Is It Way Too Expensive To Become A Jew?

Income correlates with IQ. Why would Judaism want people who can’t keep up financially? They will more likely be a drain on communal resources. As a convert to Orthodox Judaism, I’m glad that converting to Judaism is hard. It keeps the quality of converts at a high level. In Los Angeles, most of those who convert to Orthodox Judaism are still observant of the Sabbath after five years.

Bethany Mandel writes:

In the world of Orthodox converts, there’s an apocryphal tale of a convert who, upon balking at the cost of conversion, was told by their conversion rabbi, “If you can’t afford this expense, you won’t be able to afford being Jewish.” What is even more disappointing than the fact that becoming Jewish has (for many) a prohibitively large price tag, is that this conversion rabbi had a point: If you can’t afford a $500 fee for the Beit Din, you’re unlikely to be able to afford Jewish life.

The cost of being an Orthodox Jew is famously astronomical. Recently for the Times of Israel, an anonymous American father of four wrote about how his family “does Jewish” for $40,000 a year. It’s an astronomically large sum for most non-Jews to consider — and a paltry amount for anyone in the Modern Orthodox world the father occupies.

But what people don’t realize is that for converts, the financial burden of Orthodoxy is sometimes simply too much to bear. Five years ago, Orthodox convert Skylar Bader wrote a similar story on her blog. In a post called “Why Being An Orthodox Jew Is Expensive,” Bader listed the high costs assocated with taking on observant Jewish life. Outside of standard costs like a nominal mikveh fee and a few hundred dollar honorarium for the rabbis on the Beit Din, those converting to Orthodox Judaism must purchase all new dishes, pots and pans, move to and then live in a Jewish community, and purchase ritual objects like mezuzahs and tefillin for men.

In addition to the expected expenses associated with secular Jews becoming Orthodox, converts often face the added expense of paying for tutoring out of pocket. While outreach (kiruv) organizations exist to teach secular Jews about observance with the hopes of steering them towards an Orthodox lifestyle, these options are not offered to non-Jews hoping to become Jewish, and are usually limited to those who are already Jewish. Those in the conversion process are often forced to pay out of pocket for classes and one-on-one tutoring. While the time of those tutoring is of value, converts, already buckling under the weight of the thousands of dollars required to adopt an Orthodox Jewish life, are unable to pay up for additional tutoring, which is often required.

A lot of Jews would love to be Modern Orthodox but they can’t afford it. I think the Modern Orthodox have the highest average IQ.

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LAT: ‘The U.N. says Rohingya Muslims are facing ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. So why is India trying to kick them out too?’

Gee, I wonder why. Could it be that they are Muslims and India doesn’t want more Muslims. I’m not exactly sure of any country that wants Muslims, Rohingya or otherwise. What exactly do the Rohingya have to contribute that is special? The news media ignores this angle. Perhaps there are no special skills unique to the Rohingya. Perhaps there is no rational reason to import them. Perhaps there are good reasons why they are not wanted anywhere. Why doesn’t a Muslim nation take them in? If your fellow Muslims don’t want you, how good are you?

Los Angeles Times:

More than 400,000 Rohingya Muslims have streamed out of Myanmar in recent weeks, fleeing a bloody military crackdown that a top United Nations official described as “a textbook example of ethnic cleansing.”

Now the Rohingya are facing expulsion from another country: India, where an estimated 40,000 refugees are scattered amid a population of 1.3 billion.

The Indian government on Monday told the country’s Supreme Court that the Rohingya population posed a threat to national security and that intelligence reports suggested some refugees had links to militant groups based in Pakistan.

India’s Hindu nationalist government made the allegations in an affidavit arguing that the country’s highest court should not block its efforts to deport Rohingya refugees.

“India is already saddled with a very serious problem of illegal migrants and is attempting to address the situation in the larger interest of the nation,” the government said.

For several weeks, officials have said they would like to expel the Rohingya, who they say are in the country illegally. Human rights groups say such a move would violate international laws against sending refugees back to countries where they face persecution.

The Buddhist majority in Myanmar, also known as Burma, has long been accused of oppressing the Rohingya, an ethnic and religious minority of some 1 million people living mostly in the country’s western Rakhine state. The violence has exploded since Aug. 25, when a Rohingya militant group attacked Myanmar police checkpoints, killing a dozen officers.

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The Case For Gladstone

In 1989, I was living in Brisbane with my sister before moving to the Gladstone area to live with my brother. My doctor told me to be careful of Gladstone girls. They might give me a disease.

Comment: “Please explain how you intend to make a dirty, polluted industrial town look like an appealing tourist destination?”

Do You Live Near Australia’s Most Polluted Cities? “3. Gladstone has a mix of industries that contributes to its air pollution: coal operations, aluminium smelting and chemical manufacturing. This accumulation of harmful dust particles, in addition to car emissions, has led to an increase in asthma, allergies and similar symptoms.”

Gladstone has a reputation akin to Bakersfield.

MJ posts on the Gladstone Observer:

IS it time to reinvent Gladstone and our ways of thinking about this amazing region?

When I tell the outsiders where I’m working you can hear the disdain in their reply of ‘really why are you there?’, yet these are the same Aussies who have never left the comfort of their own patch to go exploring.

And let me tell you, when you do take the time to explore this region you are rewarded with one of the great wonders of the world. For example where else in Australia can you say you have the unbelievable Great Southern Barrier Reef at your door step?

To our west we have the sandstone region to explore and let’s not forget 1770 and Agnes Water and all beaches in between.

We are blessed with an abundance of parks and walking tracks and the best play area. I’m talking about East Shores and it looks like another bucket of money is about to be spent extending this area for everyone.

Yet it’s that name that seems to make ordinary people cringe and that name is Gladstone.

