Tag Archives: rsquo

I’m Thinking Of Trying Yoga

A friend suggests: Yoga – My suggestion would be to: try Yogaworks – they have a two week special for new students, unlimited yoga for $30.    www.yogaworks.com Take their level 1-2 classes, and don’t get discouraged after one lesson.  Try … Continue reading

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In, Deeper

Joe emails: Marc Gafni needs either Barry White or one of those louche 70s disco soundtracks. The last two lines sound like something you might find on a black velvet poster (italics and bold mine): We are on a journey to Love. For as the … Continue reading

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What Do Converts Have To Do To Get Accepted?

This post by Toby Katz mirrors my experience: "In all the articles and comments about whether Ba’alei Teshuva are fully accepted in Frum from Birth communities, one major factor I haven’t seen mentioned is the character of the individual BT. … Continue reading

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Falling Into Sin

I heard a lot of perplexing things during two years of Daf Yomi but none more perplexing than the case of the man who fell off a roof and into sex with a woman. What an acrobat, I thought. Then there’s the … Continue reading

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The John Edwards Story: Another Black Eye For The LA Times

These clowns can’t get out of their own way. It’s so satisfying to see this arrogant institution humbled. Kevin Roderick reports: Executive editor Meredith Artley of the Times website follows up in an email to Times bloggers: From: Artley, Meredith … Continue reading

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