Youtube’s Moderators Can’t Read On A Sixth Grade Level

Watch the deleted video below:

From my March 4, 2021 video above:

00:00 Trump Has Been Good For The GOP,
06:15 Sanford Levinson: How Much Do Elections Matter?,
11:00 Rush Limbaugh’s legacy,
16:40 Dr. Seuss nonsense,
22:00 A Failure of Governance in Texas,
36:00 Tom Landry: Prisoner of his Own Myth,
1:09:00 Constitutional Dictatorship: Its Dangers and Its Design,
1:26:20 Fidelity to law & constitutional dictatorship,
1:28:30 Gad Saad: My Chat with Jordan Peterson – Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life,
1:36:00 Covid-19 death rates 10 times higher in countries where most adults are overweight,
1:41:00 QAnon is not going anywhere,
1:48:00 The Reality of Electoral Fraud,
1:50:00 A Return to the (Lack of) Evidence of Significant Fraud,
2:08:00 We Had the Vaccine the Whole Time,
2:18:00 #501: Steven Pressfield on The Artist’s Journey, the Wisdom of Little Successes, Shadow Careers, and Overcoming Resistance,
2:41:00 In the summer of 1995, I began working on a documentary about what women want,
2:50:00 What Women Want 20,
2:56:00 What Women Want 34.5,
2:58:00 Stormy Daniels in Feb. 2007,

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Turning to content creators for mental health support (4-20-21) “The first thing to understand about humanity is that most human beings have very little character. They have minimal moral motivation (, and weak internal motivations in general. They are easily swayed by circumstances, especially by people around them. So the reason why your neighbor doesn’t grab your wallet or punch you in the face when you annoy him is not that it would be wrong to do so. The reason is that it’s against the social norms — he doesn’t see other people doing that, he knows that other people would disapprove of it, and society might punish such behavior. That’s really the main reason.

People’s allegiance to social norms is emotional, not intellectual. They just feel like they have to follow the norms. So they’re not very subtle about it — e.g., people aren’t very good at distinguishing good social norms from bad ones. Also, some of the norms are vague and general, like “Treat people with a certain level of respect, even when you disagree with them.”

The most valuable thing that America has — the thing that makes things go better in innumerable ways than the way they go in 99% of other societies — is not its wealth, nor its particular laws and policies, nor even its Constitution. The most valuable thing is a set of norms and institutions that managed to take hold and become stable. Or at least metastable.”

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Where Do I Trust The New York Times? (4-20-21)

Martin Gurri writes: Slouching Toward Post-Journalism: The New York Times and other elite media outlets have openly embraced advocacy over reporting.

Traditional newspapers never sold news; they sold an audience to advertisers. To a considerable degree, this commercial imperative determined the journalistic style, with its impersonal voice and pretense of objectivity. The aim was to herd the audience into a passive consumerist mass. Opinion, which divided readers, was treated like a volatile substance and fenced off from “factual” reporting.

The digital age exploded this business model. Advertisers fled to online platforms, never to return. For most newspapers, no alternative sources of revenue existed: as circulation plummets to the lowest numbers on record, more than 2,000 dailies have gone silent since the turn of the century. The survival of the rest remains an open question.

Led by the New York Times, a few prominent brand names moved to a model that sought to squeeze revenue from digital subscribers lured behind a paywall. This approach carried its own risks. The amount of information in the world was, for practical purposes, infinite. As supply vastly outstripped demand, the news now chased the reader, rather than the other way around. Today, nobody under 85 would look for news in a newspaper. Under such circumstances, what commodity could be offered for sale?

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Derek Chauvin Found Guilty On All Charges

00:00 Joseph vs Dooovid, The white supremacists rabbi,
20:00 Nathan Cofnas vs Kevin MacDonald,
1:21:00 Derek Chauvin verdict
2:01:40 David Starkey is Cancelled,
2:05:00 David Starkey on the Covid response,
2:08:45 You want your scientists on tap but not on top
2:13:20 Microcosmographia Academica,
2:16:00 F.M. Cornford’s guide to academic politics is as good as new,
2:47:45 “The future after the Covid crisis“ with Dr David Starkey,
3:15:00 Heather MacDonald says we are moving towards a race war,
3:22:00 Rising white identity politics
3:24:00 Heather MacDonald talks to James Delingpole,
3:40:00 Black privilege

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Derek Chauvin’s Murder Trial Enters Final Week (4-19-21)

00:00 Nextdoor launches the anti-racism notification
03:00 George Floyd riots, Derek Chauvin trial,
20:00 NYT: Alex Jones’s Podcasting Hecklers Face Their Foil’s Downward Slide,
23:00 Diane Lane Talks About Her 18th Birthday on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show 1983
27:00 The globalists are taking over and you’re going to die
53:00 The nutty conservatives libs like
55:00 ‘Is there a tradeoff between motherhood and artistic creativity?’
59:00 On Being Sane in Insane Places,
1:07:00 ‘It is closing time in the gardens of the West’,
1:13:00 How God Becomes Real: Kindling the Presence of Invisible Others,
1:22:00 A Different Way of Thinking About Cancel Culture,
1:26:00 Alex Jones Rants as an Indie Folk Song,
1:30:300 Bill Mahr on covid panic
1:38:00 Hawking Hawking: The Selling of a Scientific Celebrity,
1:48:00 Alex Jones vs Brian Stelter
1:50:00 Deposition of Paul Joseph Watson – November 27, 2019,
1:54:10 Saagar Enjeti: New MAGA ‘Populist’ Think Tank Is PURE GRIFT,
1:59:00 Michelle Malkin on anarcho-tyranny
2:07:00 Dr. David Starkey: I Was Cancelled but I Won’t be Silenced for Speaking Objective Truth,
2:23:40 Tucker Carlson on Derek Chauvin trial

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