The Jewish Bed

Rabbi Ari Enkin writes:

According to halacha it is forbidden to position one’s bed in a way that it stretches from east to west but rather it must run north-south.[2] This halacha originates from the Gemara[3] which teaches that it is best to position one’s bed that it run from north to south as doing so accompanies with it a number of benefits as we will see. It is explained by the commentators that this directive of how to place one’s bed applies to those who are married and at those times when one’s wife will be sleeping with him.[4] Even when alone however it is best to sleep in such a position,[5] especially if one sleeps naked.[6] There are also a number of additional recommended positions for the placement of the limbs of one’s body when sleeping as well.[7] Nevertheless, if for whatever reason one is unable to position oneself or one’s bed in a north-south arrangement one need not "loose sleep" over it. In fact, it would even be permissible to have relations with one’s wife in an east-west direction if need be.[8]

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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