Making Sense of the Alt Right by George Hawley

Here are selections from this superb new book:

* Given everything that occurred in 2016, most observers can be forgiven for failing to note one additional bizarre moment when, in late August, Clinton experienced one of the weirdest examples of heckling in recent political history. As she was speaking, a lone voice shouted a single name: “Pepe!” The heckler was promptly escorted out, and the speech was not otherwise disrupted. I suspect few in the audience had any inkling what the “Pepe guy” was referencing. Pepe is the name of an anthropomorphic cartoon frog. He originated on the now-defunct social-media website MySpace.2 Pepe was part of a comic series known for its scatological humor; he was depicted urinating with his pants down his ankles and remarking, “Feels good, man.”

Over time, Pepe became popular as an Internet meme on sites such as 4chan.3 He is frequently depicted hugging a similarly bizarre white-faced character known as “feels guy.” In 2016, there was an entire page on Hillary Clinton’s campaign website dedicated to Pepe.4 For reasons that are difficult to discern, Pepe became the mascot of the “Alt-Right,” short for “alternative right.” The Alt-Right is, like Pepe, vulgar, irreverent, ironic, and goofy. Despite its innocuous name, the Alt-Right is also, at its core, a racist movement. I am generally hesitant (perhaps too hesitant) to label an individual, group, or political movement as racist. But in the case of the Alt-Right, there is no other appropriate word. I furthermore doubt that anyone seriously involved with the Alt-Right will challenge that characterization. Although mainstream conservatives and libertarians howl with outrage when they are labeled racists, the Alt-Right seems collectively to shrug its shoulders when it encounters this accusation. As one prominent figure on the Alt-Right put it, “We just don’t care what you call us anymore.”

* The Alt-Right is unlike any racist movement we have ever seen. It is atomized, amorphous, predominantly online, and mostly anonymous. Although it remains small, it is growing. And it was energized by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

* The Alt-Right rejects the major premises of the conservative movement: the so-called three-legged stool of moral traditionalism, economic liberty, and strong national defense. None of these conservative shibboleths seem to interest the Alt-Right…

As the far-right activist Hunter Wallace declared at the Southern nationalist website Occidental Dissent: “In the United States, liberals, progressives, conservatives, and libertarians are all branches of the common liberal family. All these groups want to preserve the fundamental liberal world order even if they disagree on whether “liberty” or “equality” should be given priority and fight viciously with each other. They all share the same blinkered liberal worldview in which more “liberty” or more “equality” is the solution to every problem. We don’t belong to the liberal family. We see ourselves as something else altogether. This is why, for example, so many of us enjoy trolling because we don’t believe in any of the standard bullshit—for example, nothing is less self-evident to us than the notion that all men are created equal—and political correctness is an irresistible target.”

The Alt-Right is not just radical because it is racist—racism can be found in the ranks of many political ideologies. The Alt-Right’s radicalism is also apparent in the degree to which it rejects other basic American values. Because it rejects both liberty and equality as ideals, it is difficult to compare the Alt-Right to most mainstream political movements.

* Using the loosest definition, we could say the Alt-Right includes anyone with right-wing sensibilities that rejects the mainstream conservative movement. But there are certain common, perhaps universal attitudes within the Alt-Right. The Alt-Right is fundamentally concerned with race. At its core, the Alt-Right is a white-nationalist movement, even if many (perhaps most) of the people who identify with the Alt-Right do not care for that term… The most energetic and significant figures of the movement want to see the creation of a white ethnostate in North America.

* At the time of this writing, I am aware of no acts of physical violence directly connected to the Alt-Right… This is not to say that racist violence is not a real threat in contemporary America. We have, as just one example, the chilling case of Dylann Roof, who murdered nine parishioners at a historically black church in Charleston, South Carolina. Yet Roof’s manifesto suggests he was more influenced by older white-nationalist writers and organizations, such as the Council of Conservative Citizens (the offspring of the Citizens Councils that once flourished in the South during and following the civil-rights era) and Harold Covington’s Northwest Front, than by the Alt-Right.

* I used the terms “white nationalist” and “white supremacist.” It is conventional among those that study the far right to label all racist groups “white supremacist.” I do not oppose that convention. But it is worth noting that white supremacist is not usually the preferred term within the radical right. It instead relies on terms like “white nationalist,” “white separatist,” and “identitarian” (a word I will explain later). To outsiders, the distinction between a white supremacist and a white nationalist may not be obvious. But activists on the radical right claim there is an important difference. According to far-right nomenclature, a white supremacist favors a society in which people of multiple racial backgrounds live together but where whites are the socially dominant group (as in the Jim Crow South or apartheid South Africa). In contrast, a white nationalist favors the complete separation of the races into separate states. Many white nationalists also deny that their vision is based upon the belief that whites are a superior race. As a white nationalist who used the penname Yggdrasil put it, “The desire of White Nationalists to form their own nation has nothing to do with superiority or inferiority.”3 The sincerity of such statements is, at best, questionable, as open hostility toward other races is common within far-right movements.

