Tag Archives: gil student

AIG Bonuses

Rabbi Gil Student writes: "R. Dr. Asher Meir published an article from two weeks about an AIG executive’s Op-Ed in the NY Times in which he announced his resignation (Op-Ed in NYT, Asher Meir). Dr. Meir calls the letter "a … Continue reading

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Is Hinduism Idol Worship?

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Avodah Zarah is loosely translated as idolatry or polytheism. I don’t know much about Hinduism but as I read Dr. Nathan Katz‘s memoirs of his journey from studying Hinduism to becoming an Orthodox Jew, I was … Continue reading

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Avoiding Danger

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Because of this responsum’s importance, I would like to summarize its contents: Every person has an individual, set lifespan (cf. Ex. 23:26; Isa. 38:5; Ps. 39:5). This lifespan can be lengthened as a reward for doing … Continue reading

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Checking My Investment Portfolio

I check mine obsessively, always weighing up my number of mitzvos and comparing them to my number of averas. At the moment, these two sides of the ledger are dead even. Rabbi Gil Student writes: Some people are tempted to … Continue reading

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Refusing To Eat In Other People’s Homes

Rabbi Gil Student writes: "There is a practice among some to refrain from eating at the home of others on Passover (what I believe some call "mishing"). While it is difficult to pin down a label of permissible or forbidden … Continue reading

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