Trans Woman Of Color Killed By Another Trans Woman Of Color

From Steve Sailer:

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The Zeroth Amendment Or The Jewish Amendment?

Comments at Steve Sailer regarding the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Trump’s travel ban:

* Steve,

You really should call this the “Jewish Amendment” or perhaps the “St. Louis Amendment.”

Because of their past, Jews want a second parachute (the first, of course, being Israel) in case they need to flee a country again. Naturally, Jews don’t know which country will start building gas chambers, so every country must allow in refugees in case Jews need to grab their bags and run so that no matter which peasants pick up their pitchforks, Jews will be safe.

As always, the only question that matters, the ultimate Who, Whom, remains, “Is it good for the Jews.”

P.S. I can’t help but tip my hat to the Jewish people. With tiny numbers (and, admittedly, a willing mark), they have routed the greatest nations on earth to serve their ends, which is exactly what a people should do. Is it too late to convert? I want to belong to a people that are actual adults.

* i had a friend who fell in love with a jewish girl from a religious family. this was on the Lower East Side in NY. he courted her for 11 years (a high school romance) and finally won over the family if he would convert. so he learnt Hebrew, put on a hat, had a bris (not sure of that part), learned the prayers, and they married. he btw was Puerto Rican. i dont believe that marriage lasted as he is now married to someone else. of course joe p. was super smart, a chess wiz, to start with, so it might not work for you. i grew up with a lot of dumb kids in the street (E. 38th and Kings Highway) and they were all jews. so if you don’t have an Ashkenazi yiddische kopf, it’ll be a great waste of time as the conversion process is lengthy.

* I don’t know why Jewish American culture contains such a strong streak of anti-white animus when the Jews have done so well living among us.

* Perhaps them “doing so well living among us” is part of the reasons for the animus? I’m reminded of the Gypsies, whereby they consider the fact that us “gadje” are such easy marks to be another reason to hold us in contempt. Why not consider that, perhaps, the nicer us goyim are to the Chosen Tribe, the more contemptible they will find us?

* The trouble with that reasoning is that we (here I invoke the royal we of my ancestors) were perfectly within our rights to deny anyone we pleased, for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all. That the Jews, like the Negroes, demand otherwise is just juvenile mewling, a despicable claim another man’s life no better than that of a slaver or a despot. For this reason, and because of their insistence upon this ideology (and its application always and ever to others, but never to them!) I long ago determined the Jews can all go straight to Hell.

I have a moral imperative not to harm you, but I’ve no moral imperative whatsoever, under any system of ethics worth being called one, to help you from any real or imagined harm from a third party. (We quite rightly do not condemn the Swiss as an evil people for remaining neutral in any number of wars.) It may be nice of me too, and indeed I become a magnanimous and charitable man goe having doled out any such undeserved grace and favour, but to speak of it as any kind of duty or obligation (an imperative) is preposterous. That to bequeath undeserved boons one is under no obligation to is considered “mighty white” is telling; the misapprehension that such kindnesses are in any way obligatory will be the extinction of our race.

* People should stop believing that pieces of paper will save them.

* That’s another little problem and we’re since talking about Jews, those American Jews who lean right quite oddly tend to feels this way about the Constitution, as if it was the second time that God handed rules down directly.

The actual Founding Fathers appear to more like Groucho Marx about their governing docs. “Those are my principles (constitution) and if you don’t like them…well, I’ve got another set right here.”

* Jewish Bolsheviks caused unimagined horror for their apolitical neighbors in mid century Germany.

* The Jews that I have known were more open about their desire to avoid NAMs than their gentile counter-parts. But it’s also true that they were generally Democrats.

One interesting thing that I noticed about my Jewish friends and neighbors was how open they were about not liking Indian and Chinese immigrants. My suspicion is that they recognized actual competition.

* The average white liberal Protestant, and white non-religious, are still less D voters than non-orthodox Jews.

Their community has achieved a tremendous amount of cultural capital in this country, and their politics on immigration has been ruinous to my community. The evidence has piled up that this was a deliberate plot of revenge, and these very legitimate grievances form the fuel of the alt-right’s fires.

They are always talking about being the “outsider” when they are the very pinnacle of the insider.