* The neo-Nazi element of the Alt-Right desires the creation of something akin to the Third Reich, with everything this entails. Their best-known website is the Daily Stormer, run by a neo-Nazi named Andrew Anglin. Sites like this are where you find the most outrageous and violent rhetoric, delivered without a hint of irony. At the Daily Stormer, articles with titles like “Jew Admits Dreams of Defiling Aryan Blood” are common. 4 The openly neo-Nazi are the most extreme element of the Alt-Right, and this facet of the Alt-Right is similar to the older varieties of white nationalism in the United States. Neo-Nazis are also frequently denounced by others associated with the Alt-Right on the grounds that they taint the movement’s “brand.”5 The most flamboyant neo-Nazis are even accused by others on the Alt-Right of being “FBI informers and [Anti-Defamation League] shills,” deliberately harming the movement.6 The neo-Nazi wing of the Alt-Right, which does not seek to distance itself from the Holocaust and talk of race wars, appears to be in the minority. Others on the Alt-Right tend to eschew the most extreme rhetoric while still calling for the creation of an all-white country or something very close to it. Yet few people in the less radical corners of the Alt-Right have explained in any detail how this can be achieved. This is one way that the Alt-Right tends to differ from earlier white-nationalist movements. People like William Pierce and Harold Covington were quite explicit when explaining how whites would reclaim all or part of the world. In his 1978 novel The Turner Diaries, Pierce described a global race war, instigated by a small circle of elites, which ultimately led to apocalyptic levels of violence, including the use of nuclear weapons around the globe. Harold Covington’s vision was less ambitious, but his novels about the creation of a white nation in the Pacific Northwest also involved extreme violence—in Covington’s imagination, the war would be won by tactics developed by the Irish Republican Army in the twentieth century. On the most visible platforms of the Alt-Right, such calls for revolutionary violence are uncommon.

* According to Spencer, the idea of a white ethnostate is now akin to Zionism at its early stages: “We need to go back and look at [Zionism’s] most basic impulses. And its basic impulses are identitarian.”8 At this stage, much of the Alt-Right will be happy if they simply plant the idea of white nationalism in the minds of people who had never previously been open to the notion—the exact policies can apparently be worked out later.

* The Alt-Right also uniformly rejects traditional Republican views on foreign policy. I am aware of no one on the Alt-Right who supports Bush-era strategies for the War on Terror, for example. The Alt-Right, for the most part, has favorable attitudes toward Vladimir Putin of Russia and Bashar al-Assad of Syria. It has no interest in spreading democracy abroad and opposes the close relationship between the United States and Israel. But, again, there is not a specific Alt-Right foreign-policy platform.

* Unlike mainstream conservatism, the Alt-Right does not have much to say about economics.

* The movement is also divided on issues such as tolerance for homosexuals and abortion, but these issues (so important to many conservatives) do not interest the Alt-Right very much.

* For the Alt-Right, identity politics is everything. Conservatives say that they are fundamentally interested in ideas—constitutional government, liberty, morality, etc. They furthermore argue that these ideas are universal and equally accessible to all people. For this reason, conservatives often declare that they have no problem with nonwhite immigration, immigration, provided the newcomers assimilate to American values. In contrast, the Alt-Right views the world as being fundamentally divided into competing groups, and the success of their group (whites) is their primary concern. If a core conservative principle such as individual liberty is a hindrance to their group’s collective interests, then that principle can and should be jettisoned. Thus, to the Alt-Right, constitutional questions about equality are beside the point. If the Constitution dictates a policy that is inimical to white interests, then the Constitution is the problem.

* The Alt-Right is able to punch above its weight in the political arena because it is very good at using the Internet.

* The Alt-Right successfully injected itself into the national conversation when it mastered the art of trolling. An Internet troll is someone who fosters discord online, provoking strong emotional reactions from readers and often changing the topic of conversation. Trolling does not always have an obvious political purpose; a troll may
be looking for nothing but a moment of nihilistic amusement. Trolling can take the form of insulting someone’s appearance or deliberately giving bad advice about a technological problem, for example. But the Alt-Right trolls for a purpose. By leaving sites specifically aimed at a radical right-wing audience and joining discussions at other message boards, in, for example, the comment sections of major news venues, YouTube, and especially on Twitter, the Alt-Right is able to circulate its message widely. Alt-Right trolls help disperse the movement’s views far beyond what would be possible if the movement could only be found on its own platforms.

* The use of irony and humor is another Alt-Right innovation. The Alt-Right presents itself as a fun movement, one using Internet jargon familiar to tech-savvy millennials and eager to needle established journalists, academics, celebrities, and politicians. Whereas older white nationalists came across as bitter, reactionary, and antisocial, much of the Alt-Right comes across as youthful, light-hearted, and jovial—even as it says the most abhorrent things about racial and religious minorities.

* Detailing the history of white nationalism in America is trickier than it first appears. This is because, despite the egalitarian rhetoric of the Declaration of Independence, the United States operated as a de facto white-supremacist nation for most of its history.

