Tag Archives: orthodox rabbi

The Curse Of Luke Ford

I imagine things from my rabbi’s perspective: Luke Ford was never my idea. Frankly, I blame Dennis Prager. This formerly Orthodox guy has a nationally syndicated radio show where he presents Judaism in very exciting terms, a little too exciting … Continue reading

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How The RCA Gave Away The Game To R. Shlomo Amar

Israel’s chief rabbis have traditionally divided up their duties — one would handle Beit Din (Jewish law court handling conversions, divorces, business disputes etc) stuff and the other would handle everything else including kashrut (Jewish dietary laws). Then, every five … Continue reading

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What Animates Rabbi Gershon Bess?

He’s the most powerful Orthodox rabbi in Los Angeles. The yeshiva and kollel communities look to him for guidance. He is the power behind the RCC. What does he want? What is his vision? He strikes me as a man … Continue reading

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Is It Permitted To Admire Goyim?

Many of the Orthodox kids I know collect cards of the great rabbis rather than baseball cards. Professor Marc B. Shapiro blogs: Although he might not be fired, any Modern Orthodox rabbi who stated as follows would also be in … Continue reading

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Cheating The Goyim

In my limited experience, most right-wing Orthodox rabbis permit cheating on taxes and other cheating of the goyim. Most Modern Orthodox rabbis I know forbid this behavior. A friend of mine recently wanted to pay cash to have his car … Continue reading

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