Tag Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Rabbis & Communism

Marc B. Shapiro’s latest post is up on the Seforim blog: …Yet in the entire history of the Jewish people I don’t know of any source that says that it is good to be poor… …The notion that it is … Continue reading

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Marc Shapiro Interview

After havdala Saturday night, I seize on the sentimental moment to ask Marc B. Shapiro for an interview before he leaves town. He says he’s leaving tonight. "May I drive you to the airport?" I ask. He agrees. There’s a … Continue reading

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Who Was The Rogachover?

I heard from professor Marc B. Shapiro this week that the Rogachover was the preeminent genius of the 20th Century. Who was this Hasidic sage? I found this story on Google from Ruby Stein: A story about the Rogachover that … Continue reading

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I Need A Woman Who’ll Make Me Feel Like Dr Marc B. Shapiro For A Night

I was so knocked out by the scholar’s enthusiasm and erudition that I want to add his personality to my Sybil-like pantheon of performance possibilities. I want to be able to snap my fingers and say at any time day … Continue reading

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Why Are There No Female Saints In Judaism?

Professor Marc B. Shapiro writes: Since I mentioned some stories from Halakhic Man that show that the Rav did not have a Modern Orthodox ethos, I will also say something about the following story, which some have wondered about. Once … Continue reading

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