* Jefferson was no racial egalitarian—see his “Notes on the State of Virginia,” where he states his belief that blacks “are inferior to the whites in the endowments both of body and mind.”13 The case against Jefferson as an egalitarian is even weaker when we note that Jefferson hoped that, after slavery was eventually abolished, freed blacks would be returned to Africa.

Moving forward through history, it is easy to find evidence that Americans continued to view the United States as a “white country,” and policies designed to maintain white demographic dominance were often uncontroversial: the Chinese Exclusionary Act of 1882, the Immigration Act of 1924 (which ushered in a four-decade period of low immigration), and President Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback (which forcibly deported undocumented immigrants), to name just a few. The Progressive movement that thrived in the early twentieth century had a transparent racial and eugenicist element to it. Famous progressive eugenicists such as Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard thought the idea of racial equality was absurd.

…white supremacy was formally institutionalized throughout most of American history.

* Jared Taylor, of the “race-realist” realist” group American Renaissance, probably agrees with Senator Bernie Sanders on very little, but his own writings on this subject (“Since early colonial times, and until just a few decades ago, virtually all Whites believed race was a fundamental aspect of individual and group identity”)15 clearly echo Sanders’s claim that the United States was created “on racist principles.”16 Although they reach different conclusions, both men argue that the United States was viewed by its founders as a country for people of European ancestry.

* Alt-Right material often has a sense of amused detachment, something not present in any of William Pierce’s radio broadcasts.

* Rage and hate were the primary emotions associated with the older white-nationalist movement. Even when it dabbled in popular culture, such as with the record label Resistance Records (which released punk and heavy-metal albums with white-nationalist lyrics), it was a movement transparently driven by resentment. No one could read The Turner Diaries without being convinced that William Pierce literally wanted to see nonwhites exterminated. The Alt-Right offers something more attractive to potential supporters: edginess and fun. Someone who would never associate with a group like the Klan or the National Socialist Movement might eagerly watch YouTube videos by the Alt-Right satirist RamZPaul. This is a curious paradox of the Alt-Right; it may ultimately be a greater threat to mainstream politics than these earlier groups precisely because it often comes across as much less threatening.

* Jared Taylor, whom I briefly introduced above, is the leading figure of this variety of white nationalism, though he eschews the term. Taylor has been a prominent voice in this movement since the early 1990s, when he created the New Century Foundation, best known for its publication American Renaissance and its conference of the same name.20 He presents arguments in favor of what he calls “race realism.” Among highbrow white nationalists, there has long been a fascination with and promotion of what the blogger Steve Sailer (who is not a white nationalist) calls “human biodiversity,” typically shortened to HBD. In contrast to the position advanced by mainstream contemporary academics, this perspective holds that racial and ethnic distinctions are rooted in biology, rather than being mere social constructs. This is what Taylor means when he refers to race realism. According to this view, social disparities between racial and ethnic groups are going to persist, regardless of any efforts to create a more equitable society. And because efforts to reverse generations of social injustice and create an equal society are doomed to fail, they should not even be attempted; instead, racial differences should be calmly accepted as a reality, with the corollary belief that different racial groups should separate from one another—ideally into separate ethnostates.

For a time, Taylor had access to large media venues. Taylor’s first book on race, Paved with Good Intentions, was released by a major publisher in 1992.21 Early American Renaissance conferences were televised on CSPAN. By the late 1990s, however, Taylor was largely absent from the public eye… But as the Alt-Right movement took off, Taylor became a revered figure. His American Renaissance conferences now are a major meeting place for the Alt-Right. But he is not completely uncontroversial in Alt-Right circles. Taylor has always carefully avoided anti-Semitism, as even groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center acknowledge.22 This makes him problematic to the most anti-Semitic elements of the Alt-Right, who, like the Nazis before them, view the so-called Jewish Question as their most important issue.

* Kevin MacDonald, unlike Taylor, is a beloved figure among contemporary anti-Semites. He is best known for his books on Jews: A People That Shall Dwell Alone, Separation and Its Discontents, and A Culture of Critique.23 MacDonald, a retired professor of psychology who spent most of his career at California State University–Long Beach, argued that Judaism is more than a religion or ethnicity; it is instead a “group evolutionary strategy” that encourages Diaspora Jews to undermine the power of majority groups. The people in the Alt-Right that are eager to identify which of their enemies are Jewish follow a tactic developed by MacDonald in his books, especially A Culture of Critique. In that work, MacDonald documented the degree to which Jews were overrepresented in efforts to liberalize immigration policies and undermine white-supremacist policies. MacDonald now edits the white-nationalist webzine The Occidental Observer. Greg Johnson is another highbrow white nationalist whose work began before the Alt-Right existed. Johnson, who has a Ph.D. in philosophy, first became publicly involved in white nationalism in 2007, when he began editing the Occidental Quarterly—a print journal that follows a format similar to a mainstream scholarly journal.24 Johnson began his own venture in 2010, when he created the webzine Counter-Currents, which has pushed for the creation of a “North American New Right” (modeled largely on the European New Right)25 and “is a White Nationalist metapolitical movement that seeks to lay the foundations of a White Republic or republics in North America.”

