Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

Are You Optimistic About America?

Dennis Prager writes: Commentary Magazine asked 41 Americans to respond to this question: “Are you optimistic or pessimistic about America’s future?” The responses, including my own, appear in the current issue of Commentary. As we were limited to 500 words, … Continue reading

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Four Negative Results Of Feminism

Dennis Prager writes: The first was the feminist message to young women to have sex just like men do. There’s no reason for young women to lead a different sexual life than men, they were told. Just as men can … Continue reading

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What Does It Mean To Walk Humbly With God?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “Walk humbly with your God is another challenge to religious people. Don’t wear God on your sleeve. Walk humbly with your God. God should be omnipresent as a guide to good behavior … Continue reading

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Can You Pray The Gay Away?

Dennis Prager writes: Last week, The New York Times published an opinion piece by Karl W. Giberson and Randall J. Stephens, a physics professor and history professor at Eastern Nazarene College, respectively. The authors take evangelicals to task for being … Continue reading

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Men And Women From Broken Homes

I’ve never forgotten when pick-up artist Neil Strauss told me he wouldn’t date women from broken homes. They had too much psychological baggage. I was struck by that and thought back over my relationships and I remembered all the turbulence … Continue reading

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