Cathy Seipp For Surgeon General

Lewis Fein IMs: "I voted for change. In fact, I was so excited that, seconds after casting my ballot for America’s next president (campaign slogan: I’m not the only First Spouse with a pearl necklace), I ripped the pink voting sheet from the machine, joined arms with my fellow citizens and did a can-can, filled with joyous song. That’s right — we can take back this country! E-H-R-E-N-S-T-E-I-N!"

David Ehrenstein’s Erection Diaries:

Erection Day. November 1977

It’s finally happened! Ed Koch is mayor of New York. Lady Liberty light my torch!!! I stole a few seconds with Ed ("Hizzoner") and, our bodies covered in confetti and flash bulbs blinding my ability to pinch his beautiful tuchas, whispered: "Fuck Bess Meyerson. I mean fuck her. You know, screw her. Bottom line: we don’t need her anymore." Ed smiled and responded, "Davey, I can’t wait for you to enter Gracie Mansion."

Primary Day. Virgin Islands. February 1988

Gary Hart makes my heart flutter. I’d like to monkey with his business, thank you very much, Ms. Donna Rice.

Democratic National Convention. July 1992

There’s only one thing more wooden than Al Gore. I plan to find out tonight at 9:30 in room 069.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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