Tag Archives: chief rabbi

Rabbi Michael Broyde On Rabbi Haskel Lookstein’s Appearance In A Church For The President’s Inauguration

Rabbi Michael Broyde writes: Thus a Jew may join the government service and wear gentile clothes every day — day in and day out for decades violating a Torah prohibition! — so that when the day comes that he can … Continue reading

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Where’s The Jewish Richard John Neuhaus?

Rabbi Gil Student nominates Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. I agree that R. Sacks is eloquent, but he does lead anybody? Does he influence thought? Does he lead intellectual change? I don’t think so. He’s a silver-tongued spokesman for the British … Continue reading

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The Search For The Modern Orthodox Chumash

Joe emails: Luke, You keep making a big deal about the lack of a Modern Orthodox Chumash [the five books of Moses with commentary]. Here’s the real story. First of all, a Chumash like that uncovers the widening divide between … Continue reading

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Living In Israel Weakens Faith?

Neta Sela writes: Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar has harsh words for Israeli society, particularly the ultra-Orthodox community, in regards to its treatment of Russian Jews who immigrated to Israel. In an interview to the European rabbinical publication ‘Hanaaseh Vehanishma’ … Continue reading

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The Ways and Means Of Rabbi Abner Weiss

He’s a smart guy. He has two PhDs. He’s a good speaker. He’s affectionate. He can talk to the world. He was runner-up to be the Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth. Abner Weiss is not only a pulpit rabbi, … Continue reading

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