Category Archives: John J. Mearsheimer

Understanding Israel’s War In Gaza

John J. Mearsheimer and Sebastian Rosato write in their 2023 book, How States Think: The Rationality of Foreign Policy: …when states believe their survival is at stake, they do not hesitate to kill large numbers of civilians if such murderous … Continue reading

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Supporting Ukraine Is A Bigger Blunder Than Invading Iraq

In a speech uploaded to Youtube May 23, 2023, John J. Mearsheimer says supporting Ukraine against Russia is a much worse mistake than invading Iraq in 2003. “We committed a colossal blunder and I find it hard to see how … Continue reading

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Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International Politics

Here are some highlights from this 2011 book by John J. Mearsheimer: * I argue that there are sometimes good strategic reasons for leaders to lie to other countries as well as to their own people. International lying, in other … Continue reading

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Surviving Peace – John Mearsheimer full interview

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The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities By John J. Mearsheimer

Here are some excerpts from this 2018 book: Political liberalism, in fact, comes in two varieties: what some call modus vivendi liberalism and progressive liberalism, a terminology I use throughout this book.11 There are basically two important differences between them, … Continue reading

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