Tag Archives: luke ford

Jews Live Among Us

I found myself listed among "cultural figures" here: http://aryannordicalpinealiens.blogspot.com/2008/09/jews-live-amongs-us.html Luke Ford, Los Angeles gossip columnist, journalist, moral leader (converted)

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I’m Ripe For A Federal Takeover

From my live cam chat: ChaimAmalek:  Given the severely undercapitalized state of Luke Ford Enterprises, I’m afraid the time is nigh for a federal takeover. ChaimAmalek:  Are there any females here, or is this another sausage fest? RyoScotalnd:  Last Female … Continue reading

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Luke Ford/Marc Gafni Discuss ‘The Dark Knight’

Click here to listen. I’m not into comic books, even when they’re called "graphic novels." I’m not into super-heroes and movies based on them. I went to see "The Dark Knight" last week because Marc Gafni wanted to do a … Continue reading

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Vegetarianism Is Now The Cutting Edge Of Fashion

David Deutsch emails: Luke Ford is certainly no stranger to virtually prescient, uber-trendy fashionableness. After all, Luke was a dreamy Aussie expat with a heretical father and a complicated relationship to California’s Jewish community long before Mel Gibson made it … Continue reading

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Dave Deutsch Tells Me: You Had The Best Years Of My Life

Dave, the world’s worst comic, emails: I read about the role of a beard too, but it was in Lesbianism Review, and it didn’t really interest me. Going over the stuff in my section on your website, I really think … Continue reading

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