* And once that battle started, there was little doubt which camp would emerge victorious—the neoconservatives were much better funded and more media savvy. Although it had little substantive effect on public policy, a pivotal moment came in the struggle over who Ronald Reagan would appoint as the chair of the National Endowment for Humanities (NEH). Reagan’s initial pick was M. E. “Mel” Bradford, who approached politics and culture from a paleoconservative perspective.

* What little remains of the paleoconservative movement does not seem to have much interest in the Alt-Right. One point of contention is religion. The paleoconservatives paleoconservatives were almost all religious traditionalists, whereas the Alt-Right has a decidedly secular (and sometimes anti-Christian) orientation. The paleoconservative magazine Chronicles has never, to my knowledge, published anyone directly connected to the Alt-Right since the movement appeared on the scene.

There are only two people from the paleoconservative movement associated with the Alt-Right in any meaningful way. The first is Paul Gottfried, a well-known critic of neoconservatism. I do not classify Gottfried as part of the Alt-Right. Gottfried, who is Jewish, is not an anti-Semite, and he rejects white nationalism. But Gottfried’s scholarly work certainly influenced many people on the Alt-Right—especially his books and columns critiquing the conservative movement. He also seems to have been something of a mentor to Richard Spencer, who coined the term “Alt-Right,” and he wrote articles for both Taki’s Magazine and Alternative Right, where the term was first popularized. The second, Sam Francis, was in my view the paleoconservative whose ideas had the greatest influence on the Alt-Right—though he died in 2005, well before the Alt-Right concept was born. Of the major paleoconservatives, Francis was the most openly racist. For much of his career, he held important positions within the conservative movement; he served on a senator’s staff, he worked for the Heritage Foundation, and held an editorial position at the Washington Times. His willingness to cross the line into open racism was the reason he ultimately became unwelcome in the mainstream conservative movement. Francis was also closer to the Alt-Right and farther from most paleoconservatives in that he was not particularly religious.

* Hans-Hermann Hoppe may be the most important bridge between libertarianism and the Alt-Right. His most famous book, Democracy: The God That Failed, argued that democracy is a suboptimal form of government, one inclined toward short-sighted thinking; according to Hoppe, if you insist on having a government, it should be a monarchy.

* Richard Spencer has suggested that this is because, at least for some people, libertarianism is “a mask on white populism”39—a view shared by some on the left. As Conor Lynch noted in Salon, “While the libertarian movement as a whole is not inherently bigoted, and many believers despise intolerance, the ideology itself does attract many bigots who see the freedom-obsessed culture as a way to protect their ‘right’ of intolerance, and crack down on collective movements that fight for equality.”

* The general ideological thrust of the Alt-Right is completely disconnected from the American conservatism we have known since the 1950s. It has little interest in Edmund Burke or the American Founding Fathers. Its ideological moorings do not include any part of conservatism’s core tenets—moral traditionalism, economic liberty, and a strong national defense.

* Different elements of the Alt-Right draw from different aspects of the European right. The most flamboyant and radical currents of the Alt-Right explicitly take their inspiration from the Third Reich. The neo-Nazi element of the Alt-Right, which is not insignificant, thinks Hitler’s model for government was generally correct: the primary problem with Nazi Germany was that it lost the war. The more intellectually sophisticated elements of the Alt-Right—such as those found at venues like Counter-Currents—tend to downplay the Nazi connection in favor of other right-wing European movements. The so-called European New Right (ENR) has been particularly influential on the Alt-Right, especially in its early days. The ENR was primarily a French movement begun by Alain de Benoist in the late 1960s and grounded in multiple ideological traditions. Although the ENR never endorsed the most violent and repressive right-wing regimes of the twentieth century, it leaned heavily on works from Weimar-era Germany, especially the “conservative revolutionaries” of that period: writers such as Ernst Jünger, Carl Schmitt, Oswald Spengler, and Arthur Moeller van den Bruck. These were thinkers that rejected both the communism of the Soviet Union and the liberalism of the United States, seeking to create a new form of government that preserved elements of traditionalism but was capable of standing up to the East and the West. Although all of these thinkers proposed ideas that were incorporated to some degree into Hitler’s government, they did not all become proud Nazis—some opposed Hitler, some were ambivalent, and some were enthusiastic about the new government.

* The mainstream conservative movement is generally careful never to discuss the immigration issue as being fundamentally about race.

* On balance, the Alt-Right is actually less hostile to Islam than many conservatives with access to mainstream venues.

* Conservatives have been quick to argue that the Alt-Right should be condemned as a racist movement. But in doing so, conservatives can sound like the so-called commissars of political correctness that they have mocked and condemned for years in articles and entire books.

