NYT: ‘A Voice of Hate in America’s Heartland’

Richard Fausset writes:

Mr. Hovater, 29, is a welder by trade. He is not a star among the resurgent radical American right so much as a committed foot soldier — an organizer, an occasional podcast guest on a website called Radio Aryan, and a self-described “social media villain,” although, in person, his Midwestern manners would please anyone’s mother. In 2015, he helped start the Traditionalist Worker Party, one of the extreme right-wing groups that marched in Charlottesville, Va., in August, and again at a “White Lives Matter” rally last month in Tennessee. The group’s stated mission is to “fight for the interests of White Americans.’’

Its leaders claim to oppose racism, though the Anti-Defamation League says the group “has participated in white supremacist events all over the country.” On its website, a swastika armband goes for $20.

If the Charlottesville rally came as a shock, with hundreds of white Americans marching in support of ideologies many have long considered too vile, dangerous or stupid to enter the political mainstream, it obscured the fact that some in the small, loosely defined alt-right movement are hoping to make those ideas seem less than shocking for the “normies,” or normal people, that its sympathizers have tended to mock online.

And to go from mocking to wooing, the movement will be looking to make use of people like the Hovaters and their trappings of normie life — their fondness for National Public Radio, their four cats, their bridal registry.

“We need to have more families. We need to be able to just be normal,” said Matthew Heimbach, the leader of the Traditionalist Worker Party, in a podcast conversation with Mr. Hovater. Why, he asked self-mockingly, were so many followers “abnormal”?

Mr. Hovater replied: “I mean honestly, it takes people with, like, sort of an odd view of life, at first, to come this way. Because most people are pacified really easy, you know. Like, here’s some money, here’s a nice TV, go watch your sports, you know?”

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U.S. Foreign Policy in the Trump Era: The Future of Great Power Politics

John J. Mearsheimer says: “Realism is a theory of great power politics… Realists believe that minor power don’t matter much and the idea of fighting in the developing world or areas outside of Europe, East Asia and the Persian Gulf makes no sense at all. It’s no accident that virtually every realist except Henry Kissinger opposed the Vietnam War. Hans Morgenthau and Walter Lipmann were two of the biggest thorns in the side of LBJ. Ken Walz was an adamant opponent of the war. Virtually all of the realists opposed the Iraq War in 2003. Stay out of the Third World. One, strategically, it doesn’t matter. Two, you get into a lot of trouble. You jump into quagmires.”

“Realism has not held much sway since 1989 since the United States is the sole power. You should have had an enormous amount of restraint but that’s not what happened because the United States has liberal imperialism wired into its DNA. The realists and the restrainers were on the same side of the debate to limit the crusader state.”

“When the Soviets went into Afghanistan in 1979, everyone in the National Security community was aghast. They thought this was the end of the world. My view was that this was the best thing that could happen to the United States. If you want to go into Afghanistan, be my guest. It ends up with no good.”

Question from the National Interest magazine: “Do you think it is in play that China will not be that powerful in 2050 and the United States will be more powerful than it is today?”

John: “You would be amazed how often you hear Chinese people talk about [China’s problems]… The best piece you could read was an article in International Security by Michael Beckley. He has a book coming out. His argument that all these people who argue that China is burying the United States are wrong and that when you look at the indicators, we’re in good shape over the long term. I don’t have an opinion.”

“Often times when I go to China, I pose to this question to people: ‘Starting in the 1980s, you began integrating yourself into this liberal international order that the United States created, and as a consequence, you’ve done incredibly well. You’ve become rich. Why don’t you just accept that we run the world, sit back and relax, and let us pay all the military costs of keeping the order, and there will be no security competition, and we’ll all live happily ever after.’ I’ve never met a Chinese who accepts that proposition… They want to throw their weight around to rewrite the rules to increase their influence. If I were in Beijing, I’d want to extend our influence.”

On November 3, 2017, The American Conservative convened leading scholars, journalists, and policy experts to explore the outlook for realism and restraint in the Trump Era. Panelists include:

John Mearsheimer, University of Chicago
Paul Kennedy, Yale University
Christopher Preble, Cato Institute
Michael C. Desch, University of Notre Dame
Moderator: Daniel McCarthy, Fund for American Studies

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Blame It On Rio?

From Crazy Days:

This movie is generally considered to be one of the more vile movies of all time. It condones statutory rape and purposefully filmed outside the country and lied about the dates of production just so they could show the star naked and having sex even though she was underage. As bad as that sounds, it was much worse.

Lets go back in time to before the movie was shot. You had a 60 something Hollywood lecher/director who was scouting high school talent he could convince to have sex with him for $100 by using his former A list credentials to convince her he could make her a star. Sure, they were in the middle of nowhere and not even close to Hollywood, but it was a game he played often.

He knew photographers in the city who would pass along photos of the mid teen females who thought they could be big in the modeling world. Some scam agency would tell them they needed head shots and send them to the photographer who would see how if he could get them naked and what they would do for money. Then, dirty old men like the director would come in and spin tales of money or fame or whatever was their con and then rape these teens. I use the term rape because most of these a-holes were middle aged to old and most of the teens were 15-17.

