Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Gunther Plaut Was 99

The Jerusalem Post headline is: “Reform Movement mourns passing of Gunther Plaut” Well, I think more than just Reform Jews mourn the passing of this congregational rabbi and Bible scholar. One of the first Jewish books I read was Gunther … Continue reading

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Is Contentment A Good Thing?

In my Christian upbringing, contentment was a big virtue. You were supposed to be satisfied with whatever you had in physical possessions and career success and the like. You weren’t supposed to strive to be a big shot. I grew … Continue reading

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The Most Islamist States (Iran and Saudi Arabia) Were Never Colonized

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “This notion of let’s blame the British, the colonialists, for our condition. This is the reason we have millions of people supporting the idea that you slit throats in the name of … Continue reading

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Separate Vacations

I first heard about separate vacations about 20 years ago and I was shocked. My friend said separate vacations enhances a marriage. It sounded to me like a bitter statement from a bitter man about a marriage in trouble. On … Continue reading

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Why Did Dodgers Have Lowest Attendance In Memory In 2011?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Apparently they caught the monster who beat Bryan Stow, the Giants fan beaten [into a coma] in Los Angeles.” “The Dodgers had the lowest attendance in memory this past year. Part of … Continue reading

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