The Kebab Shop (5-16-18)


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Vox Day Vs Jordan Peterson

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Why has Vox Day started to attack Peterson? Is it because he has rational, rather than supernatural, explanations for human behaviour?

* Vox: No, it is not because he has rational explanations for human behavior. It is because I correctly scented the unmistakable aroma of bullshit and sulfur, looked into it, and discovered the following:

1. He’s an intellectual fraud.
2. He is pushing an evil philosophy on the unsuspecting and the unsophisticated.
3. He is NWO.
4. He de-platformed Faith Goldy for her associations, but is connected to John Podesta and the UN.
5. His 12 Laws book should be subtitled “A Beginner’s Guide to Spirit Cooking”

* Peterson actually doesn’t believe what he says. He disinvited Faith Goldy from the college free speech event for appearing as a guest on an ethno-nationalist podcast, while he himself appeared on an ethno-nationalist (Tara McCarthy) podcast.

* Vox Day – in your latest post on Jordan Peterson, you write as follows:

“Anyone who is going [to] tell me that I should not take pride in the tradition that my grandfather established for me, for my brothers, and for my children, can go to Hell. I have nothing but utter contempt for that attitude.”

This is a mistake. It all depends on one’s conception of “pride.” On some understandings of the word, one can only reasonably take pride in one’s own accomplishments – i.e., in things that one has earned, and that do one credit.

So, for example, one cannot reasonably take pride in one’s genetic endowments, since one did nothing to earn or to deserve them. One can only reasonably take pride in what one has chosen to do with ones endowments. Similarly, one cannot reasonably take pride in the accomplishments of one’s ancestors, since, again, one did nothing to earn or to deserve those accomplishments.

One can and should, of course, respect and admire those accomplishments, look up to them as an example, seek to emulate them, and so on. But take “pride” in them? On this view, that’s just to misunderstand the nature of proper pride. This seems to be more or less where Peterson is coming from.

Do you really believe that to think of “pride” in this way is evil and depraved? That just seems kind of crazy.

* Vox, I am a fan of your work, but, with all respect, on this issue you’re coming off as a bit unhinged. JP is arguing, through his massive megaphone, that some people are successful because they’ve earned it. They’ve worked hard, they are smart, they have disciplined themselves. He also argues that western culture should not be dismantled, because it works better than others, it has merit. He disassembles our ideological enemies like no one else today. And he inspires young men to DO SOMETHING. God knows they need that message. Sorry if he doesn’t quote Aristotle enough for you or was on a panel with ideological enemies. But as the kids say, whatever. He is doing good. He is teaching an entire generation to doubt and fear the left.

With all due respect, if you’re asking us fellow travelers on the right to choose between Vox and JP, you might not like the result.

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A Conversation With A Lutheran Pastor


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CBC Doco – What’s With The Jews?

From the CBC:

Their contribution to humanity is enormous, unique and exceedingly difficult to explain. From Moses to Maimonides, to Mahler, Marx, Freud, Einstein and some 197 Nobel Prize laureates, the stunning social, scientific and artistic accomplishments of the Jews raise an obvious question. How do they do it?

The story of huge overrepresentation at the top is the same wherever you look. How does 1/500th of the world’s population produce so many prominent musicians, architects, lawyers, doctors, journalists, comedians and directors? A third of the medical faculty at Harvard is Jewish, as are nearly 40 per cent of history’s world chess champions.

In 1954, New York State school tests revealed 28 students with IQs over 170. Astonishingly, 24 of them were Jewish.

“The numbers are bizarre. They make no sense at all,” says Montreal rabbi Reuben Poupko. For Harvard professor Steven Pinker “Jewish achievement is obvious; only the explanation is unclear.”

Calling Jewish success “colossal” and “extraordinary,” renowned British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins recently speculated that “something about the cultural tradition of Jews is way, way more sympathetic to science and learning and intellectual pursuits.”

Recent writings focus on wildly speculative hypotheses. Some suggest that Jews have been winnowed for success by pogrom and Holocaust. Others posit that Jews developed their minds in challenging professions after abandoning agriculture in the first Millenium. Still, others see a link between Ashkenazi genetic disorders and high intelligence.

Jewish genius remains a giant elephant in the room, today. “Jewish intellectual superiority is rarely if ever discussed in Jewish publications,” writes author Lewis Regenstein. “To some, these facts are awkward and even embarrassing, feeding stereotypes of ‘crafty’ Jews good at making money and flaunting their superiority to non-Jews.

”A good reason not to make the film? Perhaps. But we take the bolder approach of Prof. Pinker who noted recently: ‘In every age, taboo questions raise our blood pressure and threaten moral panic. But we cannot be afraid to answer them.'”

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Colin Liddell Interview


Colin has a new book out — Interviews and Obituaries:

From politicians and rock legends to famous artists and terrorists, author Colin Liddell collects together some of his most incisive and frankly oddball interviews and obituaries to build up a rich tapestry of late 20th century life and the start of the new Millennium. Among those included are “Zen pianist” Keith Jarrett, “rock chameleon” David Bowie, atomic bomber Paul Tibbets, sex-mad Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki, Beatles legend John Lennon, “supermodel genius” Heidi Klum, “internationla man of mystery” Osama Bin Laden, punk legends John Lydon and Vivienne Westwood, UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, murder victim Nicola Furlong, Iron Maiden’s “Renaissance Man” Bruce Dickinson, Tokyo Rose, Hugh Hefner, and the leader of the Japanese Communist Party.

Colin Liddell is on Twitter. His blog.

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