e. “Good fences make good neighbors, so get the hell off my lawn!”

* We often hear this argument. Because of X (travel ban, desecration of the Koran, not being hired to play James Bond, etc.) many muslims will become terrorists. Therefore we ought not to do X.

It seems to me a more rational argument would be: Anybody who might become a terrorist because of X is not somebody we want in our country.

* You know, if I were a member of an immigrant group that dragged on my host society so much that even though it was still relatively minor in size and hadn’t been present in any serious numbers before man walked on the moon, that being on television in proportion with my groups size and importance would cause me to immediately become a jihadi sympathiser, I’d be, like, apologetic or something. Yet this guy and all the others never are.

I guess Trump is gunna cause a wave of Mexican and East Asian terrorism. What with his harsh language and relative lack of those groups on US TV. There can’t be any other component to this alleged phenomenon.

Also I like how Riz Ahmed doesn’t get that all his success is down to being a Pathan in the West. He’d never get much work if he was his white equivalent or trying to work in Pakistan or India. That he doesn’t get it is just too good. Indeed, just like Diego Luna, it is the problems of this group and their drain and subsequent generation of resentment that propels him (The Pakistani underclass doesn’t furnish a lot of talented thespians, there isn’t a lot of good Hispanic talent either, judging from the quality of Hispanic actors on US productions.) in a Hollywood desperate to score diversity points.

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