Tag Archives: gil student

The Blog ‘Hirhurim’ Becomes A Book

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Today marks the end of the Hirhurim blog’s fifth year. I’d like to thank all of the readers and commenters, and all of my fellow posters: the regulars — Steve, Joel and R. Ari; and the … Continue reading

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Destroying Amalek

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The Purpose of the Priestly Garments R. Mordechai Willig reminds us to emulate the character of Aharon HaKohen in our everyday conduct: link R. Shalom Rosner discusses many halachic aspects of the Bigdei Kehunah: link (audio) … Continue reading

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Is It OK To Have Sex With A Goy To Save Klal Yisrael?

The prospect fills me with horror but if I could save the whole Jewish people by committing one tiny eeny wheeny indiscretion with a really hot and powerful shiksa who loved to read books, I suppose I could muster the … Continue reading

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Can Women Read The Megillah For Men?

Orthodox Rabbi Gil Student writes: There is a recent news item quoting R. Ovadiah Yosef as permitting women to read megillah on Purim for men (Haaretz, Arutz Sheva). This is in the news because R. Yosef recently said it publicly … Continue reading

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Confronting Religious Diversity

Rabbi Gil Student writes: A significant theological problem that has come to widespread attention over the last century is that of religious diversity. There are other religions whose devoted followers are often intelligent and pious, and take their traditions and … Continue reading

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