Remembering Adam Parfrey, April 12, 1957–May 10, 2018

I will always remember Adam as the guy who took Cathy Seipp’s virginity.

Margo Metroland writes:

Adam Parfrey, the publisher of humor and esoterica who parlayed a 1980s “‘zine” sensibility into a durable niche publishing house, has died at his home in Port Townsend, Washington. He was 61.

His main publishing imprint, Feral House, specialized in topics pertaining to pop culture, far-Right politics, and conspiracy theorizing. Adam built his career on a magpie interest in weird, outré subjects, and he brought a satirical and anarchic sensibility to most of them.

Adam Parfrey was born in New York City, and grew up mainly in Los Angeles. His father, Woodrow Parfrey, was a successful character actor, first on Broadway and in television dramas of the Playhouse 90 sort. His mother, Rosa Ellovich, was a Jewish stage director. In Hollywood, Woodrow worked constantly till he died of a heart attack in 1984, also at age 61. In films (Dirty Harry, Papillon, The Flim-Flam Man) he played a lot of shifty-eyed grifters and grocers. On some television programs he was almost a regular supporting player (five appearances on The Man from U.N.C.L.E., four on Bonanza).

But the role people always asked Adam about was the one in which his father was totally unrecognizable, as he had been made up as an aristocratic orangutan in Planet of the Apes (both the original 1968 film and the 1974 TV show). Adam sometimes accompanied his father to the set.

“What was it like, having an orangutan judge as a father?” people always asked him, according to Adam. And he would reply, “Oh, I just figured everyone’s father did this. Got up, went to work, played an orangutan in the movies.”

After high school, Adam attended the University at California at Santa Cruz, but dropped out before graduation. In New York City he got a job at The Strand bookstore, and with a co-worker, George Petros, created an elegant graphic-arts fanzine, Exit. Briefly he moved to Portland, Oregon, where he became friends with Keith Stimely, former editor of the Journal of Historical Review and aspiring biographer of Francis Parker Yockey. Keith was half-heartedly pursuing a Master’s in history at Portland State, which he soon gave up, along with the Yockey biography. (He wrote a book about desktop publishing instead.) Some years later, Adam passed Keith’s Yockey information to one Kevin Coogan, who turned out a very different sort of biography from the one that Keith Stimely had planned (Dreamer of the Day, Autonomedia, 1999)…

Greg Johnson said of Adam that “he was a pioneer of dissident publishing and an inspiration to my work. Counter-Currents would have been unimaginable without the work he did at Feral House.”

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Forward: “Is Jordan Peterson Enabling Jew Hatred?”

Steve Sailer writes: “To illustrate their thesis, the Forward put together a montage of photos from Wikipedia of Hitler and Peterson: proof!”


* I’ve read the piece that Peterson wrote that was partly quoted here. He does a back of the envelope calculation based on the idea that if white Americans have 100 IQ, and genius IQ is 145, that’s three standard deviations, and so about 1 in 1000 (99.9 percentile) is somewhere on the “genius” scale. Multiply that by 200 million white people and you get about 200,000 white people geniuses.

For Ashkenazi Jews, assume a 115 IQ as average. To get to 145 IQ, that’s only 2 standard deviations, about 97.6 percentile, so about 2.4 Ashkenazi Jews in 100 have a genius IQ. There are about six million American Jews, and if you assume they’re all Ashkenazi, that’s about 140,000 Jews with genius IQs.

If you recall stats that show things like 40 percent of American billionaires are Jews, the above back of the envelope calculation shows that’s about what you’d expect. That is, if the “You’re so smart, how come you’re not rich?” wisecrack is true.

Anyway, everyone on campus wants a piece of Peterson, because he states the truth as he sees it and lets the chips fall where they may. So, since he puts a psychometric foundation under Jewish achievement (rather than worldwide cabals), now he’s apparently an anti-semite, along with an anti-feminist, an anti-marxist, an anti-PC activist, etc. etc.

* This article finds Jews have higher levels of “social effectiveness” even when controlling for IQ.

Co-author Woodley of Menie is the guy who has the most pessimistic take on dysgenic fertility and thinks Victorians had much higher genotypical IQs.

* Peterson has a large audience now and by merely mentioning and talking about Jews, even if it’s in neutral or positive terms, he’s pointing them out, distinguishing them, which tends to unsettle many Jews.

* Peterson has decades of experience giving engaging classroom lectures and knows how to speak. And he leveraged that to become a self-made YouTube phenomenon, and then translated that into a best-selling book, sold-out personal appearances, and one of the top Patreon accounts.

What’s more, Peterson did all of this by weaving a patch for the hole elites tore out of the moral fabric of society.

