Tag Archives: Yeshiva University

‘Can Anyone Grow Up To Be (Shul) President?’

I get off my sickbed Shabbos afternoon and go to this lecture. Last year, a Young Israel shul hired a graduate of the most left-wing Orthodox yeshiva (Chovevei Torah) — as its assistant rabbi. A few months later in response, … Continue reading

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Feast Your Eyes Upon Orit Arfa’s Literary Works

On Tishu B’Av 2001, Orit Arfa came to my hovel and gave me a bracha. She told me she was working on a book on Genesis. I was fascinated. I wanted to learn more about her views on the first … Continue reading

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I Eat Lunch With The Homeless

Video At 11:45 a.m. as I was preparing to snag my beauty rest in the sun, I got a message that I could get a free lunch at a local shul that feeds the homeless. It seemed like a good … Continue reading

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Saving Isaac Hersh?

Save Isaac emails: Here is a letter publicized by Michael Hersh. The lines that start with FACT – are the counter claims to his propaganda. It is also EXTREMELY important to let everyone know the sequence of events PRIOR to … Continue reading

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Tranquility Bay

The Awareness Center posts March 28: Isaac Hersh was being held at Tranquility Bay, a boot camp in Jamaica, which was known for using severe corporal punishment on the children. Allegations have been made that Isaac’s parents (Miriam and Michael … Continue reading

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