* They may talk about being the “outsider” and expressing solidarity with non-white minorities, but they sure don’t live near, attend religious services with, and otherwise do very much socializing with anyone but WASPs or other Jews. So in practice, their public words or how they vote don’t count for much regarding how they actually live their daily lives.

* ‘Implicit conspiracy’ – Jews acting in their perceived interests, with a specific out-group morality and in a Darwinian manner – is one thing. ‘Explicit conspiracy’ – physical meetings and plans – is quite another.

There is no doubt physical meetings and plans do go on, for instance how Jews should deal with the rising power of China, but that too is blurred with simple acting in perceived interests.

But there’s a new trend I find interesting. Now Joel Stein’s 2008 disappointment in the gullibility of us goyim may well have approximated the nadir of American awareness of the JQ. And even if America is still just as dumb, to use Stein’s word, with the rise of Trump it’s certain organized American Jewry is concerned about the issue.

* “The Jews gathered themselves together in their cities throughout all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, to lay hand on such as sought their hurt: and no man could withstand them; for the fear of them fell upon all people.

And all the rulers of the provinces, and the lieutenants, and the deputies, and officers of the king, helped the Jews; because the fear of Mordecai fell upon them.

…Thus the Jews smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, and slaughter, and destruction, and did what they would unto those that hated them.”

(Esther 9:25)

* …the vast, vast majority of American Jews see themselves as just another white ethnic group, thus the huge intermarriage rate. And guess what, other whites view them the same way, thus the huge intermarriage rate.

The issue is that the Steve Millers and Breitbart boys are being overwhelmed by the Soros crowd, and it’s impacting things on the ground. At some point, rank and file Jews need to choose sides, because right now, they’re on the fence. Love those white gentiles but not willing to speak out against Soros and his ilk.

But for you guys, it’s not a life and death game. It is for us. As Houellebecq wrote in Submission, I don’t have an Israel. You do.

* There’s nothing new about Jews or Judaism. It’s all laid out in the Torah, which BTW is part of the Christian tradition.

Gentile folly is mainly a product of ignorance and hubris. But so is Jewish folly. If you doubt it stop being lazy and study the Bible.

Just one class on classical Judaism opened my eyes a great deal. As a bonus, if you’re into that kind of stuff, the Hebrew poetry is very moving.

If contemporary patriotic young European American men were as willing to learn from the lessons compiled by the Jews as the Jews have been to learn from our own philosophers and wise men we’d be much better off.

Don’t let the two-bit shysters distract you; the prophets have a great deal to offer.

* I understand – or, at least, I think I understand – the motivation behind Soros and other influential Jews pushing the Invite the World/Invade the World (except for Israel) agenda. I don’t understand why white gentiles go along. It’s a very strange thing to see your own people commit suicide when you want to live. That being said, I can’t help but feel a tinge of displeasure toward the people giving my people the loaded syringe that will lead to an overdose. Granted, we’re the one sticking it in our arm, but the drug dealer isn’t completely innocent.

* So Jews haven’t played a vital role in the Invite the World/Invade the World agenda?

Once again, I’m not saying that white gentiles are being lead around by some Hebrew Pied Piper, but it amazes me that Jewish commentators on this site can’t acknowledge the extremely heavy Jewish influence that had led us to this point.

I can acknowledge that Merkel is going a terrible person and that many white leaders have no regard for their own people. Why can’t the Jewish commentators here acknowledge that their leaders are seriously out to get my people while wishing to preserve their own.

As I’ve mentioned, I get where they’re coming from. Never again. Makes sense. Do what you think is necessary to protect your people. Good for them. But why can’t people admit what they’re doing and why?

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Does Torah Permit Stealing From The Goyim?

Tribal ethics are simple — whatever is good for the group is good. This is different from the universalist Anglo outlook I grew up with in Australia where there were few if any differences between the moral obligations you owed your group vs the rest of humanity.

I converted to Orthodox Judaism because I believed it was the best system for making good people and a good world. Perhaps I was naive. After 20 years in Orthodox Judaism, I’ve noticed that there is no discernible ethical difference as a result of greater Jewish observance. People who keep kosher are no less likely to cheat than those who don’t. In fact, it seems to me that the more assimilated the Jew, the more likely he is to obey the law of the land.

