Donald Trump Vs Neo-Cons

Boyd D. Cathey writes:

Let’s go deeper: various authors and historians, including Prof. Paul Gottfried, Prof. Claes Ryn, and Gary Dorrien (in his path-breaking volume, The Neoconservative Mind) have documented that the present-day “Mainstream Conservative Movement,” is, in fact, composed of power-seeking, self-congratulatory, and corrupt Neocon New York/DC elites, whose thin and venal intellectual fiber is the antithesis of an older, American conservatism.

More recently columnist Tucker Carlson, in Politico Magazine has observed exactly the thing. He writes about how baffled the Mainstream/Neocon Republican brain trust remains about Donald Trump’s rise: “In the case of Trump…the GOP shares the blame, and not just because his fellow Republicans misdirected their ad buys or waited so long to criticize him. Trump is in part a reaction to the intellectual corruption of the Republican Party. That ought to be obvious to his critics, yet somehow it isn’t. [Tucker Carlson, “Donald Trump is Shocking, Vulgar…and Right: And, My Dear Republicans, It is All You Fault,” Politico Magazine ]

The Mainstream/Neocons control most foundations, think tanks, and publications that claim to be “conservative.” They provide the policy wonks for every GOP presidential candidate, except Trump. They exercise tight control over much Republican Party thinking, such as it is. This is, of course, key to the recent frantic, even desperate printed salvo by 22 Neocon writers in the Neocon publication, National Review. Trump threatens their authoritarian intellectual–and financial—control over the febrile and castrated supposed “opposition” to the onrushing Progressivism that is destroying this country. He represents a citizen profile which is truly “populist conservative,” and NOT elitist “movement conservative.” And that literally scares the “you know what” out of them….

For years since they infiltrated and subverted the older rightwing traditional conservative movement, which began back in the 1950s, the Neocons have offered rosy solutions which have led what is left of this nation into a succession of unwinnable wars, faulty nation-building, miserable failures and misadventures in foreign policy. They have pushed their secular nostrums with a quasi-religious zeal, inherited from their previous devotion to Leon Trotsky’s Marxist globalism, to impose liberal democracy and egalitarianism on every 13th century corner of the globe, including creating model peoples’ democracies in Uzkekistan, Zimbabwe, Upper Volta, and, even Lower Slobbovia. (If you don’t know where that is, go look up cartoonist Al Capp.) In this they’ve failed totally. The God-given Laws of Nature can’t be changed, even by the likes of George Will, John Bolton, or even Charles Krauthammer….

Domestically, their egalitarianism and mania for equality has led many formerly traditional conservative publications, especially National Review, and many so-called “conservative” writers, including Jonah Goldberg, and writers for The Wall Street Journal and The Weekly Standard, plus Fox News pundits, to accept–and defend–same sex marriage as “conservative.” Now, some at NR even suggests that “transgenderism” may be “conservative.” What’s next? Incest as a “conservative” value? Actually, that’s been proposed in Germany. Expect to see Jonah Goldberg eventually writing in The Wall Street Journal defending it.

And the Neocons, especially at National Review and commentators on Fox (e.g. Krauthammer, Steve Hayes, George Will, Jonah Goldberg, et al), increasingly denounce, for example, Russia because it refuses to sanction same sex marriage and does not guarantee full “equality” for and lavish praise on its gay population. Given their fundamental philosophy, this is logical. It is they who are the ones afraid of open debate, not Donald Trump. (Ted Cruz’s taunt on this issue is completely laughable.)

Remember this quote by a National Review writer several years ago that actually let the cat out of the bag? Here is “conservative,” uber-Zionist writer Stephen Schwartz writing for NR, that formerly conservative publication founded by the late William F. Buckley:

“To my last breath, I will defend Trotsky who alone and pursued from country to country and finally laid low in his own blood in a hideously hot house in Mexico City, said no to Soviet coddling to Hitlerism, to the Moscow purges, and to the betrayal of the Spanish Republic, and who had the capacity to admit that he had been wrong about the imposition of a single-party state as well as about the fate of the Jewish people. To my last breath, and without apology. Let the neofascists and Stalinists in their second childhood make of it what they will.” [see Paul Gottfried’s commentary on, April 17, 2007]

You tell me how any of this is truly “conservative,” at least as many of us once understood that term back in the 1960s?

Mainstream /Neoconservatism is at odds fundamentally and philosophically with the older, traditional conservatism that actually created this country in the late 1780s, what one writer has called “gut conservatism,” which reflects those familial and inherited beliefs and customs that first annealed this republic. What is amorphously termed “conservatism” today is largely farcical, a bunch of self-important, self-appointed endlessly-arguing “thought-setters” who end up talking to themselves and to an ever-shrinking circle of chattering class readers….all the while a much, much larger group of Americans sink inevitably into the defecated morass of a culturally and politically poisonous black hole, AKA, America circa 2016.

Donald Trump may not really know the value of his candidacy. But, in fact, he is now challenging frontally that rotten and poisonous “Mainstream/Neocon” narrative. He is reaching far beyond just the “movement” and their deleterious ideas and policies. And now, with the attack on Trump by the most prominent vehicle of the Mainstream/Neocon elites, National Review, and by its incestuous partner-in-crime, the Murdoch media empire, the war is fully joined.


* May I just say that I am thoroughly sick and tired of this meme going around—now found in the mouths of callers-in to radio talk shows, influential members of the media, and even presidential candidate Jeb Bush himself—to the effect of, “If Donald Trump can’t handle questions from Megyn Kelly, how’s he gonna handle Putin?”

We may recall that it was Kelly herself who initiated this little quip the day after the first FOX debate, when Trump gave her the dressing down she so richly deserved. I don’t doubt that in the imaginary universe that exists in Kelly’s mind (the one that revolves around her) the notion that Trump is afraid of her has some truth value. In the real world, however, it is devoid of substance; and it is quite telling that the rest of the Republican Beta Brigade would latch on to and repeat little miss Megyn’s bit of self-flattering fiction. By doing so they have demonstrated not only weakness but a lack of any respect for truth.

In the first place, Trump is not afraid of Megyn Kelly. Not in any way, shape, or form.

In the second place, Putin does not need to be “handled.” Vladimir Putin is an immensely gifted leader and an Orthodox Christian who has never threatened the interests of the American people. He is a threat only to the Anglo-Zionist Neoconservative Empire. I’m sure Trump and Putin would get along just fine. For the Beta Brigade to use Putin as a stock villain is only a sort of moral preening meant to dog-whistle the support of reflexively anti-Russian GOP voters of the elderly, working class demographic—the very people the party has been throwing under the bus for decades now. It isn’t going to work anymore. Those people are either dead, indifferent, disgusted, or voting Trump.

The dastardliness here is so obvious that it’s almost subtle and easy to overlook, but it is so decisive that it has to be called out and brought into focus. When Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush accuse Donald Trump of being afraid of Megyn Kelly, they are saying something that they damn well know is not even true and are doing so by entering beta-like into the fictional self-importance of the current it-girl while demonizing the strongest and best Christian leader the world has on offer.

Are these really the men we want for president?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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