When Did The Alt Right Become Funny?

White nationalism was not funny. Nazism was not funny. How did the Alt Right become funny? I think it was the rise of Donald Trump in June of 2015, leading to the “cuckservative” slur.

4Chan had been funny for years and it was an incubator of the Alt Right. Steve Sailer has been hilarious since the 1990s and he was an incubator of the Alt Right.

Richard Spencer has been funny since 2007 and he helped to name the Alt Right in 2008. So has the Alt Right been funny since its inception in 2008 or did that develop over time?

Amren.com, Counter-Currents.com, TheOccidentalObserver.net have rarely been funny while Takimag has always been funny.

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Hostiles Is A Very White Movie

I loved this 2017 western but noticed how I was emotionally manipulated to increasingly side with the Indians against the whites.

A friend says: “The trend of having the audience root against the white man began with Little Big Man, then reached its high point in Dances with Wolves and most bizarrely was applied to the human race as a whole as opposed to the aliens in Avatar.”

The white protagonist played by Christian Biale starts off hostile against the Indian Chief he has to transport but as the movie goes along, the white guy gets close to the Indians he’s guarding until the penultimate confrontation in Montana when with the Indians, he kills four white guys protecting their own land. When the white protagonist scalps the white land owner, you are manipulated to cheer. You just feel it is awesome that he identifies more with the noble Indians than with the pedantic white guys (including white guys who saved the protagonist’s life in past battles with these very Indians).

I don’t think you’d find a Jewish movie glorifying Jews siding with Nazis to kill their own kind.

I don’t think there’s anything that whites are encouraged to find more moving and exciting than siding against your own people in a fight.

From Yahoo:

The three are forced to band together to overcome the punishing landscape and the Comanche bandits on their tail during a 1,500-mile trek across the perilous American frontier.
“For me really it was about two disparate men with very different world views who come together over the course of the narrative to offer one another a bit of reconciliation and hope. God knows, we need that in America now,” Cooper told AFP.
“I hope, if anything, it sparks a conversation about how we all need to come together and understand each other a bit better and the story is truly a journey of the soul for the characters.”…

Not all critics, however, have been convinced about the movie’s progressive bona fides, with several pointing out that the white actors get all the best lines and complex characterization.
The point is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that, in a story about fractious white-native relations in the American West, it is English actors Bale and Pike who are attracting all the early Oscar buzz.
Variety reviewer Peter Debruge accused “Hostiles” of treating its native characters as little more than one-dimensional “abstract plot devices” depicted as “ruthless savages or as stoic sages.”
Critics have also called out the movie for drawing a false equivalence between individual native attacks such as the Comanche ambush in the prologue and government-sanctioned genocide.
Cooper, however, insists he went to great lengths to understand the “language, customs and mores” of his native characters, employing Cheyenne cultural advisors to ensure he got it right.
“It was very important for me to represent Native American life in an extremely authentic but dignified manner,” he told AFP.

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Gender Offenders

Steve Sailer writes:

The founder of the Skunk Works, Kelly Johnson, America’s most famous aeronautical engineer, married a girl in the Lockheed accounting department in 1937. When she was dying in 1969, she explained to Kelly that he was too busy to take care of himself, so she had arranged for him to marry his secretary, which he did. When his second wife was dying, she in turn found a third wife for him.

When my mother was dying, she told my father to marry his secretary when she was gone, which is what he did.

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From the Jerusalem Post:

The Swedish daughter of a Holocaust survivor faces deportation from Israel next week, based on claims that she was baptized as a baby and has ties to a messianic organization.

Rebecca Floer, 64, has been living parttime in northern Israel on a renewed tourist visa for the past three years. But after she applied to immigrate to Israel, not only was her application denied, but her tourist visa was shortened and she received notice that she must leave the country by this coming Sunday.

Comments at the Jerusalem Post:

* She’s a missionary. She’s not wanted. And whats more she should be violently resisted.

* This woman is not Jewish. By Jewish law she is not Jewish , and she never lived Jewish life. What more, she is a missionary. That is a no no in Israel.

* If it’s true that she’s a Christian missionary hiding in “Jewish” clothes, she should be booted. But if she’s a Jew returning to her roots, she should stay. The facts should dictate this.