Conservatives have long promoted their movement as being “politically incorrect.” According to their own narrative, conservatives do not get upset about “microaggressions”; conservatives do not get worked up about off-color jokes; conservatives are tough and “tell it like it is”; conservatives are edgy. According to certain conservatives, those that complain about offensive speech are simply overprotected “snowflakes” who cannot take a joke. Some conservatives even argue that the “language police” are a threat to America. As Steve Tobak put it in a column for Fox Business: “While it’s clear that political correctness is reflective of our societal norms, it also influences where our culture culture is heading. If I’m not mistaken, it’s turning us into a nation of people who look like adults but act like entitled children, who act out when they don’t get what they want or feel they deserve.”53 According to many conservative pundits, complaints from college students, academics, and the mainstream media about public displays of racism and intolerance are signs that America is becoming weak, that it is trading freedom of speech for “safe spaces.” As many college campuses faced controversy and protest in 2015, conservative writers were quick to condemn protesters as “idiot children.”

…This leaves conservatives in a quandary. They want to distance themselves from the Alt-Right’s rhetoric about historically disadvantaged populations. But in doing so, they invariably use language borrowed from the left, using terms like “racist,” “nativist,” and “misogynist.” They do so after telling a generation of grassroots conservatives that anyone who uses those terms is a totalitarian. As a result, the Alt-Right can effectively use the conservative movement’s own rhetoric in response. Anti-Alt-Right conservatives such as Ben Shapiro, one of many conservatives to build a career on attacking political correctness,55 are now targets of vitriol from the Alt-Right on the grounds that they are politically correct “social-justice warriors.” This development has been noted by some on the left. As the headline of a piece by Robyn Pennachia noted in Gawker: “Ben Shapiro Declared a Social Justice Warrior by People More Racist Than Ben Shapiro.”

Conservatives are left without an obvious solution to this conundrum. They can stop condemning the Alt-Right for its outrageous comments; this risks conservatism being forever associated with the Alt-Right and its rhetoric. Alternatively, they can abandon the idea that conservatism is about rejecting political correctness and risk alienating those attracted to conservatism precisely because it is perceived as edgy and politically incorrect.

* Like the Alt-Right, Neo-Reaction (often abbreviated NRx and also known as the Dark Enlightenment) is predominantly—maybe exclusively—online. It is also quite explicitly right wing in that it rejects egalitarianism, perhaps to a greater extent than the Alt-Right. NRx has none of the lowbrow qualities of the Alt-Right (it favors long essays over tweets and memes), and it exhibits a kind of high-IQ misanthropy. This is one reason it rejects democracy, which according to NRx gives undeserving people a say in a government that they do not, and cannot, understand, and argues instead for government that is monarchical or has some kind of corporate structure.

* NRx and the Alt-Right (at least in its first incarnation) developed independently of each other… Regardless of how the two movements were once connected, the issue is now largely irrelevant. Interest in NRx appears to be waning. Moldbug stopped updating his blog in early 2016, stating that the site had “completed its mission.”

* One final online trend that more directly presaged the Alt-Right was Bob Whitaker’s online campaign to promote the idea of “White Genocide.” For years, Whitaker has been encouraging his followers to infiltrate the comment sections of major news stories and spread the mantra “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”70 Although Whitaker’s name does not come up often in discussions about the Alt-Right, this was one of the first coordinated trolling campaigns conducted…

* Paul Gottfried: “The white nationalists in particular are living on another planet, as far as I can determine. The multiculturalism and the PC that they and I loathe was created by white Westerners. Blacks and other non-whites have been peripheral to the victory of an ideology based on white male Western self-disparagement. White nationalism is no more a cure for this problem than recommending to cancer patients that they practice sky diving to get rid of their malignancy. Moreover, Western white people have generally not been “nationalistic” about race. They’ve been nationalists about being Frenchmen, Germans, Poles, Russians, etc. Even if all races practice discrimination discrimination against racial out-groups, Western identity has centered on other commonalities. The white nationalists are just imitating the black nationalists, who may have modeled an artificial racial identity that never existed in Africa. Finally although the Altright claim to be “radical traditionalists,” I’m unaware of any social tradition they want to maintain.”

* …the main target of the Alt-Right’s wrath, at least for now, is arguably not African Americans, Latinos, or political progressives; it is mainstream conservatives.

* …the Alt-Right is calling for something even more radical than the rejection of American conservatism. The Alt-Right also rejects many of the basic premises of classical liberalism and the Enlightenment.

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Why Aren’t NFL Quarterbacks Very Good This Year?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Quarterbacks are taking their cue from the poorly performing President Trump. Quarterbacks need guidance, and President Trump’s weak, wobbly actions have dejected and demoralized the football slingers. President Trump’s cheap stunt of 20 or 30 years ago, where he threw a decent spiral through a hole in a board for charity, while delightful and fun, is no match for inspiring quarterbacks now at this time.

President Trump is not performing like that descendant of Brigham Young who ran downfield without a helmet for extra yards. That is crazy, but extremely motivating for a team to see. President Trump is taking a knee with Nancy Pelosi on giving AMNESTY to illegal alien infiltrators.

