Faith, Reason And Jihadism

From Dennis Prager:

Thursday February 7, 2008
Prager H1: Dennis talks to George Weigel, Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. His latest book is Faith, Reason, and the War Against Jihadism: A Call to Action. How does the West, that more and more believes in nothing, defend itself against a fanatical, destructive belief system, radical Islam?.. Mitt Romney, speaking in Washington before the Conservative Political Action Committee, announces that he’s giving up his presidential bid.

   Length: 00:34:20

Thursday February 7, 2008
H2: Romney Resigns With Dennis Prager
Prager H2: Mitt Romney pulled out the race today. He gave a very impressive resignation speech, an excellent summary of the Republican/Democrat divide.  Here’s the transcript and a video.

   Length: 00:34:25

Thursday February 7, 2008
Prager H3:  Two articles one in The City Journal of New York and the other in the The Times of London have the same theme – where have all the men gone? Men aren’t maturing. The new male is a man-boy.  NASA wants "softer" astronauts. The old model — the rugged test pilot — isn’t going to fly. Being tolerant and affable is more important.

   Length: 00:34:32

Konen emails:

Prager talks about a Tom Leykis covered article (did 3hrs on the feature – see the podcasts of leykis on in the ‘archives’).

My opinion – there is a book out there that DP covered on a past show, called ‘the war on boys’ where overprotective women in authority are stopping male development – schools and day camps for the youth. Everything and every sport is getting ‘PC’ to the point where boys cannot be boys. 
The City Journal piece, as Tom discovered, was written by a woman who wants to be a grandma, but her two daughters can’t find men….THAT is her motive, blinded by self-interest perhaps. All in a so-called ‘neutral’ journal.  LOL
Tom said men don’t HAVE to match the mood of child and marriage-eager women, people living longer will produce a more laid back modern man. Women have natural instincts that are unable to make the shift. A shame for them, but there are enough babies being born and marriages going sour.
The UK one, by another author, just slams men overall – but at least it gets a male opinion in there. 219 comments last I checked. It was in Cliffs List.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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