Tag Archives: Dennis Prager

I’m Now Rooting For Rick Santorum

I won’t be depressed if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee. I much prefer him to John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential candidate. Over the past eight months, I’ve swung from rooting for Michelle Bachmann to Rick Perry to Herman … Continue reading

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You Have To Make An Effort

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Marmer said: “Happiness, love, creativity, will power, all of them need input. Entropy, the tendency for things to disintegrate, is the default state. If we don’t put energy in, we’re going … Continue reading

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Run Your Fingers Through Her Hair To Get Bang For Your Buck

I’m listening to Alison Armstrong on the Dennis Prager show. Dennis: “You have to be politically incorrect or you can not tell the truth.” Alison, talking about women: “We [sometimes] avoid communicating with you [men], connecting with you.” “You [men] … Continue reading

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Don’t Celebrate Christmas Because God Didn’t Command It

Jews often ask me if I miss celebrating Christmas. Well, in my Christian upbringing, we didn’t celebrate Christmas because it was a man-made tradition. Like many Seventh-Day Adventists, we didn’t celebrate Christmas growing up (the kids got gifts) because God … Continue reading

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What Do You Have To See In LA?

On his radio show Dec. 15, 2011, Dennis Prager says: “Yesterday my wife and I went to the Walt Disney Concert Hall. “It’s wonderful living in LA, but there isn’t much to see. It’s not a tourist attraction like San … Continue reading

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