Tag Archives: John McCain

Why Are People Excited About Barack Obama?

He can read a nice speech but he has no accomplishments. He has no new ideas. He strikes me as a con man. Mickey Kaus writes: Obama Speech React: 1) A little flat, and not just because of it’s now-required … Continue reading

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The First Candidate For VP I’d Like To Date

I’m excited about John McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin: No Democrat could be excited by Obama’s selection of windbag Joe Biden. Yet Republicans and many independents and some Democrats are excited by this selection of Palin. She is three years … Continue reading

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John McCain Won The Saddleback Confrontation

By Michael Gerson in the Washington Post: WASHINGTON — It is now clear why Barack Obama has refused John McCain’s offer of joint town hall appearances during the fall campaign. McCain is obviously better at them. Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Civil … Continue reading

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Gloria Goes To Gay Pride

This is a children’s book (for kids from kindergarten to sixth grade) recommended by the Anti-Defamation League’s website. "A young girl participates in the Gay Pride Day parade." Then there’s My Two Uncles. "A young child’s grandfather has trouble accepting … Continue reading

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Emmanuelle Richard’s Eight Months Preggers

They just spent ten days in LA, leaving this morning. Matt is much in demand for his recent book on John McCain. From my live cam chat: YourMoralLeader:  how is the LA Times treating you? tonypierce:  better than they should … Continue reading

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