Tag Archives: radio show

Victory In Dennis

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “Go to my website DennisPrager.com where we have a winning in November pledge. On the very top is a “Winning in November” take the pledge. All you are doing is pledging support … Continue reading

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No More Barriers For Women, Blacks, Hispanics

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “President Obama appointed two women to the U.S. Supreme Court. So what? At what point will the liberal shut up on this issue and realize that there are no barriers to women … Continue reading

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Israeli Radio In Los Angeles

I didn’t know there was a Los Angeles-based Israeli radio station online at israla.com. I’ll be a guest Tuesday night. Liami Lawrence posts to my Facebook: Infamous Blogger Luke Ford, Israel’s first Bedioun Diplomat Ish Khaldi ( former Deputy Consul … Continue reading

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Helen Thomas Resigns

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: “I’ve never liked Helen Thomas but I’ve never bothered spending time about her. She was always this far-left voice in the press corps. She was tolerated because of her age and being … Continue reading

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You Should Earn Self-Esteem By Doing Estimable Things

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “That’s the only estimable coinage. The rest is counterfeit. Counterfeit self-esteem either produces narcissism or profound unhappiness when the day comes that I recognize it has been counterfeit.” Caller: “We have a … Continue reading

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