Black Trannies In Brawls

Steve Sailer writes: It’s not really uncommon, however, for black trannies to get into brawls. I can recall back in the 1980s when my wife’s friend A., who lived in the Boys Town neighborhood on the Chicago’s north side, had to get the bus downtown one Sunday morning at 4am. While she was waiting for the bus, the neighborhood’s 6’4″ black tranny hooker with the six inch platform heels started pushing her and screaming at her that everybody knows that this was his street corner.

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The Hernandez Package

A friend of a friend collects classic cars. When he checks one out that is sloppy, bald tires, etc, he calls it “the Hernandez package.”

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The Fracturing Of The Anti-Trump Resistance

From Heartiste: The Anti-Trump “””resistance””” has always been a gynocentric movement, consisting mostly of low E single White SWPL sluts, cougars, spinsters, boy-hipped androgynes, fatsos, uglies, and older broads of the type who hang dreamcatchers over their loveless beds. The protests are majority female, and the passion is largely an outpouring of female bitching and moaning, organized at the very top by effeminate Antifa and Cozener nü-males.

I bring this up because I’ve noticed a change in the way shitlib men behave around their Shrillennial shitlib women whenever the subject of Trump is broached. The women are still crazy with wild-eyed hatred for Trump, giving themselves over to histrionic avowals to stop Trump, humiliate Trump, or even kill Trump (if they could get away with it). This has been their M.O. (Menstruation of Offense) since the election.

The shitlib (Gentile) men, though, are far more circumspect in professing the intensity of their anti-Trump hatred, so much so that I wonder if they really hate the man or if they’re mouthing empty pledges of fealty to a resistance they don’t really feel in their hearts. The difference is especially noticeable when I peel one of these shitlib men away from their Cunt4Prez shrews to have a one-on-one political conversation about current events. It’s during these times that the lemming libmask slips and I can practically hear them taking their first micro doses of red pill, scoffing at the Russia fake news and agreeing that Trump is a major earthquake in the political landscape whose ideas should be taken seriously.

The passionate shitlib women? Forget it, they’re unreachable. You either parrot their insipid Trump-hate, or you ever so gently disagree with them and they promptly exeunt in a muff huff.

Then when the libmen are back in the company of their libcunts, they immediately abandon their tentative forays into masculine realtalk for the submissive role of playing affirmation therapist to their harridans. But their affirmations are weak and feeble, and occasionally one of the libwomen will break social protocol and demand a stronger display of alliance from her Test-less wonder, which he will try to appease with a humorous segue intended to redirect the conversation away from the volatile vaj flapping to something lighter and less toxic.

My personal observations are of course the law of the land, so expect to see more breakups between less unhinged shitlib men and their insane shitlib women demanding total allegiance to their pussyhat religion. I call it The Fracturing, and I predict three consequences from it:

Fewer relationships between ideologically-divergent men and women (which means fewer relationships in general, because there aren’t enough lunatic libmen for every lunatic libchick).
More bitter single libchicks, creating a menstrual spiral into deranged anti-Trump hatred inconsolable by any therapeutic means of intervention. Not even kitten porn can save them now.
Intensified assortative mating and marrying along ideological complementarity. This isn’t a good trend, because it will also drive deeper rifts between classes of White people and erode citizen fellowship, two ingredients necessary for the outbreak of another civil war.

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Making America Great Again

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Why Do We Need Pharmacists?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* I used to take only an occasional aspirin but now take close to twenty pills a day. So I’m familiar with pharmacists. But I don’t understand their purpose. If you were to ask me how to lower medical costs I would have said – eliminate all the pharmacists.

I used to be in software development. Creating a system whereby patients never had to deal with a pharmacists seems pretty easy – easier for example that automating the burger flippers behind the fast food drive thru window.

When I go into Kaiser to get a new prescription they always try to get me to talk with a pharmacist. I always decline. They have the comprehensive pre-printed explanations of dosage, side effects and allergies for every possible drug. I simply read the provided printed material.

Sometimes you hear people say to get your medical advice from a doctor or a pharmacist. This strikes me as an anachronism. If you can’t talk to an MD you should try a Nurse Practitioner. The guy who packs the pills into the little bottles should be lower on your list – a last resort.

I imagine that sometime in the near future pharmacists will no longer exist in urban areas. Now my doctor logs on to the office computer and orders a new prescription. I go downstairs to the pharmacy and wait while it is packaged. Obviously this procedure is easy to automate. The labels are printed by the system. All that is needed is for some machinery to drop the pills from a hopper into an individual bottle and have the label attached. Why have a pharmacist at all?

* You could reverse the question and ask why, in many cases, you needed an MD at all?

European countries I guess let pharmacists do basic hands off diagnosis and give you antibiotics, etc. Just walk into a drug store basically. A pharmacist actually has all the training they need for that, but American MDs have been pretty jealous of their ability to prescribe.

* Nurse practitioner? A nurse practitioner is a nurse who went and got an online degree, with everything that those two facts entail about her IQ and medical knowledge respectively. If you know for a fact you have strep throat and just need someone to write you a prescription for penicillin seeing a nurse practitioner might be a good idea, so long as you remind her to give you the prescription once she goes through the motions of “examining” you and pretending to be engaged in the practice of medicine.

But if you actually need medical advice even a pharmacist is far more qualified to give it to you than a glorified nurse. While pharmacists may indeed serve a role that is becoming increasingly superfluous, they at least went through a somewhat selective weeding process to gain admittance to pharmacy school and have 4 years of rigorous pharmacology and pathophysiology education behind them. Nurse practitioners have none of those things but more than make up for it with raging inferiority complexes.

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