President Trump is not methodically moving the team downfield like the Irish, Scandinavian player who married that Giraffe Bundtcake. President Trump is throwing weak ducks to his new pal Chuck Schumer in regards to giving AMNESTY to illegal alien invaders.

President Trump must once again show the guts and heart of candidate Trump who promised to deport illegal aliens, dramatically reduce legal immigration and build a wall on the border.

* Too much time spent in sensitivity workshops, diversity workshops, sexual harassment workshops, transsexual sensitivity workshops, etc.

Training time is finite. After these essential workshops are accounted for there simply isn’t enough time in the day to devote to football skills.

* A critical mass of effective people have withdrawn their psychic and emotional energy from the NFL causing a corresponding decline in on-field mojo.

* I think Seattle’s defensive style from their Super Bowl years made referees change the way they called pass interference and defensive holding. The Seahawks d-backs were borderline holding and/or interfering on every play, challenging the refs to throw a flag. You can’t call a penalty on every play or else the game would come to a stop, you’d lose your fan base and the NFL would collapse.

So referees started allowing d-backs to get away with more grabbing and manhandling of receivers, which makes it harder to succeed in the passing game. Fine by me because I think some of the pass interference calls from 5- 10 years back were ridiculuous.

As further evidence, I offer the change in the build of receivers. Receivers used to be skinny, fast guys. No need for any real strength because any contact by the defender would draw a flag. Now, as a reaction to the more aggressive d-back play allowed, receivers are all much stronger and taller in order to fight through contact and still catch the ball. Not to mention the rise of gigantic tight ends like Gronkowski that have become serious weapons for quarterbacks.

* When my son got talked into playing Madden a decade ago, even though he wasn’t an NFL spectator, he figured out to always pick Michael Vick as his quarterback and just have him run around with the ball. Much simpler…

* NFL HOF GM (Buffalo, Colts) Bill Pollian has commented on the decline of offensive play in general over the last couple of seasons to the latest league player’s contract that restricts preseason full practice in pads.

Pollian feels offensive line play is really poor for the first month of the season and Quarterback/Receiver timing/chemistry is likewise starting to decline as QBs feel pressure to get rid of ball more quickly. Also if teams are not practicing in pads then it is harder for receivers to master the route running skills.

Also maybe receivers need to learn that not everybody can “master” the one handed catch the ball like a Odell Beckham Jr or Chris Carter. It seems to me that receiver fundamentals are going to hell. I see fewer receivers making a classic bulls-eye or cone with their thumbs and index fingers with their eyes staring back at the QB through their hands.

Maybe that is why old school Huwhyte tight-ends like Gronk, Greg Oslen, Jason Whitten, or even a free agent like the Colts Jack Doyle still have a place in the league.

* After 4-5 years of Antifa activity in the St Louis area it seems that Antifa/BLM have built up a sizable infrastructure network in the area. That allows the Soros funded Antifa groups to bus in hundreds of white protesters from across the country and these folks all have places to stay for weeks at a time.

The DailyStormer has commented that during the day, protesters are largely white women who then turn things over to the mostly local blacks and the hardcore BLMers to work the night shift. I doubt the purple armpit haired twenty-something female trust-fund commies are staying in the ghetto.

On the other hand Unite the Right participants in Charlottesville had to stay in mostly private homes tens of miles away or sleep in their cars coming in from hundreds of miles away. Remember AirBnB canceled many on the Alt-Right group’s contracts and has boycotted them. But it seems that the Antifa were able to stay in town at many commercial establishments and even in dorms on campus.

Where are the out of town Antifa and BLMers staying in St Louis? On local college campuses in dorms? What hotels/motels are specifically catering to them? I think local taxpayers, business owners and consumers would like to and have a right to know.

* 21 comments and nobody adopted ESPN’s logic: Because Kaepernick.

Actually, the league’s collusive racist, bigoted, prejudiced, knee-jerk, craven, unimaginative, Trump-fueled, irrational, sexist, homophobic, short-sighted, retrograde failure to accept him is responsible not just for lower-quality QB play but declining performance across the board.

Posted in America, Football | Comments Off on Why Aren’t NFL Quarterbacks Very Good This Year?

WP: ‘Scorched earth. Harrowing escapes. Half a million on the move. How did the Rohingya crisis come to this?’

So what do Rohingya contribute?

It’s fine to cry about how nobody wants you, but what do you have to give? That’s the question unhappy individuals and groups should ask themselves.

If you hate your job, what skills do you have to offer to another employer? If you hate your girlfriend, what do you have that someone classier would want to take you on?

The Washington Post’s Wonkblog addresses the plight of the Rohingya but doesn’t spend a word on what these people can give to a society. I’ve yet to see anyone make the case that Rohingya would be valuable additions to a country.

Last week, the United Nations’ top human rights official called Burma’s ongoing military campaign against the Rohingya Muslim minority group in that country’s Rakhine state “a textbook example of ethnic cleansing.”

This is what he meant: Using a pretext of rooting out Islamist insurgents, Burma’s military, together with Buddhist villagers, is terrorizing the Rohingya, emptying and razing their villages, and attempting to hound them out of the country.