Reasonable people can nit-pick the patch he came up with, question his erudition, and talk about how he’s strayed out of his lane, etc., but I think resentment explains a big part of the reaction. What Peterson is attempting — moral/psychological therapy on a mass scale, as opposed to watered down self-help bromides — is a rare thing to pull off. Maybe the last person who did was Viktor Frankl.

* That article has a lot of innuendo, without actually saying that Peterson is wrong about anything. I get the impression that truth is not the main concern of the Jews who are quoted.

* It’s savaged in its own comments. An example from a Jay Rosen:

“I am a Jew. I volunteered during the Yom Kippur War. No one defends the Jews more than I do. This article is idiotic and contemptible. It make me lose respect for the Forward and have no respect for Feldman. I have listened to hundreds of hours of Jordan Peterson and never found anything, either directly or indirectly, that was in any way antisemitic. This is a stupid and malicious article. It should be retracted, taken down and The Forward should make a formal first page retraction for its slanderous libel. No one could be a stronger enemy of fascism and evil than Peterson, or be a more effective critic. Shame on you.”

* I think the Official Narrative is that Jews in the USA are an oppressed and powerless minority who are no more intelligent than anyone else? But that the main thing is that non Jews must never ever discuss Jews, even to praise them, as this smacks of Hitler. And you must never discuss the Narrative either, you just have to know what it is.

AFAICT, Jewish success in the USA is due to a mix of:

1. high IQ (similar median IQ to that of upper middle class non-Jewish white groups), particularly high verbal ability,
2. high drive/pushiness, and
3. relatively high in-group preference (similar to that of the ‘men with gold chains’ ethnic groups).

There are plenty of other ethnic groups with relatively high in group preference, but they tend to be either lower median IQ, or small in number.
Upper middle class non-Jewish whites have a similar median IQ, but typically lower drive, lower pushiness, less verbal felicity, and either no in-group preference, or negative in-group preference – ie they will discriminate against other members of their ethny.

* I read this article at The Forward, then all the comments, which numbered 62 at the time.

Every single one of them defended Peterson and denounced the author and magazine. Those posting comments are presumably mostly Jewish.

Not one made an attempt to defend the thesis of the article or agree that Peterson might really be anti-Semitic.

A few years back “the knockout game” was a thing. It was, or at least was portrayed, as a game whereby young blacks would sucker-punch whites or Asians, often female or elderly, on the street, to great hilarity.

It was for the most part covered little in the MSM, except for a brief period when some NYC whites who happened to be Jewish got knocked out. Then for a little while it was discussed as a dangerous manifestation of anti-Semitism.

Apparently the multiple whites and Asians attacked in previous months were of zero interest to the MSM. Only if Jews were attached did they care. Despite the fairly obvious fact that no evidence was provided in the stories that Jews in question were attacked for being Jews, since, after all, how would the attackers have known? Perhaps they were just playing the game with whites and the victim turned out to be Jewish, which in NYC is statistically not all that unlikely.

* “Jewish berserkers,” namely fanatic Jewish-activist types. Their wild, ferocious attacks on any individual or institution suspected of being less than friendly toward Jews tend to drastically discourage most people from scrutinizing or investigating Jewish behavior, while often taking quiet actions to avoid the risk of such explosions.

* I’ve interacted a couple times with New York Jewish lawyers, and been struck by their incredible level of verbal aggression, they really come in with all guns blazing in a way that easily overwhelms a WASP type like me, we just shut down.

* I like SJWs Always Lie, thought his Rapid Puppies (and Scalzi-baiting) antics were amusing and am glad that he has made a go of Castalia House.

On the other hand he’s often a tiresome braggart: his high IQ, how he is a better fantasy novelist than George R.R. Martin (a generally obnoxious liberal, but touched by the fire of the gods nonetheless), how he’s going to write a literary novel on par with Murakami. (The latter two are completely delusional.)

In reality, he has written a song the ended up on the Mortal Combat soundtrack, designed a couple reasonably successful video games, had a syndicated web column, written a pretty good book on contemporary politics and started a reasonably successful small press. It’s the kind of career you would expect from really smart, immensely hardworking guy who utterly lacks any trace of genius.

What’s extra weird about this current jihad against the “utterly dishonest” Jordan Peterson is that it was provoked by Peterson’s claim that Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 115 when in fact it looks like their average IQ is more like 110. Let the heavens fall!

* Jordan Peterson is interesting for the same reason James Damore is interesting. Both of them are willing to openly discuss the rotten nature of feminism in an intelligent and truthful manner. It is something that we hardly hear in this culture though it is desperately needed which is the reason people are shocked. It is certainly not because of their attractive looks.

