Tag Archives: orthodox rabbi

‘I Have Never Forgotten You’

On Tisha B’Av, it is the Jewish way not to greet each other. As I walked around this Tisha B’Av, I kept asking myself, "How is this day different from all other days?" In Luke Ford Land, it is always … Continue reading

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Emancipation & Enlightenment

Here’s a partial transcript of sociologist Steven Cohen’s talk July 10, 2008: Steven: "If you want to understand people, you need to know two things about them. Who do they hang out with and what do they value?" He talks … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbi Advocates Free Love

I caught the Shabbos morning sermon by Shalhevet’s new moral leader Rabbi Elchanan Weinbach. He noted that the Talmud says the second temple was destroyed because of needless hatred (sinat chinam) among Jews. Rabbi Weinbach gave the familiar but impractical … Continue reading

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Why People Become Orthodox

From Hirhurim: Orthodox Rabbi Kenneth Brander is the inaugural Dean of Yeshiva University, Center for the Jewish Future (CJF). Rabbi Brander is also the Rabbi Emeritus of the Boca Raton Synagogue, founding dean of the Boca Raton Community Kollel, and … Continue reading

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How Would God Vote?

Nachum Lamm writes in response’s to Rabbi Gil Student’s critique of David Klinghoffer’s latest book: "Be that as it may, what about the hundreds if not thousands of years during which Jewish communities supported their local poor as collectives. Does … Continue reading

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