Tag Archives: rabbi

Rabbi Gershon Bess’s Ruling On Worms In Fish

He ruled a few weeks ago that most fish were not kosher because they had worms in them. There have always been worms in fish, Rashi says so in his commentary on the Talmud, the question was always which ones … Continue reading

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Very Rabbinic

I sent an Orthodox Jewish friend a link to my appearance on a Sabbath panel at Loma Linda University ten days ago. “You looked very rabbinic,” she said. “From the way you sat to the way you spoke, you seemed … Continue reading

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When The Rabbi’s Wife Is Not A Rebbetzin

I remember feeling taken aback about 13 years ago when the wife of a Modern Orthodox pulpit rabbi told me in no uncertain terms that she was not a rebbetzin. These days most Orthodox communities are seeking a “Rabbinic couple” … Continue reading

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Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach Leaves Shalhevet

Why? No clue. Lots of rumors, and the spin from the board (that he resigned for family reasons) seems to contradict what we know, like, for example, he is not allowed to return to the campus. There’s 24 hour security … Continue reading

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