Of a total of 1.1 million Rohingya that remained in Burma despite repeated waves of violence since the late 1970s, more than 400,000 have fled to neighboring Bangladesh in just the past month. New arrivals are building makeshift settlements near established camps where hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees from previous exoduses already live. Most are women, children and the elderly.

Conditions are dire. Food is scarce. Aid agencies are worn thin. The monsoon rain is torrential.

The human catastrophe has captured the world’s attention. But it has also caused a lot of confusion. Didn’t Burma just undergo a democratic transition? Isn’t it led by Nobel Peace Prize-winner Aung San Suu Kyi? Why are Buddhists perpetrating an ethnic cleansing against Muslims?

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Making Sense Of The Alt Right

Weekly Standard: “The alt-right may not be who you think they are, according to George Hawley: “The notion that youthful rebellion necessarily leads young people to the left is an additional blind spot in mainstream thinking. To begin with, it is ahistorical. In the early 20th century we saw multiple transgressive movements on the right. Furthermore, as radical leftists of the baby boom generation assumed important positions in politics, academia, and the media, it should not have been shocking to see millennials with a contrarian streak respond by taking embracing right-wing radicalism. Not all such young people, of course, but enough to make waves. Another misconception about racism is that education is a panacea. Overall, higher education does apparently lead to lower levels of racial hostility. Yet again, the alt-right complicates this picture. The typical alt-right supporter does not lack education. The movement’s skillful use of the internet alone suggests otherwise. In interviews with people in the alt-right —including the movement’s leading voices and anonymous Twitter trolls—I found at least some degree of college education was a common denominator. To complicate matters further, many people in the alt-right were radicalized while in college. Not only that, but the efforts to inoculate the next generation of America’s social and economic leaders against racism were, in some cases, a catalyst for racist radicalization.”

George Hawley writes:

In my experience with the alt-right, I encountered a surprisingly common narrative: Alt-right supporters did not, for the most part, come from overtly racist families. Alt-right media platforms have actually been pushing this meme aggressively in recent months. Far from defending the ideas and institutions they inherited, the alt-right—which is overwhelmingly a movement of white millennials—forcefully condemns their parents’ generation. They do so because they do not believe their parents are racist enough.

In an inverse of the left-wing protest movements of the 1960s, the youthful alt-right bitterly lambast the “boomers” for their lack of explicit ethnocentrism, their rejection of patriarchy, and their failure to maintain America’s old demographic characteristics and racial hierarchy. In the alt-right’s vision, even older conservatives are useless “cucks” who focus on tax policies and forcefully deny that they are driven by racial animus.

Despite some growth over the last few years, the alt-right itself remains a small, mostly anonymous, and marginal movement. So when considering the attitudes of young people, it may be helpful to consider a much broader category: Trump supporters. How did the youngest white Americans respond to the most racially polarizing election in recent memory? It looks like they favored the man who campaigned on the promise of a border wall.

According to a large 2016 study conducted by the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, whites in high school favored Trump over Clinton by a staggering margin—larger even than Trump’s margin among adult white voters. Among this sample, 48 percent preferred Trump, 11 percent preferred Clinton, and the rest would not vote or choose another candidate.

One study is not definitive, and the political identities of Generation Z are still forming, but the rising generation of whites shows signs of being more right-wing than the millennials. It raises the possibility that a significant number of them will come to embrace open racism.

John Sharp writes for

Most of the people identifying in the movement are younger, white men. “The alt-right is predominately millennials and even younger,” said Hawley, referring to those born after the early 1980s. “There seems to interest in it from the upcoming Generation Z, today’s high schoolers and where the alt-right hopes to see their big wave of interest.”

Hawley said the alternative right movement was first born in 2008, and the term “alt-right” was coined initially be Spencer. “It was then a fairly broad ecumenical term that could have been applied to anyone whose political thinking was right-wing, but they were opposed to George Busch conservatism.”

Two years later in 2010, Hawley said, the movement became more racial-focused. Alt-right beliefs focused in on isolationism, protectionism, nativism, and sometimes tied into Neo-Nazism, Islamophobia, homophobia and right-wing populism.

“Spencer stopped using it in 2014, and the (term) was doormat,” said Hawley. “In 2015, without direction or any one person pushing it, (the alt-right) emerged again on social media and online forums.”

Indeed, the “alt-right” has its roots on the Internet, where members often create and circulate Internet memes that express their ideologies. Members have utilized Twitter, Reddit and other social media platforms to convey their messages…

Charlottesville, Hawley added, “was an attempt at a real-world movement.” He classified it as a bit of a “coming out” in which “alt-right” protesters emerged from the anonymity of Internet trolling to the forefront of a public movement.

“Whether that was a start, remains to be seen,” said Hawley.

At least one media organization wants to disqualify the term all together. The Associated Press, this week, said it would avoid using the term “alt-right,” claiming it was an euphemism to disguise racist aims.