Tucker Carlson invited both of these guys on his show for the same reason. Men and whites are the last two identity groups to awaken and there is a massive upside potential to build an audience. He is doing the same thing with whites, and his show is wildly successful because of it. With both identity groups being the last frontier for marketers and politicians and I am sure this does not make some people happy. In fact, they are many of the ones who are most aware of the potential and fear it the most.

Just as it has been said that Trump was the only guy in the room to pick up the $100 bill on the floor (immigration) we are waiting for someone to do the same with same thing with men’s issues. The fact that there are people who are ‘concerned’ should not be surprising.

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Frame Game Radio On The End Of Civilization (5-10-18)

Frame Game Radio joins and then Fahad Game Radio provides the Iraqi Shia perspective.

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The Next War On Israel (5-9-18)

From an interview with Israeli military expert Martin Van Creveld:

There seems to be a fear about a large scale conflict; militarily, what do you think that Israel could put in place?

With its vital infrastructure—power plants, fuel depots, factories, and the like—exposed to precision-guided missiles launched by Hezbolla Syria and possibly Iran, Israel will find itself in a difficult situation. As well as doing its best to protect these assets by means of its highly-developed surface-to air missile system, it will mount air- and missile attacks on enemy air defenses, missile launching sites, and infrastructure targets (one Israeli officer has recently warned that, should Hezbollah get involve in a war with Israel, the latter would bomb Lebanon back into the Stone Age). One can also expect Israeli commando raids against military targets which, for one reason or another, cannot be tackled by airpower on its own.

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The Case For Podcasts

Steve Sailer writes: I don’t have the patience to listen to talk when I could be reading.


* No offense, but since you are a Baby Boomer, I feel compelled to ask: were you aware that you can download podcasts on your smartphone, allowing you to listen to them while you’re doing some otherwise dreary and time consuming task like commuting, walking, doing dishes, et cetera?

Because I share your preference for reading over audio when possible, but I think the reason that podcasts are so popular among what Tyler Cowen calls “infovores” is that they’re a way to get extra information when you’re doing something that’s boring but you can’t read a book while you do it.

* I have a job where I can listen to podcasts all day long. Then I walk to the gym (takes 50 minutes), lift weights, walk back home, all while listening to podcasts. I also listen while walking the dog, doing housework, working in the yard, etc. And then there’s bluetooth in the car for more listening. That’s a lot of hours of podcasts in a typical day. Much more efficient for me than reading.

* I check in regularly at Vox Day’s site as he often has interesting things to say, but his current all-out assault on Jordan Peterson displays some of the flaws in his own personality: his compulsion to indulge in petty squabbles and need to constantly assert his own preeminence.

* I have to imagine that Professor Peterson’s public reach is an order or two of magnitude above Vox’s, which I suspect is a source of jealously and frustration for Mr. Beale.

* Unfortunately, in one his genuinely more illuminating recent posts, he explained how the only person who never really failed him was Tolkien, but Tolkien is dead, so he’s not going to give personal advice. Vox obviously reads Sailer, so if he reads this I urge him to seriously consider whether he has gone off track. Ditch all of the petty squabbles and self-assertion. You’re doing good. You don’t need that stuff.

* I enjoy reading him, but he seems unhinged. Like Roissy (apologies, as you are probably on this thread, and you have made some intelligent posts that I have commented on), he is obsessed with proving that everyone who opposes him is a gamma male and everyone who agrees with him is an alpha.

I also find his habit of calling Trump “the God Emperor” a bit weird.

* On the PUA scene, the alpha is the guy who gets to bang a reasonably attractive drunk woman after the bar closes, but he may in all other aspects of his life be a loser. When I worked at a large ad agency there were two good-looking young guys who did very well with the ladies. However, they were at the bottom of the totem pole in the corporate hierarchy. No one took their opinions seriously. So they were alpha in one domain and nothing much in the other.

* I think that there is a rational but unspoken reason for women to object to pick up artists. For most of human history if a woman wanted to identify a man who could take care of her children, self confident behaviour around other men was probably the best tell. There were well built men who were slaves, men with genetically good looks who were young and powerless, men who had all the outer appearences of success but whose position was insecure and so could not afford to act confidently as they might annoy other men who they were dependant on.

Self confidence was the best single measure of how well a man could take care of you, if a man acted this way around other men and did not have the power to back it up he would quickly be put in his place.

In a modern, urban, law abiding state where people meet and may not see each other again there is now little danger for the even the least powerful to behave convincingly confidently in public and this can be consciously learnt by PUAs. Many women still have an irrational attraction for this behaviour, the way a cat cannot control itself in chasing a laser pointer.

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