Do we need to reinvent ourselves with a new image and stop showing the world the vast tracks of coal that is one of our main export drivers, or hide the LNG and coal ships that earn the Queensland Government a bucket of money?

It breaks my heart to think the rest of this state and country think we are living in the pits and why would you want to holiday here – you only come here to make money and then get the hell out.

I say it’s time to make a stand. What we need to do is start using the tools we have to show the rest of Australia and the world that GLADSTONE is a thriving city with amazing facilities.

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From Katy Tur’s New Book – Unbelievable

It’s a good read and a quick read (took me less than two hours to finish).

This sounds like it is about Corey Lewandowski:

About a week after my July Trump interview, I went for a drink with a senior staffer. What did he think of Trump’s chances of making it to the convention? I asked. “One in ten,” he said. I told him about the unlikely way I got my assignment. He told me about his family back home. And with that I was ready to get on with my night. I looked at my watch. I had dinner with a friend.
I need to get out of here.
At the door of the restaurant, he had a question for me.
“Where can I go to meet thirty-something single women?”
“You have a wife and kids.”
“So what?”
I laughed the way you laugh when your friend’s grandparent makes a racist joke.
“I don’t know. I’ll see you later.”
I tried to forget the exchange. Nothing I hadn’t heard before. Also: men.
I don’t know what the staffer thought after that. He was nice for a little while. He’d text back quickly, trying to answer my questions. But he wasn’t entirely professional. He’d call at late hours, say disparaging things about women I worked with, comment on people’s looks, claim well-respected female reporters were “fucking” this guy or that one. He’d tell me that he could prove it because he’d seen “text messages.”
When the campaign sent water bottles and Trump towels to “sweaty Marco” Rubio, I texted the staffer to confirm it. His response: “You need some? I’m sure you get all sweaty sometimes too.”
At a campaign stop in Waterloo, Iowa, he bragged to Anthony and me about all the women who would want to sleep with him when he became Trump’s White House chief of staff. (So much for Trump’s chances being “one in ten.”)

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Parasha Haazinu (Deut. 32)

Haazinu consists of Deuteronomy Chapter 32 and is read between Rosh Hashanah (which starts Wednesday night) and Yom Kippur. Listen here.

* Det. 32:5-6. Moshe calls the Jews a “perverse and twisted generation” and a “vile and unwise people.” Is that anti-semitic?

* Det. 32:8: When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance,
when He divided all mankind, He set up boundaries for the peoples
according to the number of the sons of Israel.

It sounds like God is in favor of national boundaries and distinct peoples rather than all of just being brown.

* Deut: 32:15 “Jeshurun [Israel] grew fat and kicked;
filled with food, they became heavy and sleek.
They abandoned the God who made them
and rejected the Rock their Savior.
They made him jealous with their foreign gods
and angered him with their detestable idols.”

It sounds like God doesn’t like fatties. They disgust him. Their obesity reveals that they lack self control. You can’t trust them.

* “You have a fat wife… A fat woman is inherently untrustworthy as she is a sensualist, she sees no real difference between a pastrami sandwich and a dick in the mouth… The female Jew is particularly vulnerable to the zaftig seduction of the forbidden… So let’s start again. This is not your office and your wife would not be your wife if I came to her in the middle of the with a platter of cold cuts.” The House of Special Purpose, Fargo – Season 3 Episode 5

*Deut: 32:19: The Lord saw this and rejected them
because he was angered by his sons and daughters.
20 “I will hide my face from them,” he said,
“and see what their end will be;
for they are a perverse generation,
children who are unfaithful.
21 They made me jealous by what is no god
and angered me with their worthless idols.
I will make them envious by those who are not a people;
I will make them angry by a nation that has no understanding.

“28: They are a nation without sense,
there is no discernment in them.”

Another word for “discernment” is discrimination. No people that fails to discriminate will last long.

* 40 I lift my hand to heaven and solemnly swear:
As surely as I live forever,
41 when I sharpen my flashing sword
and my hand grasps it in judgment,
I will take vengeance on my adversaries
and repay those who hate me.
42 I will make my arrows drunk with blood,
while my sword devours flesh:
the blood of the slain and the captives,
the heads of the enemy leaders.”

This doesn’t sound like a message of love and inclusion.

* You are not going to see a fist fight at a Jewish wedding. At an Italian wedding or Irish wedding or latino wedding, you may well see a fist fight.

* We have to make a parnassah (living). What does that mean to you? How much moral flexibility does that give?

* Is the main reason that some minorities are afraid in America is that they subconsciously realize the majority would be better off driving them out?

Is this how they think subconsciously? They realize that the majority would be better off without them? I don’t know many Jews who think this way. Most Jews believe that they are an asset to America.

If minorities behave in a way that gives the majority an incentive to be rid of them, then it would make sense for these minorities to live in great fear of the majority discovering its group interests. Hence the rampant paranoia among minorities living in luxury and peace in America and all the lying by civil rights organizations and the massive gaslighting by MSM.

I suspect that the more convinced you are that the majority would be better off in America without your group, the more paranoid you will be about the majority developing its group interests. The less convinced you are that your group is a drag on the country, the more ease you will feel about whites discovering their group interests.

The more you hate the majority, the more you will fear them, and underlying that will be the fear that the majority would be better off without you and that one day it will wake up to its group interests.

It must be a horrible feeling when you realize that others are better off without you and your group. So naturally you hate them for being better off without you.

Wow, suddenly the behavior of organized minorities against America’s white Christian core make perfect sense.

When you do a Fourth Step inventory, you list off your resentments and fears. When you look at the lists, you notice that the people you resent are the people you fear and for the same reason — you’ve wronged them so you know that they have an incentive to hurt you and so you rationally fear them.

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