Tag Archives: rsquo

MINDsprinting Interview

I talked by phone Tuesday morning with Doug Golden, who co-founded MINDsprinting.com with his brother Steve. Luke: "How did you get involved in this?" Doug: "I was an attorney for 25 years. My brother [Steve] founded an internet company that … Continue reading

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Will Israel Attack Iran?

By Dennis Prager It is difficult to imagine Israel attacking Iran. It is, however, more difficult to imagine Israel not attacking Iran. Consider three questions: First, does Iran mean what it says about destroying Israel? When its leaders repeatedly call … Continue reading

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Shalom Auslander And Abraham’s Call

From Nextbook: I am in Chicago, at the Hopleaf Bar on North Clark Street, one of the last stops on the U.S. portion of my book tour. What happens as I am on my way out of the bar has … Continue reading

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Frightened By The Conversion Controversy

Frightened posts to Cross-Currents: Again, there is an issue in that the court abolished ALL of the giyur done by R. Druckman and R. Avi-Or. The apologeticists and attackers keep framing this debate in terms of extremes, in which a … Continue reading

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The Conversion Controversy

Rav Yitzhock Adlerstein writes: Several weeks into the current conversion fracas, and I have participated in a webcam debate, read two of Rabbi Sherman’s piskei din, plus teshuvos both modern and pre-modern, several articles in Techumin, a few chapters of … Continue reading

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