The Neocon Takeover Of The Conservative Movement

Paul Gottfried and Pat Buchanan don’t make the list. Nobody from Chronicles magazine (paleo-conservative). Ann Coulter and Mark Steyn are near the top, but their foreign policy has been largely neocon.

From RightWingNews:

50) Katie Kieffer
49) Thomas Purcell
48) Rachel Alexander
47) Kathy Shaidle
46) Susan Stamper Brown
45) Debra Saunders
44) Ben Domenech
43) Daniel Greenfield
42) Jeff Jacoby
41) John Fund
40) David Harsanyi
39) Cal Thomas
38) Jamie Weinstein
37) Mike Adams
36) Jack Kelly
35) Michael Barone
34) Doug Giles
33) Erick Erickson
32) Ross Douthat
31) James Antle
30) Philip Klein
29) Andrew McCarthy
28) John Ransom
27) Glenn Reynolds
26) Charles Cooke
25) Charles Krauthammer
24) Larry Elder
23) Dennis Prager
22) John Nolte
21) Megan McArdle
20) Matt Lewis
19) David Limbaugh
18) Todd Starnes
17) Rich Lowry
16) Kevin Williamson
15) John Stossel
14) Ashe Schow
13) Walter Williams
12) James Pethokoukis
11) Michelle Malkin
10) Victor Davis Hanson
9) Byron York
8) Milo Yiannopoulos
7) Ben Shapiro
6) Jonah Goldberg
5) Kurt Schlichter
4) Thomas Sowell
3) Ann Coulter
2) Mark Steyn
1) Matt Walsh

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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