Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

What Does Adultery Teach Us About Somebody’s Character?

Dennis Prager writes: With Herman Cain’s announcement that he was suspending his presidential campaign because of the charges of sexual harassment and of a 13-year affair, issues are raised that the country would do well to think through. The two … Continue reading

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The Pepper Spray Incident At UC Davis

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “You need to watch the longer video to get the context. It’s exactly like the Rodney King beating where people didn’t see what preceded it. The media did their usual mischief-making by … Continue reading

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Your Spiritual Leader

I remember a few years ago, I was davening at this Modern Orthodox shul and the rabbi got up and said to the congregation, “When you chose me as your spiritual leader…” And I thought, “What the hell? I never … Continue reading

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Hard Luck Stories

I just heard a caller to the Dennis Prager show complaining that he can’t afford the $600 a month for Kaiser health insurance so he has to go without. He said he worked about 20 hours a week as a … Continue reading

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Left-Wing Hysteria From Heterosexual AIDS To Global Warming

Dennis Prager writes: Outside of the rarefied confines of climate science, the vast majority of people who believe the man-made global warming thesis know nothing about climate science and the vast majority of skeptics also know nothing about climate science. … Continue reading

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