Orthodox rabbi Mike Moscowitz writes:

I have heard stories of young couples giving money to an uncle, with a different last name, to use as a down payment on a house. Then they would live there while the government (taxpayers) were paying their mortgage. Rumors of second-party checks being used as currency had made their way to the coffee rooms in Israel. Still, I was not prepared for the dominant culture of Lakewood.

My first encounter with the systemic corruption was, sadly, at the local Jewish book store. When the rabbi rang up the books, the price changed when I took out my debit card. Unfamiliar with the custom of the city, I asked “is it a different price for cash and credit?” “No,” he said, “I just need to charge you tax if there is a record of it.” Unfortunately, this was only the beginning.

The system is broken and it starts at the top. I tell the following story with a very heavy heart. It involves a rabbi that was kind to me. He inspired me and honored us with naming our son. This Rav once told me that people are like borer (the act of separating on Shabbat): you have to take the good from the bad. It is with that I intention that I share this reflection because there is there so much good in Lakewood.

I opened the frum (religious) gym at 5:30 a.m. and was a personal trainer before yeshivah started for the day. When I got the job, the owner asked me how I wanted to be paid. “The 1st and 15th?” I answered, not really understanding the question. “No. Do you want me to pre-tithe it for you?” He then explained how there was a wonderful outreach organization that would give him back 90% of a monthly “donation” he made to them in cash. He would get a deduction, no one would have to pay taxes or declare it as income, the organization could continue its “holy work”, and I wouldn’t have to tithe it (give 10% of it to charity).

I was silent with disgust, and then it got worse. “Ask a shilah,” he said. “Everyone does it.” Out of curiosity, I called my local Posek. “Cheat!” He ruled, with enthusiasm, as if it were a mitzvah.

Here is a common scam in Orthodox life:

Lakewood Hasidic Rabbi Accused In Sprawling $1M Benefits Scam

A New Jersey rabbi and his wife were arrested with three other Jewish couples for underreporting their incomes to receive government benefits.

The couples, including the rabbi’s brother and wife, were arrested Monday in raids that resulted from an investigation into Lakewood, a New Jersey town that is home to a large haredi Orthodox community. More arrests are expected, Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph Coronato said, according to The Associated Press.

The FBI and the New Jersey State Comptroller’s Office launched the probe.

By underreporting their incomes, Rabbi Zalmen Sorotzkin and his wife, Tzipporah, and the other couples defrauded state and federal assistance programs of over $1 million, according to criminal complaints, AP reported.

The Sorotzkins were charged in state court with illegally collecting more than $338,000 in benefits. They will plead not guilty, their attorney said, according to AP.

Another couple, Mordechai and Jocheved Breskin, was charged with illegally collecting $585,000.

In federal court, Zalmen Sorotzkin’s brother, Mordechai, and his wife, Rachel, were charged with another couple, Yocheved and Shimon Nussbaum, with illegally collecting benefits, including Medicaid.

In my understanding, many perhaps most yeshivos in America are supported by ill-gotten gains and survive by dubious accounting practices.

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NYT: ‘Undocumented Immigrants Steer Clear of Medical Care’

This tears me up inside. Why won’t illegal immigrants take more of our government-provided services? What can we do to encourage them to take more?

New York Times: “Around the country, clinics that serve immigrants report seeing fewer patients since the Trump administration issued broad deportation orders.”

“Yet as medical costs present a burden for millions of Americans, many people question why citizens who can scarcely afford their own health care should support through taxes the care of those living here illegally.”

“Between 2000 and 2011, immigrants not authorized to work here contributed between $2.2 billion and $3.8 billion a year more to Medicare than they withdrew, according to a 2016 study.”

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Leslie Jones slams L.A.’s Ritz-Carlton: ‘They don’t like black people’

That’s crazy. Why would any upscale establishment not want lots of black people around. I don’t get it.

Los Angeles Times:

Leslie Jones’ successful night hosting the BET Awards on Sunday took an inhospitable turn when her stay at a Los Angeles hotel was allegedly marred by racism.

The “Saturday Night Live” star tweeted to her more than 694,000 followers on Monday about having the “worst stay” at the Ritz-Carlton in downtown Los Angeles, near where the show took place, asserting that “they don’t like black people.”

How could anyone not love the adorable Leslie Jones?

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