Pacific Standard magazine:

George Hawley: Although the term was created by the alt-right, and is suspect for that reason alone, the people involved in the March on Google can be called “alt-lite.” That is, they are similar in style and tone to the alt-right, but they generally shy away from white supremacist rhetoric. Understandably, this category does not prefer the term “alt-lite,” and instead usually refer to themselves as “New Right.” There is actually a tremendous amount of hostility between the two camps. Throughout the 2016 presidential election, the two sides generally got along, but after the post-election National Policy Institute conference—the one where Richard Spencer said, “Hail Trump,” and some in the audience gave Nazi salutes—people uncomfortable being in the same camp as white supremacists dropped the alt-right label.

Hawley: Both the alt-right and the alt-lite believe Damore did nothing wrong, and that this controversy demonstrates that Google does not believe in free expression. Thinking bigger picture, the alt-right community has been fighting with the tech giants because they run the risk of losing their major platforms. Being kicked off Twitter, YouTube, PayPal, and other sites can cause the alt-right real harm. This movement lives on the Internet, so if these corporations shut down white nationalist speech, the movement will have a hard time continuing.

That said, there are a lot of people associated with the alt-right that are extremely tech savvy. I know that some people associated with the movement are already at work trying to build their own platforms that will be independent of these giants. The extent of these future crackdowns on certain types of speech, and the alt-right’s ability to work around these challenges, remains to be seen.


Hawley: I would say that both factions say they favor free speech, for strategic reasons, if not for principle. That said, a case can be made that the alt-lite has actually been less consistent than the alt-right in defending free speech, since it was two major alt-lite figures [Jack Posobiec and Laura Loomer] that recently disrupted a Shakespeare play because it depicted the assassination of a Trump-like figure. That seems to undercut their insistence that everyone deserves to have their say.

A problem for the alt-lite/new right is that it has a confusing message. It understandably wants to distance itself from the alt-right brand, which has become increasingly toxic. But aside from cheering on Trump, it does not really have a unique and compelling vision of its own. If Richard Spencer took over a country—which will never happen, but we are talking hypothetically—I know what kind of country he would create, and it is not a pretty picture. But if Posobiec or Mike Cernovich or Gavin McInnes were suddenly in power, I really do not know what they would do.

George J. Bryjak writes:

Hawley notes the characterization of alt-right as a rebranding of radical conservatism is inaccurate as alt-right websites have little if anything to say about the constitution, make no demands that everyone “support the troops,” and evangelical Christians “are more likely to be mocked than defended.” Many in the alt-right do not oppose abortion, noting this procedure is a form of “inferior race” birth control as more black and Hispanic women have abortions than white women. The alt-right despises gender equality, and many of its adherents argue that women should be denied the right to vote. For Hawley, the alt-right is “a distinct brand of conservatism as we know it” and a destabilizing force in American politics. The alt-right is benefitting from the decline of traditional conservatism and is “working to expedite its final collapse.”

According to Hawley, the alt-right cannot be considered a “mass movement” in the sense that Eric Hoffer used the term in “The True Believers.” Existing largely online, the alt-right has no formal organization and no leadership hierarchy. The goal of some alt-right members is the creation of one or more “white ethno-states” in North America. Less ambitious alt-right supporters want to end mass immigration and make a white-identity, social, cultural and political agenda the centerpiece of political discourse. While the alt-right has eschewed white robes and swastikas for suits and ties (“button-down racism”), the agenda of a bigot is the same, no matter how attired.

While the alt-right is lurking on the internet, long-standing hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and various neo-Nazi organizations have become emboldened since Trump became president. Members of these groups often refer to him as “GEOTUS” — “God Emperor of the United States.”

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‘St. Louis synagogue opens doors to protesters against police shooting’

Who would have guessed that there would have been a negative reaction to a synagogue that sheltered the Black Lives Matters (BLM) crowd? After all, the Ferguson Effect aka explosion in black crime since 2014 has been wonderful for America. I love how the JTA story below blames the “police efforts to control the protesters led to violence.” Yes, the police were to blame for the St. Louis looting. Blacks have no agency. They can’t help looting. Police are to blame. Whites are to blame.


A synagogue in St. Louis opened its doors to provide sanctuary for protesters demonstrating against the acquittal of a white policeman for the killing of a black suspect after police efforts to control the protesters led to violence.

After St. Louis Metropolitan Police officers reportedly surrounded the Central Reform Congregation on Friday night and threatened to fire tear gas at the protesters inside, a trending Twitter hashtag called on the police to #GasTheSynagogue.

The St. Louis Circuit court on Friday acquitted former police officer Jason Stockley of first-degree murder in the 2011 death Anthony Lamar Smith, 24. Stockley, who is white, shot Smith, who was black, five times after a high-speed chase.

On Friday night following the verdict, some 1,000 protesters marched through the streets of downtown St. Louis in protest of the verdict. Riot police pushed at protesters and used tear gas.

Some of the protesters given sanctuary in the synagogue took to social media to say that they were safe in the synagogue and grateful for the hospitality, which led others on social media to use the hashtag evoking Nazi atrocities.

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