* What a distorted, lying article ! Not only that she is not jewish, she is a christian missionary, working hard to decimate the jewish people through conversions. She is an enemy.

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* As the Israeli supreme court ruled in the Brother Daniel case (back in 1960 or so), Jewish converts to Christianity are an existential threat to the Jewish people and can be prevented from immigrating.

It is simple, common sense: the Nation — every nation — should determine which other religions, races, and ethnies are a threat, prevent them from immigrating, and expel them if there is any way possible.

* The comments in this newspaper article are so revealing. If one takes them them at face value there are plenty of (Israeli) Jews who hate gentiles and if it was the other way around have opinions which would be characterised as hate crime in Western countries.

* How do the open borders whack jobs in Congress square these two facts:

1. The United States cannot be allowed to adopt an Israeli-style immigration policy because that policy is racist.

2. The United States should continue to send Israel over $3 billion/year in foreign aid.

If I propose reducing legal immigration and enforcing laws against illegal immigration I am a racist. And if I propose eliminating US aid to Israel, even if it’s on the grounds of objecting to their immigration policy, I am also a racist.

I dare an American politician to use the term “illegal infiltrator.” Democrats, of course, love to pretend to be anti-Israel when it suits them, so that wouldn’t work. The proper place to use it would be in front of open borders Republican – perhaps Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham or Sheldon Adelson.

* Israel is the first First World nation north of eastern Africa on the land route.

* This brings back traumatic memories of the year I spent in East Orange, in the early middle 1970s, as the city began its decline from a pleasant White suburb to a mostly Negro hellhole. When I first got to East Orange there was a pleasant and well-stocked urban supermarket. Then, a few months after my arrival, I noticed the appearance of Negroes, openly stealing and vandalizing as they “shopped”. Before I left the market shut its doors but first not before newly arrived Negroes had trashed the place into a shambles. When I first arrived I felt comfortable walking along Prospect Street, a main drag, at any time of the day. By the time I left Negro harassment might occur at any time. To anyone who has not experienced it, the rapidity with which an influx of the Negro underclass can destroy a neighborhood or city is incomprehensible. The Oranges were once renowned for the quality of their schools. My guess is they began a steady decline starting at about the time I left.

* My point is to close ranks like the Jews do. Jews are successful for a reason. Be ruthless about in-group interests like the Jews are. Conceal advancement of group interests behind something like tikkun olam.

The challenge for Whites will be how to employ the double strategy that Jews do — claim they’re “White” when it’s advantageous, then claim they’re “Jews” when it’s not. Hard for a White to claim he’s a Somali or Paki.

* I recall a post from a while back, where Japanese that spoke English were much friendlier to globalism than those that didn’t. Perhaps the Israeli Jews that only speak Hebrew are disconnected from the liberal English speakers in America.

* Their [Israel] Supreme Court is notable in that its is the only government branch where Arabs have representation. The Arabs in the Knesset obviously don’t count when even Labor won’t agree to appoint them to the Cabinet should they win.

It should not be outrageous for the US right to demand that Israel appoint even a token few Christians into the Israeli Cabinet, as the price for continued military subsidies. It would be even better to demand that Arab Christians in Lebanon are not legitimate military targets, as they were in 2006.

* Our host with the most, Steven Sailer, has pointed out that even affluent black neighborhoods have lousy schools, e.g., Prince Georges County in Maryland.

* Jewish religious doctrine, although fascinating, is not my main interest. I’m more keen to observe (and emulate) how Jews create a strong in-group orientation and obtain positions of privilege living as aliens in an ostensibly hostile society. That would be useful for my group as we become a minority in Diversity America.


Revolt of Fox’s Hens

By Sheelah Kolhatkar • 10/25/04 on Observer.com:

TV news is a generally inhospitable place for women to work. It often involves unequal pay for comparable work. It nurtures and inspires sexual harassment in a pressured, heightened environment filled with risks and rewards, highs and lows, and often staffed by malleable younger women producers and assistants assigned to the care and feeding of outsized male egos…

Even in Ms. Mackris’ telling, her part of the dance was to coddle, to enable and—after leaving Fox for CNN—to return to Mr. O’Reilly despite her creepy feelings about him, which led to an incessant, seamy courtship of dinners, dirty telephone calls and exposure to what she described as his preoccupation with loofas and vibrators.