Anyway, lets call our actress Lisa. If you have been reading the site the past few weeks, this kind of all ties it together doesn’t it. Lisa was 16 when she met the director. He spun his tale and she loved it and they had sex every day for a few weeks. Apparently the director became convinced from his own words to make a movie starring this teen who he was in lust with. He wanted to keep having sex with her and thought she could be a star. Mostly though, he just wanted to have sex with her.

He has an idea for a movie which fulfills all his horrible fantasies and the great thing is, that movie already exists. He just needs to switch it up a little. He also needs money. He goes to his friend who we will call The Big Cheese. One thing you need to know about The Big Cheese is he is crooked. He also loved to make money. Oh, and he also loves teens. One thing led to another and he also raped 16 year old Lisa.

The Big Cheese also saw it as a way he could have sex with someone who was barely legal he had been lusting for on television. She would turn into an A+ list actress and she remains A list to this day. He offered her a role in the movie for about 50 times what she was making doing television but she also had to have sex with him for a whole weekend. She did it and says today it was the worst weekend of her life but it also made her career. She never slept with any other guy for a part.

Now, Mr. Big Cheese was really on board and he saw this as a way he too could have sex with a bunch of teenagers and knew where they could film the movie to take advantage of that. He also knew which A list actor to hire. The actor loved sex with teens and loved filming in out of the way fun places. He also loved a check more than any script. The actor, who we will call DRS also raped Lisa. He did so repeatedly throughout the filming of the movie.

The filming of the movie was just one big orgy with no care or concern about making a hit. The only thing they cared about was staying under budget which was not hard because they were shooting one take of each scene so they could go back to partying. The A lister says she hated going out at night and blames the movie on her drug problem later in life because she just sat in her room bored at night so turned to drugs.

Lisa made more shows and more movies but was usually required to get naked in auditions and in movies and to have sex with whoever was casting her. She burned out and left the business when she got married. A few years went by and then out of the blue she got a call to come do a movie. To be close to top billed. She had been out of the business for almost a decade. Why was she called back? The producer/writer of the movie had a crush on her from back in the day. Despite the fact he is married he wanted to have sex with Lisa and pressured her for weeks and weeks until she agreed. She got the part. The movie sucked. Lisa had been willing to give it one more try but after that she said no and has never worked again.

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Actresses Who Did It The Hard Way

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Alternatively, Jennifer Lawrence sells tons of tickets so there’s not much evidence on that score that she’s getting roles based on private rather than economic calculations.

* Interesting idea, but let’s also remember her starring role in “The Fappening,” in which she appeared not only in assorted naked poses, but she seemingly featured a few photos of her face covered in male spew. I have had many girlfriends, yet I know of not one who carries pictures of herself in that position on her iphone. Or anywhere else.

I would suspect that if I found one who did, I could assume a rather liberal policy when it came to doing things that normal people might find to be humiliating as a matter of course.

I would challenge you to come up for a good reason why she might do that. Successful actress that she is, you’d think that professionalism would dictate that she not only not pose for pictures such as those, but also be careful not to carry pictures such as those on her IPHONE–unless such photo’s are considered to be an integral part of her professionalism.

* Then why doesn’t Jennifer Lawrence get replaced with a cheap Lena Dunham lookalike? The producers save millions and it doesn’t affect ticket sales.

* Natalie Portman strikes me as someone who hasn’t gotten where she is strictly on talent.

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Stay In Your Lane!

A friend of mine was working the Sixth Step and her sponsor told her to abide by the speed limit and to stay in her lane.

I think that’s awesome advice. I would modify it to say abide by the speed limit as it is practiced. It’s unheard of to get speeding tickets for driving 43mph in a 35 mph zone. So I would say stay within ten miles per hour of the speed limit (unless you’re driving a free way where most of the traffic is going along at 15-20 mph above the speed limit, then by all means keep up with the traffic). Not weaving in and out of lanes also seems like great advice. I sent that a lot of auto accidents occur when drivers change lanes.

“Stay in your lane” is great advice for life in general, not just in traffic. I’ve gotten in trouble repeatedly over the course of my life by not staying in my lane through stupid choices such as announcing my opinion when it wasn’t sought, by doing work that my bosses didn’t want me to do while avoiding work they wanted me to do, by not knowing my place in a social interaction, by not appropriately reading cues and reacting within my lane.

* One of the guiding principles of the 12 Steps is that we relax and take it easy. So if you leave in plenty of time for your next appointment, you can relax and take it easy as you stay in your lane and obey the law.

* I’ve been taking self-defense training and I find it great for my self-esteem. I walk with more pep in my step knowing my ability to protect myself and to harm those who would harm me.

About 30 years ago, I asked someone in my family about taking a self-defense course and he said it was a waste of time. He’d rather stay out of situations that would require self-defense. But just like taking CPR training better equips you for life, self-defense training makes you more capable and responsible even if you never get in a fight. I think you’re less likely to cuck if you train.

Staying in shape and getting plenty of exercise also helps my self-esteem. Combine that with eating right (not too many carbs) and getting enough sleep and I feel good most of the time.

* The more you track something, the more you have of it (time, money, health goals). Tracking my spending, tracking my earning, tracking my times have been key to my recovery from under-achieving.

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