And, according to Ms. Mackris, his threats: “If any woman ever breathed a word I’ll make her pay so dearly that she’ll wish she’d never been born,” Ms. Mackris said he told her in a telephone conversation. “I’ll rake her through the mud, bring up things in her life and make her so miserable that she’ll be destroyed. And besides, she wouldn’t be able to afford the lawyers I can or endure it financially as long as I can. And nobody would believe her, it’d be her word against mine and who are they going to believe? Me or some unstable woman making outrageous accusations. They’d see her as some psycho, someone unstable. Besides, I’d never make the mistake of picking unstable crazy girls like that.”

…“They love their women dolled up,” said another former Fox News staffer who had worked in the D.C. bureau. “It’s not saying they don’t like women who aren’t smart. But women at Fox were in trouble if they were on air and they weren’t dressed like a hooker. Everybody at Fox is painfully aware of that.”

…The CNN producer described a young woman co-worker at the cable network who had strategically slept with older, more powerful men to advance her career—which wasn’t something the producer could judge with pure moral clarity. After all, it worked. “It was her goal to get on the air,” she said. “And she made it. She got what she wanted. It’s a very tricky—it’s murky. It’s very murky.”

Other women professionals described a recent shift in the stylistic choices of college interns invading the stations: girls in shorts skirts and high boots, who were clearly aware of the power their looks afforded and were willing to work it—up to a point.

Many women said that for young females looking for mentors in the business, older men were much more willing to dole out attention and guidance than were the jaded, established women who were working against the clock, juggling face-lifts to prolong their television careers—which, of course, put the younger women into the very compromising positions that inspired harassment.

“I do think in network news, it’s so incredibly cutthroat—for a woman to get to that level, she loses all sense of what she was like as a young woman,” said a former Fox News staffer who didn’t want her current network affiliation to be known. “She had to sacrifice so much—why should she help a young woman?”

Said another female CNN producer, “There aren’t that many female executive producers. And they’re mean to those girls who are pretty and want to be on television.” One cable news producer said that the most verbally abusive boss she’d ever had had been a woman…

The TV news business offers a unique setup for the kind of behavior that Mr. O’Reilly is accused of: Aging, highly paid, powerful men dominate on air and behind the scenes, while armies of ambitious, underpaid, beautiful young women serve as their foot soldiers—the producers and bookers, assistants and interns—who scramble for guests and keep their bosses’ egos inflated.

Most of the on-air and off-air TV news people said that the way network and cable news is produced—from the basic flow chart in your average production to the required hours—creates an atmosphere primed for power relationships to exert themselves. Often, staff find themselves working late in close quarters, traveling from city to city, hotel to hotel, bar to bar.

One prominent and current male on-air host described his view of the social and sexual dynamic of the television news world:

“At the producing level, it’s all young women,” he said, “99 percent of whom have no chance of being on TV. They like being in TV and they like powerful men. Each host has around him lots of good-looking, unmarried women. Women are excited by power, let’s be totally clear. The temptation to fuck your staff is overwhelming—literally, almost overwhelming. You just can’t imagine how sexually out of control it is. A quarter of the women are bisexual. They’re good-looking, they’re totally without restraint. Nobody has family around, you’re on the road traveling, and you’re making $7 million a year and they’re making $65,000 a year. That’s three grand a month to live in the big city. You’ve got all the money—in every way, you’re the sheik, they’re the harem. You can’t overstate how true that is. That’s a natural dynamic.”

The news personality said that the job descriptions of most of the behind-the-scenes staff—including the producer—is to focus positive attention on the on-air personality, to make him look and sound smart and handsome and to keep his ego well-inflated.

“All they do all day long, they’re job is to serve you,” he said. “That’s explicitly their job. How you look, how you sound—everything is focused on you.”

Most of the women interviewed had a pretty easy time reciting tales from the TV-news locker room of unwanted touching and groping, compliments on “fuck-me” shoes, invitations to return to hotel rooms, clunky and incessant sexual innuendo (e.g., “I’d like to help you get a-head, ha ha ha!”), unwelcome shoulder rubs, shameless requests for dates, three-way orgies and oral sex—all by well-known male on-air personalities and powerful news executives at the top of network and cable channels.

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